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http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r28743327-Wireless-Setup-E2500-router-as-access-point-bridge-for-wirelessHere is what I finally did. Hooked up laptop to E2500 via Lan connection. Reset E2500 to factory specs. Setup wireless security and did a save settings. Went to basic settings and selected Bridge mode. Then I entered the following:
IP ADRS (adrs for E2500)
GATEWAY (adrs of main router - LAN)
Save settings and then router did an auto reboot.
After reboot I could no longer access E2500 from laptop and an IPCONFIG showed no Gateway Adrs.
I then hooked up the E2500 (LAN) to the main router (LAN). I was able to access the Internet.
I then removed the LAN connection between the E2500 and main router.
I was able to connect to the Internet with a wireless connection from laptop.
I was also able to access the E2500 via the adrs of and it showed that the E2500 was in Bridge mode.