Avatar billede namakama Nybegynder
28. september 2006 - 21:36 Der er 1 kommentar og
1 løsning

Recovery af data efter ufuldendt Casper XP

Hej eksperter

Ville kopiere en disk til et RAID1 med fortrød under forberedelsen til kopieringen.

MEN det ser dog ud til at Casper XP alligevel er begyndt at skrive til RAID1.

I diskhåndtering er RAD'et nemlig ikke længere allokeret. Jeg står derfor i en situation hvor jeg faktisk har mistet al min data i mir RAID1 :-(

Men da da jeg fortrød få sekunder inde i processen kan data rent fysisk ikke være overskrevet.

Hvor kan jeg recover data fra mit RAID1 igen?
Avatar billede namakama Nybegynder
28. september 2006 - 22:06 #1
Casper XP Activity Report Show Summary
Created by:  Casper XP Copy Drive Wizard
Created on:  28. september 2006 19:00

System Information Show Details 
Casper XP Version:  3.0.1086
Windows Platform:  Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Windows Version:  5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
IE Version:  6.0.2900
Total Available RAM:  2559 MB



Physical Disk Configuration Show Details

Number of physical disk devices: 4

--- Physical Disk 1 ---
  Type:      Basic Disk
  Class:    fixed boot system paging
  Status:    healthy
  Bus:      ATA 1.0
  Model:    Maxtor 6Y120L0
  Revision:  YAR41BW0
  Serial#:  Y3MJQSGE
  Ready:    yes
  Signature: 8EC0AA10H
  -- GEOMETRY --
  Cylinders          = 14946
  MediaType          = 12
  TracksPerCylinder  = 255
  SectorsPerTrack    = 63
  BytesPerSector    = 512
  BytesPerCylinder  = 8225280
  SectorsPerCylinder = 16065
  Capacity          = 240121728 sectors (114.50 GB)
  PartitionCount = 1
    -- PARTITION 1-1 --
    Drive              = C
    Volume Mount        = \\?\Volume{ebfe5725-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
    Device Name        = \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume3
    Volume Label        = Maxtor 120 GB - Windows XP Pro
    Volume Serial#      = 8866-B1F3
    File System        = NTFS
    Partition Table    = 0 bytes (0 sectors)
    Partition Start    = 32256 bytes (63 sectors)
    Partition Length    = 122935002624 bytes (240107427 sectors)
    Partition Size      = 114.49 GB
    Minimum Size        = 61.10 GB
    Hidden Sectors      = 63
    PartitionType      = primary
    PartitionId        = 07H (IFS)
    Active              = yes
    RecognizedPartition = yes
    Attributes          = boot system paging copy resize
  -- FREE SPACE --

--- Physical Disk 2 ---
  Type:      Basic Disk
  Class:    fixed
  Status:    not available
  Bus:      SCSI 2.0
  Model:    Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1
  Revision:  1.10
  Ready:    yes
  Signature: AEDAD6A0H
  -- GEOMETRY --
  Cylinders          = 14832
  MediaType          = 12
  TracksPerCylinder  = 255
  SectorsPerTrack    = 63
  BytesPerSector    = 512
  BytesPerCylinder  = 8225280
  SectorsPerCylinder = 16065
  Capacity          = 238281250 sectors (113.62 GB)
  PartitionCount = 1
    -- PARTITION 2-1 --
    Drive              = E
    Volume Mount        = \\?\Volume{ebfe5722-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
    Device Name        = \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Volume Label        = Maxtor 120 GB i RAID 1
    Volume Serial#      = 4449-3835
    File System        = NTFS
    Partition Table    = 0 bytes (0 sectors)
    Partition Start    = 32256 bytes (63 sectors)
    Partition Length    = 122926777344 bytes (240091362 sectors)
    Partition Size      = 114.48 GB
    Minimum Size        = 111.44 GB
    Hidden Sectors      = 63
    PartitionType      = primary
    PartitionId        = 07H (IFS)
    Active              = yes
    RecognizedPartition = yes
    Attributes          = copy delete resize
  -- FREE SPACE --

--- Physical Disk 3 ---
  Type:      Basic Disk
  Class:    fixed
  Status:    not available
  Bus:      SCSI 2.0
  Model:    Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1
  Revision:  1.10
  Ready:    yes
  Signature: F7F68717H
  -- GEOMETRY --
  Cylinders          = 36472
  MediaType          = 12
  TracksPerCylinder  = 255
  SectorsPerTrack    = 63
  BytesPerSector    = 512
  BytesPerCylinder  = 8225280
  SectorsPerCylinder = 16065
  Capacity          = 585937500 sectors (279.40 GB)
  PartitionCount = 1
    -- PARTITION 3-1 --
    Drive              = F
    Volume Mount        = \\?\Volume{ebfe5723-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
    Device Name        = \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume2
    Volume Label        = Maxtor 300 GB i RAID 1
    Volume Serial#      = 58BA-2099
    File System        = NTFS
    Partition Table    = 0 bytes (0 sectors)
    Partition Start    = 32256 bytes (63 sectors)
    Partition Length    = 300082857984 bytes (586099332 sectors)
    Partition Size      = 279.47 GB
    Minimum Size        = 227.85 GB
    Hidden Sectors      = 63
    PartitionType      = primary
    PartitionId        = 07H (IFS)
    Active              = no
    RecognizedPartition = yes
    Attributes          = copy delete resize
  -- FREE SPACE --

--- Physical Disk 4 ---
  Type:      Basic Disk
  Class:    fixed
  Status:    not available
  Bus:      USB 2.0
  Model:    Maxtor OneTouch
  Revision:  0201
  Ready:    yes
  Signature: D52630CAH
  -- GEOMETRY --
  Cylinders          = 19929
  MediaType          = 12
  TracksPerCylinder  = 255
  SectorsPerTrack    = 63
  BytesPerSector    = 512
  BytesPerCylinder  = 8225280
  SectorsPerCylinder = 16065
  Capacity          = 320171008 sectors (152.67 GB)
  PartitionCount = 1
    -- PARTITION 4-1 --
    Drive              = H
    Volume Mount        = \\?\Volume{32094008-b444-11da-a51b-0015f20a1524}
    Device Name        = \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume4
    Volume Label        = Maxtor 160 GB OneTouch
    Volume Serial#      = 8866-B1F3
    File System        = NTFS
    Partition Table    = 0 bytes (0 sectors)
    Partition Start    = 32256 bytes (63 sectors)
    Partition Length    = 163921572864 bytes (320159322 sectors)
    Partition Size      = 152.66 GB
    Minimum Size        = 54.81 GB
    Hidden Sectors      = 63
    PartitionType      = primary
    PartitionId        = 07H (IFS)
    Active              = yes
    RecognizedPartition = yes
    Attributes          = copy delete resize
  -- FREE SPACE --

Physical Disk Analysis

DISK 1: allows clone
  TARGET 2: [no exceptions]
  TARGET 3: [no exceptions]
  TARGET 4: [no exceptions]
DISK 2: allows clone
  TARGET 1: not selectable, contains boot partition
  TARGET 3: [no exceptions]
  TARGET 4: [no exceptions]
DISK 3: allows [none]
  TARGET 1: not selectable, contains boot partition
  TARGET 2: not selectable, too small
  TARGET 4: not selectable, too small
DISK 4: allows clone
  TARGET 1: not selectable, contains boot partition
  TARGET 2: [no exceptions]
  TARGET 3: [no exceptions]


Name Description Type Status Size Unallocated Space Volumes
Disk 1 Maxtor 6Y120L0 Basic Healthy (System) 114.50 GB 0.00 bytes C
Disk 2 Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1 Basic Ready 113.62 GB 0.00 bytes E
Disk 3 Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1 Basic Ready 279.40 GB 0.00 bytes F
Disk 4 Maxtor OneTouch Basic Ready 152.67 GB 0.00 bytes H

Logical Volume Configuration Show Details


Number of logical volumes: 6

--- Logical Volume 3 ---
  Drive          = C
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{ebfe5725-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
  Disk-Partition = 1-1
  Type          = fixed
  Classification = basic (3)
  Device Type    = 00000007H
  Status        = healthy
  Bus            = ATA 1.0
  Model          = Maxtor 6Y120L0
  Revision      = YAR41BW0
  Device Serial# = Y3MJQSGE
  Ready          = yes
  Volume Label  = Maxtor 120 GB - Windows XP Pro
  Volume Serial# = 8866-B1F3
  File System    = NTFS
  Attributes    = boot system paging copy
  Capacity      = 114.49 GB
  Used          = 61.07 GB
  Available      = 53.42 GB

--- Logical Volume 4 ---
  Drive          = D
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{522f3e2a-41b1-11db-a323-806d6172696f}
  Type          = removable
  Classification = cdrom (5)
  Device Type    = 00000002H
  Status        = not available
  Bus            = ATA 1.0
  Model          = LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-16H5S
  Revision      = LS0N
  Device Serial# =
  Ready          = no
  Volume Label  =
  Volume Serial# = 0000-0000
  File System    =
  Attributes    = read-only
  Capacity      = 0.00 bytes
  Used          = 0.00 bytes
  Available      = 0.00 bytes

--- Logical Volume 5 ---
  Drive          = E
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{ebfe5722-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
  Disk-Partition = 2-1
  Type          = fixed
  Classification = basic (3)
  Device Type    = 00000007H
  Status        = not available
  Bus            = SCSI 2.0
  Model          = Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1
  Revision      = 1.10
  Device Serial# =
  Ready          = yes
  Volume Label  = Maxtor 120 GB i RAID 1
  Volume Serial# = 4449-3835
  File System    = NTFS
  Attributes    = copy erase delete
  Capacity      = 114.48 GB
  Used          = 111.40 GB
  Available      = 3.08 GB

--- Logical Volume 6 ---
  Drive          = F
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{ebfe5723-7b70-11da-93bf-806d6172696f}
  Disk-Partition = 3-1
  Type          = fixed
  Classification = basic (3)
  Device Type    = 00000007H
  Status        = not available
  Bus            = SCSI 2.0
  Model          = Promise 1X2 Mirror/RAID1
  Revision      = 1.10
  Device Serial# =
  Ready          = yes
  Volume Label  = Maxtor 300 GB i RAID 1
  Volume Serial# = 58BA-2099
  File System    = NTFS
  Attributes    = copy erase delete
  Capacity      = 279.47 GB
  Used          = 227.82 GB
  Available      = 51.66 GB

--- Logical Volume 7 ---
  Drive          = G
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{034d601c-a526-11da-a503-0015f20a1524}
  Type          = removable
  Classification = cdrom (5)
  Device Type    = 00000002H
  Status        = not available
  Bus            = SCSI 2.0
  Model          = Copystar FANTOM DVDROM
  Revision      = 1.0g
  Device Serial# =
  Ready          = yes
  Volume Label  = LR1CFRE_EN_DVD
  Volume Serial# = C1C6-5AA1
  File System    = UDF
  Attributes    = read-only copy
  Capacity      = 2.52 GB
  Used          = 2.52 GB
  Available      = 0.00 bytes

--- Logical Volume 8 ---
  Drive          = H
  Volume Mount  = \\?\Volume{32094008-b444-11da-a51b-0015f20a1524}
  Disk-Partition = 4-1
  Type          = fixed
  Classification = basic (3)
  Device Type    = 00000007H
  Status        = not available
  Bus            = USB 2.0
  Model          = Maxtor OneTouch
  Revision      = 0201
  Device Serial# =
  Ready          = yes
  Volume Label  = Maxtor 160 GB OneTouch
  Volume Serial# = 8866-B1F3
  File System    = NTFS
  Attributes    = copy erase delete
  Capacity      = 152.66 GB
  Used          = 54.78 GB
  Available      = 97.89 GB

Logical Volume Analysis

VOLUME C: [1-1]: allows copy to existing
  TARGET D: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET E: [2-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET F: [3-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET G: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET H: [4-1]: [no exceptions]
VOLUME D: (no media) allows [none]
VOLUME E: [2-1]: allows copy to existing, delete
  TARGET C: [1-1]: not selectable, contains boot file(s)
  TARGET D: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET F: [3-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET G: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET H: [4-1]: [no exceptions]
VOLUME F: [3-1]: allows delete
  TARGET C: [1-1]: not selectable, contains boot file(s)
  TARGET D: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET E: [2-1]: not selectable, too small
  TARGET G: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET H: [4-1]: not selectable, too small
VOLUME G: allows copy to existing
  TARGET C: [1-1]: not selectable, contains boot file(s)
  TARGET D: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET E: [2-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET F: [3-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET H: [4-1]: [no exceptions]
VOLUME H: [4-1]: allows copy to existing, delete
  TARGET C: [1-1]: not selectable, contains boot file(s)
  TARGET D: not selectable, read-only
  TARGET E: [2-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET F: [3-1]: [no exceptions]
  TARGET G: not selectable, read-only


Name Type File System Status Size Free Space % Free
Maxtor 120 GB - Windows XP Pro (C:) Basic NTFS Healthy (System) 114.49 GB 53.42 GB 46.7%
Cd-drev (D:) CD-ROM  No media 0.00 bytes 0.00 bytes 0.0%
Maxtor 120 GB i RAID 1 (E:) Basic NTFS Unknown 114.48 GB 3.08 GB 2.7%
Maxtor 300 GB i RAID 1 (F:) Basic NTFS Unknown 279.47 GB 51.66 GB 18.5%
LR1CFRE_EN_DVD (G:) CD-ROM UDF Unknown 2.52 GB 0.00 bytes 0.0%
Lokal disk (H:) Basic NTFS Unknown 152.66 GB 97.89 GB 64.1%

Tasks Requested
Copy all volumes on Disk 1 to Disk 2.

Volume to Copy:    Maxtor 120 GB - Windows XP Pro (C:)
Location for Copy: Disk 2
Size of Copy:      113.62 GB

Operation Log

Copy Exclusions:
  %WINDIR%\Prefetch\* /s
  \System Volume Information\_restore{*}\* /s
  \System Volume Information\*{3808876B-C176-4e48-B7AE-04046E6CC752} /s
  %WINDIR%\SoftwareDistribution\EventCache\* /s

Copying disk 1 to disk 2
ERROR 5: Lock failed on \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolume1
Copy canceled.

Diagnostic Information

Tasks Completed


The Casper XP Copy Drive Wizard did not complete successfully.

The requested operation was canceled.
Avatar billede namakama Nybegynder
29. september 2006 - 20:24 #2
Ontrack EasyRecovery ;-)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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