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27. april 2006 - 23:09 Der er 2 kommentarer og
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Balloon Tips

Hej jeg har lidt problemer med det her script... jeg er ved at lave et mod af mirc.. og så ville jeg lave dette smarte popup... det virker også fint på den klient jeg modder ud fra, men tager jeg hele mirc mappen og flytter den over på en anden maskine så virker den ikke... den melder den her fejl:

/drawpic; invalid paraneters (Line 38, ppop.mrc)

Fint nok (koden)

; Picwin popups addon                v1.0 ;
; Coded by greeny (http://www.nnscript.de) ;
; main aliases
alias ppop {
  if ($1 == -q) {
    tokenize 32 [ [ $var(%ppop.queue.*.*:*,1) ] ]
    var %ct = $gettok($var(%ppop.queue.*.*:*,1),4,46)
    unset $var(%ppop.queue.*.*:*,1)
  else { var %ct = $asctime(H:nn:ss) }
  tokenize 1 $strip($1-)
  var %h = $wrap($2,Tahoma,11,$calc(%ppop.width -14),0),%w = $calc(%h *14+55),%t = $width($1,Tahoma,11,1),%s = $1,%u = $2,%x,%y,%gh
  if ($1 != -q) && ($window(@ppop)) {
    set $+(%,ppop.queue.,$ticks,$rand(10000,99999),.,$asctime(H:nn:ss)) $+(%s,,%u)
    drawtext -rbp @ppop %ppop.color.bg %ppop.color.border "Small Fonts" 8 1 0 mIRC $version notification $iif($var(%ppop.queue.*.*,0),$nbr($v1 in queue)) 
  else {
    if (t? iswm %ppop.pos) { %y = 0 }
    else { %y = $calc($window(-1).h - %w) }
    if (?l iswm %ppop.pos) { %x = 0 }
    else { %x = $calc($window(-1).w - %ppop.width) }
    if (%ppop.offset) {
      %x = $calc(%x + %ppop.xoffset)
      %y = $calc(%y + %ppop.yoffset)
    if (!$window(@ppop)) { %gh = 1 }
    window -hnBdfiopk0 +dL @ppop %x %y %ppop.width %w
    if (%ppop.fade) { if (%gh) || ($timer(ppop.fade)) { ppop.fade in } }
    if (%ppop.transp.en) { if (!%ppop.fadecur.in) && (!%ppop.fadecur.out) { setlayer %ppop.transp @ppop } }
    elseif (!%ppop.fade) || ((!%ppop.fadecur.in) && (!%ppop.fadecur.out)) { setlayer 255 @ppop }
    drawrect -nrf @ppop %ppop.color.bg 1 0 0 %ppop.width %w
    drawrect -nrf @ppop %ppop.color.border 1 0 0 %ppop.width 10
    drawtext -nr @ppop %ppop.color.bg "Small Fonts" 8 $calc(%ppop.width - $width(%ct,Small Fonts,8) -2) 0 %ct
    drawtext -nrbp @ppop %ppop.color.bg %ppop.color.border "Small Fonts" 8 1 0 mIRC $version notification $iif($var(%ppop.queue.*.*,0),$nbr($v1 in queue)) 
    drawrect -nr @ppop %ppop.color.border 1 0 0 %ppop.width %w
    drawpic -cntros @ppop 16711935 6 16 18 18 4 $+(",$mircexe,")  <---- Det er Linie 28 ifølge min editor... men jeg kan ikke se hvad der er galt med den i forhold til min original ...
    drawtext -nro @ppop %ppop.color.text Tahoma 11 29 18 $iif(%t > $calc(%ppop.width -40),$mid($wrap( $+ %s,Tahoma,11,$calc(%ppop.width -40),0,1),2) $+ ...,%s)
    drawline -nr @ppop %ppop.color.border 1 0 40 30 40
    drawrect -nrf @ppop %ppop.color.border 1 30 38 5 5
    while (%h) {
      drawtext -nr @ppop %ppop.color.text Tahoma 11 9 $calc(%h *14+33) $wrap(%u,Tahoma,11,$calc(%ppop.width -14),%h)
      dec %h
    drawdot @ppop
    window -o @ppop
    if (%ppop.delay) {
      if (%ppop.fade) { .timerppop.close -io 1 %ppop.delay ppop.fade out }
      else { .timerppop.close -io 1 %ppop.delay ppop.doclose }
    if (%ppop.beep) { beep }
alias -l ppop.chkhl { if ($highlight) && ($highlight($1-)) && ($1- !isnum) { return $true } }
alias -l ppop.trig { if (%ppop.enabled) && ((!%ppop.nactive) || (!$appactive)) && ((!%ppop.naw) || (!$away)) && ($1 isin %ppop.events) { return $true } }
alias ppop.fade {
  var %b = $iif(%ppop.transp.en,%ppop.transp,255)
  if ($1 == in) {
    if (!%ppop.fadecur.in) && (!%ppop.fadecur.out) { setlayer 0 @ppop }
    if (!%ppop.fadecur.in) {
      set %ppop.fadecur.in $iif(%ppop.fadecur.out,$calc(%ppop.fadecur.out +((%b - %ppop.fadecur.out) % 20)),$iif(%ppop.transp.en,$calc(%ppop.transp % 20),15))
      .timerppop.fade -imo 0 15 setlayer % $+ ppop.fadecur.in @ppop $chr(124) inc % $+ ppop.fadecur.in 20 $chr(124) if (%ppop.fadecur.in > %b $+ ) $chr(123) .timerppop.fade off $chr(124) unset % $+ ppop.fadecur.in $chr(125)
      unset %ppop.fadecur.out
  else {
    set %ppop.fadecur.out $iif(%ppop.transp.en && $calc(%ppop.transp -(%ppop.transp % 20)) > 0,$v1,240)
    .timerppop.fade -imo 0 15 setlayer % $+ ppop.fadecur.out @ppop $chr(124) dec % $+ ppop.fadecur.out 20 $chr(124) if (%ppop.fadecur.out < 0) $chr(123) ppop.doclose $chr(125)
alias ppop.doclose {
  .timerppop.close off
  .timerppop.fade off
  unset %ppop.fadecur.*
  close -@ @ppop
  if ($var(%ppop.queue.*.*:*,0)) {
    if ($1 != -s) { ppop -q }
    else { unset %ppop.queue.* }
; events
on *:connect:{ if ($ppop.trig(n)) { ppop Connected to server!You are now connected to $server $iif($network,$nbr($v1)) $+ ! } }
on *:disconnect:{ if ($ppop.trig(i)) { ppop Disconnected from server!You have been disconnected from $server $iif($network,$nbr($v1)) $+ ! } }
on *:filercvd:*:{ if ($ppop.trig(d)) { ppop DCC get completed!DCC get $+(",$get(-1).file,") from $get(-1) finished. Downloaded $bytes($get(-1).size,3).suf $iif($get(-1).resumed,after resuming from $bytes($v1,3).suf) in $duration($get(-1).secs) at an average of $bytes($get(-1).cps,3).suf $+ /s. } }
on *:filesent:*:{ if ($ppop.trig(d)) { ppop DCC send completed!DCC send of $+(",$send(-1).file,") to $send(-1) finished. Uploaded $bytes($send(-1).size,3).suf $iif($send(-1).resumed,after resuming from $bytes($v1,3).suf) in $duration($send(-1).secs) at an average of $bytes($send(-1).cps,3).suf $+ /s. } }
on *:getfail:*:{ if ($ppop.trig(d)) { ppop DCC get failed!DCC get $+(",$get(-1).file,") from $get(-1) failed! Downloaded $+($bytes($get(-1).rcvd,3),/,$bytes($get(-1).size,3).suf) ( $+ $get(-1).pc $+ %) $iif($get(-1).resumed,after resuming from $bytes($v1,3).suf) in $duration($get(-1).secs) at an average of $bytes($get(-1).cps,3).suf $+ /s. } }
on *:sendfail:*:{ if ($ppop.trig(d)) { ppop DCC send failed!DCC send $+(",$send(-1).file,") to $send(-1) failed! Uploaded $+($bytes($send(-1).sent,3),/,$bytes($send(-1).size,3).suf) ( $+ $send(-1).pc $+ %) $iif($send(-1).resumed,after resuming from $bytes($v1,3).suf) in $duration($send(-1).secs) at an average of $bytes($send(-1).cps,3).suf $+ /s. } }
ctcp !*:*:*:{
  if ($1 == dcc) {
    if ($ppop.trig(d)) {
      if ($2 == send) { ppop Incoming DCC send! $+ $nick wants to send you $+(",$3,") ( $+ $bytes($6,3).suf $+ )! }
      elseif ($2 == chat) { ppop Incoming DCC chat! $+ $nick wants to chat with you! }
  elseif ($ppop.trig(t)) { ppop Incoming $+(CTCP!?,$nick,$iif($chan,: $+ $v1),?) $1- }
on !*:ctcpreply:*:{ if ($balloon.trig(t)) { ppop Incoming CTCP $+(reply!!,$nick,$iif($chan,: $+ $chan),!) $1- } }
on *:text:*:*:{
  var %o = $strip($1-)
  if ($ppop.trig(a)) && (((u isin %ppop.events) && (%ppop.ctrig) && ($regex(%o,%ppop.ctrig))) || (($ppop.chkhl(%o)) && (h isin %ppop.events))) {
    if ($chan) { ppop $chan $+(message!<,$iif($nick !isreg $chan,$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1)),$nick,>) $1- }
    else { ppop Query $+(message!<,$nick,>) $1- }
on *:action:*:*:{
  var %o = $strip($1-)
  if ($ppop.trig(a)) && (((u isin %ppop.events) && (%ppop.ctrig) && ($regex(%o,%ppop.ctrig))) || (($ppop.chkhl(%o)) && (h isin %ppop.events))) {
    if ($chan) { ppop $chan $+(message!<,$iif($nick !isreg $chan,$left($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,1)),$nick,>) $1- }
    else { ppop Query $+(message!<,$nick,>) $1- }
on !*:invite:*:{ if ($ppop.trig(v)) { ppop Invitation! $+ $nick invites you to join $chan } }
on !*:ban:*:{ if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) && ($ppop.trig(k)) { ppop You were banned! $+ $nick banned you in $chan $+ ! ( $+ $banmask $+ ) } }
on !*:kick:*:{ if ($knick == $me) && ($ppop.trig(k)) { ppop You've been kicked!You were kicked out of $chan by $nick $+ ! $iif($1- != $knick,Reason: $1-) } }
on !*:notice:*:*:{
  if ($ppop.trig(e)) {
    if ($chan) { ppop Incoming channel $+(notice!-,$nick,:,$chan,-) $1- }
    else { ppop Incoming $+(notice!-,$nick,-) $1- }
on *:unotify:{ if ($ppop.trig(f)) { ppop UnNotify! $+ $nick has left IRC! } }
on *:notify:{ if ($ppop.trig(f)) { ppop Notify! $+ $nick is now on IRC! } }
on *:open:?:{ if ($ppop.trig(q)) { ppop Incoming $+(query!<,$nick,>) $1- } }
on *:load:{
  set %ppop.version 1.0
  set %ppop.enabled 0
  set %ppop.transp.en 1
  set %ppop.transp 229
  set %ppop.naw 0
  set %ppop.delay 8
  set %ppop.fade 1
  set %ppop.width 250
  set %ppop.color.bg 14679551
  set %ppop.color.text 0
  set %ppop.color.border 0
  set %ppop.nactive 0
  set %ppop.beep 0
  set %ppop.pos br
  set %ppop.events antdihvkefq
  echo -ati2c info * Picwin popups addon by greeny loaded. Type /ppop.setup to configure.
on *:unload:{ unset %ppop.* }
on *:exit:{ unset %ppop.queue.* %ppop.fadecur.* }
menu @ppop {
  uclick { ppop.doclose $iif($mouse.key & 4,-s) }
  rclick { showmirc $iif($appstate == minimized,-r,-s) }
; setup dialog
alias ppop.setup { dialog $iif($dialog(ppop.setup),-v,-m ppop.setup) ppop.setup }
dialog -l ppop.setup {
  title Picwin popups %ppop.version by greeny [/ppop.setup]
  size -1 -1 174 133
  option dbu
  tab "General", 1, 2 -1 170 116
  box "General settings", 2, 6 14 162 97, tab 1
  check "&Enable picwin popups", 3, 12 22 65 9, tab 1
  text "Display time (0 for infinite):", 4, 22 33 69 8, tab 1
  edit %ppop.delay, 5, 93 31 38 11, tab 1 limit 3 center
  text "seconds", 6, 134 33 24 8, tab 1
  text "Width:", 7, 22 44 23 8, tab 1
  edit %ppop.width, 8, 93 42 38 11, tab 1 limit 4 center
  check "Enable &transparency:", 9, 12 54 61 9, tab 1
  edit "", 10, 93 53 38 11, tab 1 limit 3 center
  text "%", 11, 134 55 9 8, tab 1
  check "&Fade popups", 12, 12 63 43 9, tab 1
  check "Only show if &mIRC is not the active window", 13, 12 76 117 9, tab 1
  check "Only show if &you are not away", 14, 12 85 86 9, tab 1
  check "Beep &whenever a popup appears", 15, 12 98 92 9, tab 1
  text "pixels", 16, 134 44 18 8, tab 1
  tab "Position", 17
  text "Show popups at:", 18, 22 23 49 7, tab 17
  radio "&top left corner", 19, 40 32 47 9, tab 17 left
  radio "top &right corner", 20, 91 32 54 9, tab 17
  radio "bottom ri&ght corner", 21, 91 41 63 9, tab 17
  radio "&bottom left corner", 22, 31 41 56 9, tab 17 left
  check "A&dd a custom offset (negative values are possible):", 23, 12 53 143 9, tab 17
  text "X:", 24, 30 65 6 8, tab 17
  edit %ppop.xoffset, 25, 39 63 26 11, tab 17 limit 5 center
  text "Y:", 26, 30 76 6 8, tab 17
  edit %ppop.yoffset, 27, 39 74 26 11, tab 17 limit 5 center
  box "Position", 28, 6 14 162 76, tab 17
  tab "Colors", 29
  box "Colors", 30, 6 14 162 86, tab 29
  text "Background:", 31, 12 23 35 8, tab 29
  text "Border:", 33, 12 48 23 8, tab 29
  text "Text:", 35, 12 73 19 8, tab 29
  icon 37, 80 31 48 12, $mircexe, 0, tab 29
  icon 38, 80 56 48 12, $mircexe, 0, tab 29
  icon 39, 80 81 48 12, $mircexe, 0, tab 29
  edit $rgb(%ppop.color.bg), 32, 14 31 60 12, tab 29 center
  edit $rgb(%ppop.color.border), 34, 14 56 60 12, tab 29 center
  edit $rgb(%ppop.color.text), 36, 14 81 60 12, tab 29 center
  tab "Events", 40
  box "Show popups on...", 41, 6 14 162 97, tab 40
  check "Co&nnecting to a server", 42, 12 22 69 9, tab 40
  check "C&TCP requests/replies", 43, 12 31 67 9, tab 40
  check "&DCC sends/gets/chats", 44, 12 40 68 9, tab 40
  check "D&isconnecting from a server", 45, 12 49 81 9, tab 40
  check "&Highlights", 46, 12 58 36 9, tab 40
  check "In&vites", 47, 12 67 30 9, tab 40
  check "&Kicks/bans", 48, 12 76 38 9, tab 40
  check "Notic&es", 49, 100 22 30 9, tab 40
  check "Noti&fies", 50, 100 31 31 9, tab 40
  check "&Queries", 51, 100 40 31 9, tab 40
  check "C&ustom text triggers (space separated list):", 52, 12 85 118 9, tab 40
  edit $ppop.mkre(%ppop.ctrig).re, 53, 21 95 143 11, tab 40
  tab "About", 54
  box "About", 55, 6 14 162 88, tab 54
  text "Script name:", 56, 12 23 35 8, tab 54
  text "Picwin popups", 57, 52 23 110 8, tab 54 right
  link "http://www.nnscript.de", 58, 105 53 57 8, tab 54
  text "This addon helps you keep track of IRC while doing something else, like browsing the web or working. If something of interest happens, a popup will appear on your screen informing you of the latest happenings.", 59, 52 63 110 34, tab 54 right
  text "Description:", 60, 12 63 35 8, tab 54
  text "Homepage:", 61, 12 53 35 8, tab 54
  text "Author:", 62, 12 43 35 8, tab 54
  text "Version:", 63, 12 33 35 8, tab 54
  text %ppop.version, 64, 52 33 110 8, tab 54 right
  text "greeny", 65, 52 43 110 8, tab 54 right
  button "&Ok", 66, 48 119 40 12, ok
  button "&Preview", 67, 2 119 40 12
  button "&Cancel", 68, 90 119 40 12
  button "&Apply", 69, 132 119 40 12
on *:dialog:ppop.setup:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) {
    if (%ppop.enabled) { did -c $dname 3 }
    else { did -b $dname 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 }
    if (%ppop.transp.en) { did -c $dname 9 }
    if (%ppop.transp !isnum 0-255) { set %ppop.transp 255 }
    did -ra $dname 10 $int($calc(100- %ppop.transp /2.55))
    if (%ppop.fade) { did -c $dname 12 }
    if (%ppop.nactive) { did -c $dname 13 }
    if (%ppop.naw) { did -c $dname 14 }
    if (%ppop.beep) { did -c $dname 15 }
    if (%ppop.offset) { did -c $dname 23 }
    else { did -b $dname 24,25,26,27 }
    if (%ppop.pos == tl) { did -c $dname 19 }
    elseif (%ppop.pos == tr) { did -c $dname 20 }
    elseif (%ppop.pos == br) { did -c $dname 21 }
    elseif (%ppop.pos == bl) { did -c $dname 22 }
    if (n isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 42 }
    if (t isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 43 }
    if (d isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 44 }
    if (i isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 45 }
    if (h isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 46 }
    if (v isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 47 }
    if (k isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 48 }
    if (e isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 49 }
    if (f isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 50 }
    if (q isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 51 }
    if (u isin %ppop.events) { did -c $dname 52 }
    else { did -b $dname 53 }
  elseif ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 3) {
      if ($did($did).state) {
        did -e $dname 4,5,6,7,8,9,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52
        if ($did(9).state) { did -e $dname 10,11 }
        if ($did(23).state) { did -e $dname 24,25,26,27 }
        if ($did(52).state) { did -e $dname 53 }
      else { did -b $dname 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53 }
    elseif ($did == 9) { did $iif($did($did).state,-e,-b) $dname 10,11 }
    elseif ($did == 23) { did $iif($did($did).state,-e,-b) $dname 24,25,26,27 }
    elseif ($did == 52) { did $iif($did($did).state,-e,-b) $dname 53 }
    elseif ($did == 58) { url -an http://www.nnscript.de }
    elseif ($did == 66) || ($did == 69) { ppop.setup.apply }
    elseif ($did == 67) {
      ppop.doclose -s
      ppop Preview popupThis is just some preview text... blah blah, you know.
    elseif ($did == 68) { if ($input(Discard all changes and cancel?,wydu,Discard changes?)) { dialog -x $dname } }
  elseif ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 32) { ppop.colprev 37 $did($did) }
    elseif ($did == 34) { ppop.colprev 38 $did($did) }
    elseif ($did == 36) { ppop.colprev 39 $did($did) }
alias -l ppop.setup.apply {
  if ($did(5) !isnum 0-) { did -ra $dname 5 8 }
  did -ra $dname 5 $int($did(5))
  set %ppop.delay $did(5)
  set %ppop.enabled $did(3).state
  if ($did(8) !isnum 50-9999) { did -ra $dname 8 $iif($did(8) isnum,$iif($did(8) < 50,50),250) }
  did -ra $dname 8 $int($did(8))
  set %ppop.width $did(8)
  set %ppop.transp.en $did(9).state
  if ($did(10) !isnum 0-100) { did -ra $dname 10 10 }
  did -ra $dname 10 $int($did(10))
  set %ppop.transp $calc((100- $did(10)) *2.55)
  if ($did(19).state) { set %ppop.pos tl }
  elseif ($did(20).state) { set %ppop.pos tr }
  elseif ($did(21).state) { set %ppop.pos br }
  elseif ($did(22).state) { set %ppop.pos bl }
  set %ppop.offset $did(23).state
  if ($did(25) !isnum) { did -ra $dname 25 0 }
  did -ra $dname 25 $int($did(25))
  set %ppop.xoffset $did(25)
  if ($did(27) !isnum) { did -ra $dname 27 0 }
  did -ra $dname 27 $int($did(27))
  set %ppop.yoffset $did(27)
  set %ppop.fade $did(12).state
  set %ppop.nactive $did(13).state
  set %ppop.naw $did(14).state
  set %ppop.beep $did(15).state
  var %e = a
  if ($did(42).state) { %e = %e $+ n }
  if ($did(43).state) { %e = %e $+ t }
  if ($did(44).state) { %e = %e $+ d }
  if ($did(45).state) { %e = %e $+ i }
  if ($did(46).state) { %e = %e $+ h }
  if ($did(47).state) { %e = %e $+ v }
  if ($did(48).state) { %e = %e $+ k }
  if ($did(49).state) { %e = %e $+ e }
  if ($did(50).state) { %e = %e $+ f }
  if ($did(51).state) { %e = %e $+ q }
  if ($did(52).state) { %e = %e $+ u }
  set %ppop.events %e
  if (!$regex($did(32),/^\d+\x2C\d+\x2C\d+$/)) || ($rgb( [ $did(32) ] ) == $null) {
    did -ra $dname 32 255,253,223
    ppop.colprev 37 255,253,223
  if (!$regex($did(34),/^\d+\x2C\d+\x2C\d+$/)) || ($rgb( [ $did(34) ] ) == $null) {
    did -ra $dname 34 0,0,0
    ppop.colprev 38 0,0,0
  if (!$regex($did(36),/^\d+\x2C\d+\x2C\d+$/)) || ($rgb( [ $did(36) ] ) == $null) {
    did -ra $dname 36 0,0,0
    ppop.colprev 39 0,0,0
  set %ppop.color.bg $rgb( [ $did(32) ] )
  set %ppop.color.border $rgb( [ $did(34) ] )
  set %ppop.color.text $rgb( [ $did(36) ] )
  set %ppop.ctrig $ppop.mkre($did(53))
alias -l ppop.colprev.all {
  ppop.colprev 37 $rgb(%ppop.color.bg)
  ppop.colprev 38 $rgb(%ppop.color.border)
  ppop.colprev 39 $rgb(%ppop.color.text)
alias -l ppop.colprev {
  var %f = $+(",$scriptdir,ppop.colprev.bmp")
  window -hpf @ppop.colprev 0 0 400 100
  if (!$regex($2,/^\d+\x2C\d+\x2C\d+$/)) { did -h $dname $1 }
  else {
    if ($rgb( [ $2 ] ) != $null) {
      did -v $dname $1
      drawrect -nrf @ppop.colprev $v1 1 0 0 400 100
    else { did -h $dname $1 }
  drawsave @ppop.colprev %f
  did -g $dname $1 %f
  .remove %f
  close -@ @ppop.colprev
alias -l ppop.mkre {
  if ($1 != $null) {
    if ($prop == re) { return $replacex($mid($1,5,-5),\^,^,\.,.,\|,|,|,$chr(44),\$,$,\\,\,\?,?,\+,+,\[,[,\],],.*,*,.,?,\ $+ $chr(123),$chr(123),\ $+ $chr(125),$chr(125),\ $+ $chr(40),$chr(40),\ $+ $chr(41),$chr(41)) }
    else { return /\b( $+ $replacex($1,\,\\,$,\$,^,\^,|,\|,$chr(44),|,+,\+,.,\.,[,\[,],\],*,.*,?,.,$chr(123),\ $+ $chr(123),$chr(125),\ $+ $chr(125),$chr(40),\ $+ $chr(40),$chr(41),\ $+ $chr(41)) $+ )\b/i }
; End of file                              ;
Avatar billede mnc Nybegynder
23. maj 2006 - 12:10 #1
Fra hjælp i mIRC

/drawpic -ihmnotsclg @ [color] <x y [w h]> [x y w h] [N] <filename>
Loads and draws a picture at the specified co-ordinates. The picture can be a graphics file, or an ico/exe/dll file.
Avatar billede mnc Nybegynder
23. maj 2006 - 12:14 #2
Måske du skulle prøve at lave
drawpic -cntros @ppop 16711935 6 16 18 18 4 $+(",$mircexe,")
om til, bare at være
drawpic -cntros @ppop 16711935 6 16 18 18 4 $mircexe
Avatar billede nfssister Forsker
11. september 2007 - 20:27 #3
lukker spørgsmål
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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