Kig også på det her:
Enable Ethernet on each computer. To do this, open the AppleTalk control panel and choose Connect via Ethernet. If you're using an older operating system that doesn't have an AppleTalk control panel, open the Network control panel instead and click the EtherTalk icon once. On any system, make sure AppleTalk is active by selecting the Active button in the Chooser.
Step Four:
Open the File Sharing or Sharing Setup control panel (depending on which Operating System you're using) on one of your computers. Click the file sharing start button to activate it. Be sure to fill out the Owner Name, Owner Password, and Computer Name as this is how you will be logging in from your other machine.
Step Five:
Now open the Chooser on your other machine. Click Appleshare. Your other computer's name should show up on the right side. Highlight it and click OK. Enter the name and password. When you click Ok, you'll see a dialog box showing that computer's hard drive. Double click it then close the Chooser window. You should now see your networked hard drive sitting on your desktop just below the other hard drive. To move files, merely open both hard drives and transfer back and forth to your hearts content.
Happy Networking!