Avatar billede mc_goblen Praktikant
30. november 2004 - 11:30 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Active Sync 3.7

Jeg sidder på arbejdet og ønsker at oprette en Active Sync forbindelse mellem min PDA og min PC. Forbindelsen skal oprettes via BlueTooth.

Men problemet er, at for at få forbindelse til BlueTooth skal du ind under Forbindelseindstillinger i ActiveSync, og dette er ikke muligt da den automatisk åbner Tilslut-Guiden da den vil køre den først.

Hvordan slipper jeg uden om dette hvis jeg ikke har meget lyst til at sku ha' min cradle med op på arbejdet for først at oprette forbindelse den vej igennem?!
Avatar billede ladyhawke Novice
30. november 2004 - 12:02 #1
har du ikke noget software til BT forbindelse med din PDA? Jeg har en nokia tlf. hvor man kan bruge bluetooth, men det bruger ikke active sync
Avatar billede mc_goblen Praktikant
30. november 2004 - 23:34 #2
Problemet er at efter installation af Service Pack 2 overtager Windows selv styringen af BT, og det "kontrol-center" som jeg normalt har brugt blir deaktiveret. Nå, men det endte med at jeg lånte en cradle og klarede det den vej igennem. Dog kom der problemer med Active Sync efter jeg havde tilføjet BT nogle gange. (Grundet at COM-port numret automatisk blev talt op). Men jeg fandt en løsning på dette her:

Firstly, remove the Widcomm drivers and return to the native Xp driver, the Widcomms don't allow you to change the comm port allocation, the native does.

Then right click on your bluetooth icon to get the current settings for the ports in use, note the port numbers and whether they are incoming or outgoing.

Then follow the instruction below to re-assign the port numbers to a low enough value for (pc) activesync to see an incoming connection.

To reset your COM ports if you have added too many serial port devices or too many Serial Port profile devices, follow these steps:

a. Click Start, click Run, type devmgmt.msc, and then click OK.
b. Expand Ports, right-click the Standard Serial over Bluetooth link port for your outgoing connection, and then click Properties.
c. Click Advanced on the Port Settings tab, click COM8 in the COM Port Number box, and then click OK.
d. Right-click the Standard Serial over Bluetooth link port for your incoming connection, and then click Properties.
e. Click Advanced on the Port Settings tab, click COM9 in the COM Port Number box, and then click OK.
f. Quit Device Manager.
g. Click Start, click Run, type wcesmgr.exe, and then click OK.
h. On the File menu, click Connection Settings.
i. In the Allow serial cable or infrared connection to this COM port box, click COM9, and then click OK.

If you have more than one of each port in use and no other bluetooth devices re-assign all outgoing to 8 and all incoming to 9. When I did it I was warned about port sharing altering use of other devices, I shared anyway.

Once the ports have been reassigned as above delete the original pairing of the SPV from activesync on the pc.

Reset the pc, connect the SPV into the cradle and set up the new pairing as normal. Check in connection settings that serial cable connection is checked.

Remove the SPV from the cradle, check SPV bluetooth is set to "ON" and not "Discoverable" then select activesync and connect via bluetooth, once connected all activesync functionality is available including pass-through internet to save those GPRS costs

Direkte Link:

Jeg lukker spørgsmålet igen, men siger tak for din interesse.
Avatar billede ladyhawke Novice
01. december 2004 - 10:11 #3
helt i orden, rart at du fandt løsningen
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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