Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 20:34 Der er 18 kommentarer

Mange errors

1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.h(61) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'ostream'
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.h(61) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.h(61) : error C2805: binary 'operator <<' has too few parameters
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(14) : error C2065: 'cout' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(14) : error C2065: 'endl' : undeclared identifier
1>Generating Code...

#include "iostream"

typedef double itemType; // need for another type, change it here

class dynarray
    *    Outout a representation of this array to an output stream 'str'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      cout << var1  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                          'cout' will be 'str'.
    *                          'var1' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'str' => The output stream.
    * 'rhs' => The array to the right side of '<<' operator.
    * Returns: The output stream after appending the representation of this array.
    * Throws:  None.
    friend ostream& operator<<( ostream &str, const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Create an arrays of this class.
    * 's'  => Initial size of the array. Default size is 0.
    * 'inc' => Initial increment of the array. Default increment is 5.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *    INVALID_SIZE if 's' is negative.
    *    INVALID_INCREMENT if 'inc' is negative.
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    dynarray( int s = 0, int inc = 5 );

    *    Create an object of this class. The information (size, capacity, data etc)
    * will be copied from 'rhs' to 'this'.
    * 'rhs' => An object of 'dynarray'.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    dynarray( const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Destroy the object. The memory of the array will be freed.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:  None.

    *    The item 'item' will be stored after the last element of this array.
    * If no space is available, then the capacity will be increased at the value of 'inc'.
    * For this, necessary spaces will be allocated.
    * 'item' => The item to insert.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    void push_back( itemType item );

    *    The item 'item' will be stored at the position 'pos'. All the elements from 'pos'
    * to the last will be shifted to the right by 1 step. For this, necessary spaces
    * will be allocated. If 'pos' equals to 'num', then 'item' will be placed at the last.
    * 'item' => The item to insert.
    * 'pos'  => The position where to insert. It must be in the range [0, num].
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *    INVALID_POSITION if 'pos' is not in the range [0, num].
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    void insert( itemType item, int pos );

    *    Remove the last element of the array from it. Also returns this element.
    * After removing the element, if the extra space (capacity - size) in the array
    * is more than 2 * increment, then 'inc' amount of space will be truncated.
    * For example, say, size = 20, capacity = 20, inc = 5.
    *    Now if we call 'pop_back()' 10 times, then size = 10, capacity = 20, inc = 5.
    * Next call to this function will truncate the array. Spaces will be freed.
    * Then the situation will be, size = 9, capacity = 15, inc = 5. The other 5 spaces
    * are freed.
    * Returns: The item which will be removed (popped).
    * Throws:
    *    POP_NOT_POSSIBLE if no data exists in the array.
    itemType pop_back( );

    *    The element at the position 'pos' will be removed from the array. All the elements
    * from 'pos + 1' to the last will be shifted to the left by 1 step. After removing the
    * element, if the extra space (capacity - size) in the array is more than 2 * increment,
    * then 'inc' amount of space will be truncated. This case is similar to 'pop_back()'.
    * 'pos'  => The position of the deleting item. It must be in the range [0, num).
    * Returns: The item which will be erased.
    * Throws:
    *    INVALID_POSITION if 'pos' is not in the range [0, num).
    itemType erase( int pos );

    *    Free all the spaces of the array. After calling this function, the situation will be
    * size = 0, capacity = 0. 'inc' will be retained.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:  None.
    void clear( );

    *    Return the size of the array.
    * Returns: The size of the array.
    * Throws:  None.
    int size( ) const;

    *    Check whether the array is empty or not.
    * Returns: true if there is no data in the array (i.e., if size = 0).
    *          false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool empty( ) const;

    *    The element at the position 'pos' will be returned.
    * 'pos' => The position of the requesting item. It must be in the range [0, num).
    * Returns: The item which is at 'pos'.
    * Throws:
    *    INVALID_POSITION if 'pos' is not in the range [0, num).
    itemType &at( int pos ) const;

    // overloaded operators

    *    Copy the array 'rhs' to 'this'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      var2 = var1.    -----> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var2' will be 'this'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The right side object which will be copied to 'this'.
    * Returns: Constant reference to this array.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    const dynarray &operator=( const dynarray & rhs);

    *    Return the item at the position 'pos'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      itemType a = var1[3]  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                                  'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                                  'pos' will be 3.
    *      ............
    * 'pos' => The position of the requested item.
    * Returns: The reference to the item at position 'pos'.
    * Throws:
    *      INVALID_POSITION if 'pos' is not in the range [0, num).
    itemType & operator[]( int pos ); // non const variant

    *    Same as above 'operator[]'. But this time, constant reference to the item
    * will be returned.
    * 'pos' => The position of the requested item.
    * Returns: Constant reference to the item at position 'pos'.
    * Throws:
    *      INVALID_POSITION if 'pos' is not in the range [0, num).
    const itemType & operator[]( int pos ) const; // const variant

    *    Build a new array by concatenating the elements of 'this' and 'rhs'. If 'this'
    * has the elements { 10, 12, 13 } and 'rhs' has the elements { 23, 1, 20 }, then
    * the new array will have { 10, 12, 13, 23, 1, 20 }. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray newVar = var1 + var2  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                                          'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                                          'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '+' operator.
    * Returns: New array after concatenating 'this' and 'rhs'.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    dynarray operator+( const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Change 'this' to a new array by concatenating the elements of 'this' and 'rhs'.
    * If 'this' has the elements { 10, 12, 13 } and 'rhs' has the elements { 23, 1, 20 },
    * then 'this' will be now { 10, 12, 13, 23, 1, 20 }. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      var1 += var2  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                          'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                          'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '+=' operator.
    * Returns: Reference to this array after being concatenated by 'rhs'.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    dynarray &operator+=( const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs' for equality. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 == var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The array to the right side of '==' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' and 'rhs' are euqal. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator==( const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs' for inequality. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 != var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The array to the right side of '!=' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' and 'rhs' are ineuqal. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator!=( const dynarray &rhs );

    // optional functions

    *    Returns the last element in the array.
    * Returns: Last element in the array.
    * Throws:
    *      BACK_NOT_POSSIBLE if there is no data in the array.
    itemType &back( ); // optional

    *    Returns the 1st element in the array.
    * Returns: 1st element in the array.
    * Throws:
    *      FRONT_NOT_POSSIBLE if there is no data in the array.
    itemType &front( ); // optional

    *    Returns the capacity of the array.
    * Returns: Capacity of the array.
    * Throws:  None
    int capacity( ) const; // optional

    *    Check whether 'item' exists in the array or not.
    * 'item' => The item whose existence is being traced.
    * Returns: true if 'item' exists in the array. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None
    int contains( const itemType &item); // optional

    *    Resize the array. This may increase or decrease the array. If the size is
    * increased, then extra space will be filled with 'fill'. If the size is
    * decreased, then space will be truncated. This time data may be lost.
    * 'newSize' => The new size of the array.
    * 'fill'    => The data with which extra space will be filled.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *      OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    void resize( int newSize, itemType fill = NULL ); // optional

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 < var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '<' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' is less than 'rhs'. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator< ( const dynarray &rhs ); // optional

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 <= var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '<=' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' is less than or equal to 'rhs'. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator<=( const dynarray &rhs ); // optional

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 > var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '>' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' is greater than 'rhs'. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator> ( const dynarray &rhs ); // optional

    *    Check 'this' to 'rhs'. Say,
    *      dynarray var1;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var1.
    *      ............
    *      dynarray var2;
    *      ............
    *      Do somthing with var2.
    *      ............
    *      if (var1 >= var2)  ---> This function will be called now.
    *                              'var1' will be 'this'.
    *                              'var2' will be 'rhs'.
    *      ............
    * 'rhs' => The object to the right side of '>=' operator.
    * Returns: True if 'this' is greater than or equal to 'rhs'. false otherwise.
    * Throws:  None.
    bool operator>=( const dynarray &rhs ); // optional


    // private functions

    *    Copy the array 'rhs' to 'this'.
    * 'rhs' => The array which will copied to 'this'.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    void copy_from( const dynarray &rhs );

    *    Allocate 'n' amount of spaces.
    * 'n' => The number of space which will be allocated.
    * Returns: The pointer to the allocated array of 'n' items.
    * Throws:
    *    OUT_OF_MEMORY if memory is not available.
    itemType* try_allocate_space( int n );

    *    Free all the allocated spaces for this array.
    * Returns: Nothing.
    * Throws:  None.
    void try_deallocate_space();
    //Data Members.
    itemType *ptr; // pointer to the first element of the array
    int cap; // capacity of the array
    int num; // size of the array
    int inc; //When an array is exhausted, 'inc' amount of space will be allocated.
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 21:21 #1
Det er:
#include <iostream>

Og der mangler:
using namespace std;
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 21:41 #2
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(19) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(19) : error C2761: '{ctor}' : member function redeclaration not allowed
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(20) : error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(289) : error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(4) : error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ';'
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(4) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\Makhdoom\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Ass2_dynarray\Ass2_dynarray\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>Ass2_dynarray - 7 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 21:42 #3
her er koden for ovenbeskrevne fejl

/Define some string values.

#define OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory."
#define INVALID_SIZE  "Size can't be negative."
#define INVALID_INCREMENT  "Increment can't be 0 or negative."
#define INVALID_POSITION  "Invalid index is specified."
#define POP_NOT_POSSIBLE  "No data exists in the array. Pop operation is not possible."
#define BACK_NOT_POSSIBLE  "No data exists in the array. Back operation not possible."
#define FRONT_NOT_POSSIBLE "No data exists in the array. Front operation is not possible."

//Constructor and destructor.

// Default size is 0. Default increment is 5.
dynarray::dynarray( int s /* = 0*/, int inc /* = 5*/)
    //Check for a valid size.
    if (s < 0)
        throw INVALID_SIZE;

    //Check for a valid increment.
    if (inc <= 0)
        throw INVALID_INCREMENT;

    //Initialize the size, capacity and the increment.
    this->num = s;
    this->cap = s;
    this->inc = inc;

    //Try to allocate sapces upto 'cap' number of item.
    this->ptr = this->try_allocate_space(this->cap);

dynarray::dynarray( const dynarray &rhs )
    //Just copy the data from 'rhs' to 'this'.

    //Free the allocated spaces.
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 22:36 #4
Jeg kan ikke lige se fejlen, hvad står der i dynarray.cpp linje 19?
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 22:39 #5
// Default size is 0. Default increment is 5.
dynarray::dynarray( int s /* = 0*/, int inc /* = 5*/)
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 22:41 #6
Har du inkluderet headeren med dynarray class'en i dynarray.cpp?
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 22:49 #7
ja..headeren er inkluderet i class'en
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 22:57 #8
Spørgsmålet var om headeren er inkluderet i .cpp filen.

(Man kan ikke inkludere en header i en class...)
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 22:57 #9
Prøv at poste den komplette kode.
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 23:05 #10
det er clas filen og ovenfor kan du header filen

#include "dynarray.h"

//Define some string values.

#define OUT_OF_MEMORY "Out of memory."
#define INVALID_SIZE  "Size can't be negative."
#define INVALID_INCREMENT  "Increment can't be 0 or negative."
#define INVALID_POSITION  "Invalid index is specified."
#define POP_NOT_POSSIBLE  "No data exists in the array. Pop operation is not possible."
#define BACK_NOT_POSSIBLE  "No data exists in the array. Back operation not possible."
#define FRONT_NOT_POSSIBLE "No data exists in the array. Front operation is not possible."

//Constructor and destructor.

// Default size is 0. Default increment is 5.
dynarray::dynarray( int s /* = 0*/, int inc /* = 5*/)
    //Check for a valid size.
    if (s < 0)
        throw INVALID_SIZE;

    //Check for a valid increment.
    if (inc <= 0)
        throw INVALID_INCREMENT;

    //Initialize the size, capacity and the increment.
    this->num = s;
    this->cap = s;
    this->inc = inc;

    //Try to allocate sapces upto 'cap' number of item.
    this->ptr = this->try_allocate_space(this->cap);

dynarray::dynarray( const dynarray &rhs )
    //Just copy the data from 'rhs' to 'this'.

    //Free the allocated spaces.


void dynarray::push_back( itemType item )
    //Check whether the array has space to keep 'item' or not.
    if (this->num == this->cap)
        //No space available. Array expansion is needed.
        this->resize(this->cap + this->inc);

    //Add the item. Increase the 'num' also.
    this->ptr[this->num++] = item;

itemType dynarray::pop_back( )
    //Check whether any data exists or not.
    if (this->num == 0)
        throw POP_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    //Save the deleting item. It will be returned later.
    itemType temp = this->ptr[--this->num];

    //We are keeping 2 * inc amount of free space. Whenever we are going below
    //this, we will decrease 'inc' amount of spaces. That is we are ensuring
    //that at least 'inc' amout of extra spaces are available.
    int extra_space = (2 * inc) - (this->cap - this->num);
    if (extra_space < 0)
        //Decrease the extra spaces. It will occur when this function is called
        //more times.
        this->resize(this->cap - this->inc);


* 1) If the position is the last, then just call 'push_back()'.
* 3) 'push_back()' the last item to the right space. This is done for memory allocating.
* 2) Right shift all the items from 'pos' to last.
void dynarray::insert( itemType item, int pos )
    //Check for position validity.
    if (pos < 0 || pos > this->num)
        throw INVALID_POSITION;

    //Insert at the last position.
    if (pos == this->num)

    //Insert in a position.
        //1st, push the last item. The advantage to call this function is that
        //this function will enlarge the array if needed.
        this->push_back(this->ptr[this->num - 1]);

        //2nd, push the other items to the right.
        int i;
        for(i = this->num - 3; i >= pos; i--)
            //Shift each element to the right side.
            this->ptr[i + 1] = this->ptr[i];

        //Keep the item in its dedicated position.
        this->ptr[pos] = item;

* 1) Save the removing element.
* 2) Left shift all the items from 'pos' to last.
* 3) Pop the last item. It will sone simply by calling 'pop_back()'.
itemType dynarray::erase( int pos )
    //Check for position validity.
    if (pos < 0 || pos >= this->num)
        throw INVALID_POSITION;

    //1st, Save the deleting item to return later.
    itemType temp = this->ptr[pos];

    //2nd, push all the items to the left.
    int i;
    for(i = pos + 1; i < this->num; i++)
        //Shift each element to the left side.
        this->ptr[i - 1] = this->ptr[i];

    //There exists some item. Now we can pop.
    if (this->num != 0)
        //3rd, pop the last item. The advantage to call this function is that
        //this function will decrease the array if needed.


void dynarray::clear( )
    //Free all the spaces.

int dynarray::size( ) const
    //Return the size.

bool dynarray::empty( ) const
    //Check whether there is any data or not.
    return(this->num == 0);

itemType& dynarray::at( int pos ) const
    //Check for position validity.
    if (pos < 0 || pos >= this->num)
        throw INVALID_POSITION;

    //Return the item.

// overloaded operators

const dynarray& dynarray::operator=( const dynarray & rhs)
    //Just call 'copy_from()' to copy 'rhs' to 'this'.

    //Return a reference to this object.

itemType& dynarray::operator[]( int pos ) // non const variant
    //Just call 'at()'.

const itemType& dynarray::operator[]( int pos ) const // const variant
    //Just call 'at()'. But now a constant reference will be returned.

dynarray dynarray::operator+( const dynarray &rhs )
    int i, j = 0;

    //Create temporary spaces.
    dynarray temp(this->num + rhs.num);
    //Copy 'this' array to the temporary space.
    for(i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        temp[j++] = this->ptr[i];

    //Copy 'rhs' array to the temporary space.
    for(i = 0; i < rhs.num; i++)
        temp[j++] = rhs.ptr[i];


dynarray& dynarray::operator+=( const dynarray &rhs )
    //It will call the overloaded function of "=".
    dynarray temp = (*this) + rhs;

    //Copy the data from temporary space to this variable.

    //Return a reference to this object.

bool dynarray::operator==( const dynarray &rhs )
    //Number of data are not equal.
    if (this->num != rhs.num)

    //Check the data for equality.
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        //2 items mismatched.
        if (this->ptr[i] != rhs.ptr[i])


bool dynarray::operator!=( const dynarray &rhs )
    //It will call the overloaded function of "==".
    return(!((*this) == rhs));

ostream &operator<<( ostream &str, const dynarray &rhs );
    str << "Number of element: " << rhs.num << endl;

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < rhs.num; i++)
        if (i == 0)
            str << rhs.ptr[i];
            str << ", " << rhs.ptr[i];

    str << endl;


// optional functions

itemType& dynarray::back( )
    //Check whether the array is empty or not.
    if (this->num == 0)
        throw BACK_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    //Return the last item.
    return(this->ptr[this->num - 1]);

itemType& dynarray::front( )
    //Check whether the array is empty or not.
    if (this->num == 0)
        throw FRONT_NOT_POSSIBLE;

    //Return the 1st item.

int dynarray::capacity( ) const
    //Return the capacity.

int dynarray::contains( const itemType &item)
    int i;

    //Linear Search 'item' in the array.
    for(i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        //Yes, a match is found.
        if (item == this->ptr[i])

    //No match is found. Return a negative.

void dynarray::resize( int newSize, itemType fill /* = NULL*/)
    //OUT_OF_MEMORY will be thrown from 'try_allocate_space()' on memory hunger.
    itemType *temp = try_allocate_space(newSize);
    //Copy the data.
    int i = 0;
    while(i < this->num && i < newSize)
        temp[i++] = this->ptr[i];
    //'try_deallocate_space()' will clear 'num'. So, save it 1st.
    int dataNum = i;

    //Fill extra space if exists.
    while(i < newSize)
        temp[i++] = fill;

    //Free the previous spaces.

    //Assign the new space.
    this->ptr = temp;
    this->num = dataNum;
    this->cap = newSize;

bool dynarray::operator< ( const dynarray &rhs )
    if (this->num > rhs.num)

    //Check the data for LessThan comparison.
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        if (this->ptr[i] < rhs.ptr[i])

    //Greater than.

bool dynarray::operator<=( const dynarray &rhs )
    return(!((*this) > rhs));

bool dynarray::operator> ( const dynarray &rhs )
    if (this->num < rhs.num)

    //Check the data for LessThan comparison.
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < this->num; i++)
        if (this->ptr[i] > rhs.ptr[i])

    //Less than.

bool dynarray::operator>=( const dynarray &rhs )
    return(!((*this) < rhs));

//Private functions.

void dynarray::copy_from(const dynarray &src)
    this->num = src.num;
    this->inc = src.inc;
    this->cap = src.cap;

    //First free the previously allocated spaces.

    //Try to allocate sapces upto 'cap' number of item.
    this->ptr = try_allocate_space(this->cap);

    //Copy the data from 'src' to 'this'.
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < src.num; i++)
        this->ptr[i] = src.ptr[i];

void dynarray::try_deallocate_space()
    //Check whether really there is any data in the array.
    if (this->ptr != NULL)
        delete [] this->ptr;

    //No item and no capacity.
    this->num = 0;
    this->cap = 0;
    this->ptr = new itemType[0];

itemType* dynarray::try_allocate_space( int n )
    itemType *temp;

    //Allocate new spaces.
    temp = new itemType[n];
    //Oops. Memory is not available.
    if (temp == NULL)
        throw OUT_OF_MEMORY;

Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 23:18 #11
Jeg kan ikke se andre fejl end et ; for meget i denne linje:
ostream &operator<<( ostream &str, const dynarray &rhs );

(dynarray.cpp ca. linje 288)
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 23:26 #12
hvis jeg fjerner denne linie...så kal jeg jo slette..og det ødekægger programmet
Avatar billede bertelbrander Novice
05. marts 2007 - 23:33 #13
Du skal kun slette ;
Ikke hele linien.
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
05. marts 2007 - 23:41 #14
jeg har prøvet at udkommentere linien , men får stadig fejl...jeg ved snarkikke havd der skyldes at jeg får fejl..
Avatar billede jpk Nybegynder
06. marts 2007 - 08:05 #15
Som bertelbrander skriver, du skal KUN fjerne ';' sidst i linien.
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
06. marts 2007 - 11:30 #16
har fjernet ';'...men der er stadig fejl..

1>------ Build started: Project: Ass2_dynarray, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(19) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'dynarray::{ctor}'
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\dynarray.cpp(19) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(4) : error C2144: syntax error : 'int' should be preceded by ';'
1>c:\documents and settings\makhdoom\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\dynarray\dynarray\main.cpp(4) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>Generating Code...
1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\Makhdoom\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\Ass2_dynarray\Ass2_dynarray\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>Ass2_dynarray - 4 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Avatar billede d_dogg Nybegynder
06. marts 2007 - 15:04 #17
jeg har fundet fejlen
Avatar billede jpk Nybegynder
09. marts 2007 - 14:43 #18
Hvad var det..?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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