Flytning af Søgefelt + Indkøbskurv til Menu
Jeg sidder og er ved at rode med en hjemmeside: morten-online.dkPå siden oppe i headeren er der et søgefelt + indkøbskurv, når man scroller ned af på siden hopper de ned i Menuen, og bliver der - indtil man indlæser siden igen, så hopper de op i headern igen.
Jeg vil gerne at de ALTID er i menuen.
Det hele hænger sammen med en Magento Webshop.
Nogen der vil hjælpe med det?
Jeg har vedhæftet koden til filen header.phtml.
* @var Mage_Page_Block_Html_Header $this
$theme = $this->helper('ultimo');
$helperThis = $this->helper('ultimo/template_page_html_header');
//Get HTML of header blocks
//User menu
//Important: this block has to be rendered at the very beginning of this file
$userMenuHtml = $this->getChildHtml('user_menu');
$currencySwitcher = $this->getChildHtml('currency');
$languageSwitcher = $this->getChildHtml('store_language');
$hasHeaderCollateral = ($currencySwitcher || $languageSwitcher) ? TRUE : FALSE;
$logoHtml = $this->getChildHtml('logo');
//Layout settings and basic flags
//Sticky header
$sticky = $theme->getCfg('header/sticky');
//Mobile header
if ($sticky)
if (($mobileMenuThreshold = $helperThis->getMobileMenuThreshold()) === NULL)
$mobileMenuThreshold = 770; //Set default value, if threshold doesn't exist
$mobileHeaderMode = $theme->getCfg('header/mode');
//This flag indicates that in mobile header language/currency switchers should be hidden
//and replaced with mobile versions of those switchers
$moveSwitchers = FALSE;
if ($mobileHeaderMode)
//Get only if mobile header enabled
$moveSwitchers = $theme->getCfg('header/mobile_move_switchers');
//Check if main menu is displayed inisde a section (full-width section) at the bottom of the header
$menuDisplayedInFullWidthContainer = $helperThis->isMenuDisplayedInFullWidthContainer();
//Get grid classes for header sections
$grid = $helperThis->getGridClasses();
//Get positions of header blocks
$position = $helperThis->getPositions();
//Get flags indicating if blocks need to be moved below the skip links on mobile view
$move = $helperThis->getMoveBelowSkipLinks();
//Get flags indicating if blocks are displayed directly inside the header block template or inside one of the child blocks
$display = $helperThis->getDisplayedInHeaderBlock();
//Design settings
$headerInnerBgColor = $theme->getCfgDesign('header/inner_bg_color');
$headerTopInnerBgColor = $theme->getCfgDesign('header_top/inner_bg_color');
$headerTopStretched = $theme->getCfgDesign('header_top/stretched');
$headerPrimaryStretched = $theme->getCfgDesign('header_primary/stretched');
$navInnerBgColor = $theme->getCfgDesign('nav/inner_bg_color');
$navStretched = $theme->getCfgDesign('nav/stretched');
$navDropShadow = $theme->getCfgDesign('effects/shadow_nav');
$classes['root'] = '';
if ($moveSwitchers)
$classes['root'] .= ' move-switchers';
//Header top
$classes['top'] = '';
if ($theme->isColor($headerInnerBgColor) || $theme->isColor($headerTopInnerBgColor))
$classes['top'] .= ' show-bg';
if ($headerTopStretched)
$classes['top'] .= ' stretched';
//Header primary
$classes['primary'] = '';
if ($theme->isColor($headerInnerBgColor))
$classes['primary'] .= ' show-bg';
if ($headerPrimaryStretched)
$classes['primary'] .= ' stretched';
$classes['nav-container'] = '';
if ($sticky && $theme->getCfg('header/sticky_full_width'))
$classes['nav-container'] .= ' sticky-container--full-width';
$classes['nav'] = '';
if ($theme->isColor($navInnerBgColor)) //If menu has inner background color, add class indicating that it can have an outline
$classes['nav'] .= ' has-outline';
if ($navDropShadow === 'inner-container')
$classes['nav'] .= ' show-bg';
elseif ($navDropShadow === 'bar')
$classes['nav'] .= ' nav--bar-drop-shadow';
if ($navStretched)
$classes['nav'] .= ' stretched';
if ($menuDisplayedInFullWidthContainer === FALSE)
$classes['nav'] .= ' simple';
//Assign blocks to selected positions
$p = array();
//Mini cart
//Get flag which indicates that mini cart block exists and is displayed
$existsInChildBlock['cart'] = Mage::registry('headerDisplayMiniCart');
if ($display['cart'])
$cartHtml = $this->getChildHtml('cart_sidebar');
if ($cartHtml)
$p[$position['cart']][] = $cartHtml;
//Mini compare
//Get flag which indicates that mini compare block exists and is displayed
$existsInChildBlock['compare'] = Mage::registry('headerDisplayMiniCompare');
if ($display['compare'])
$compareHtml = $this->getChildHtml('compareMini');
if ($compareHtml)
$p[$position['compare']][] = $compareHtml;
$p[$position['logo']][] = $logoHtml;
//Get flag which indicates that search box exists and is displayed
$existsInChildBlock['search'] = Mage::registry('headerDisplaySearch');
if ($display['search'])
$searchHtml = $this->getChildHtml('search_wrapper');
if ($searchHtml)
$p[$position['search']][] = $searchHtml;
//User menu
$p[$position['user-menu']][] = $userMenuHtml;
//User menu can contain account links (including Top Links).
//Get flag which indicates that block with account links exists and is displayed.
$existsInChildBlock['account-links'] = Mage::registry('headerDisplayAccountLinks');
//Main menu
$menuHtml = '
<div id="header-nav" class="nav-container skip-content sticky-container' . ($classes['nav-container'] ? $classes['nav-container'] : '') . '">
<div class="nav container clearer' . ($classes['nav'] ? $classes['nav'] : '') . '">
<div class="inner-container">' . $this->getChildHtml('topMenu') . '</div> <!-- end: inner-container -->
</div> <!-- end: nav -->
</div> <!-- end: nav-container -->';
if ($menuDisplayedInFullWidthContainer === FALSE)
$p[$position['main-menu']][] = $menuHtml;
//Skip links and blocks displayed via skip links
//Skip links count
$skipLinksCount = 0;
if (!empty($searchHtml) || $existsInChildBlock['search'])
//Account links
if ($existsInChildBlock['account-links'])
//Mini cart
if (!empty($cartHtml) || $existsInChildBlock['cart'])
//Mini compare
if (!empty($compareHtml) || $existsInChildBlock['compare'])
if (!empty($menuHtml))
<div id="top" class="header-container header-regular<?php if ($classes['root']) echo $classes['root']; ?>">
<div class="header-container2">
<div class="header-container3">
<div class="header-top-container">
<div class="header-top header container clearer<?php if ($classes['top']) echo $classes['top']; ?>">
<div class="inner-container">
<div class="left-column">
<?php if (isset($p['topLeft_1'])): ?>
<?php foreach ($p['topLeft_1'] as $element): ?>
<div class="item item-left"><?php echo $element; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('container_header_top_left_1'); ?>
<?php if ($tmpHtml = $this->getChildHtml('block_header_top_left')): ?>
<div class="item item-left block_header_top_left"><?php echo $tmpHtml; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($tmpHtml = $this->getChildHtml('block_header_top_left2')): ?>
<div class="item item-left block_header_top_left2"><?php echo $tmpHtml; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="item item-left hide-below-960">
<p class="welcome-msg"><?php echo $this->getChildHtml('welcome'); ?> <?php echo $this->getAdditionalHtml(); ?></p>
</div> <!-- end: left column -->
<div class="right-column">
<?php if (isset($p['topRight_1'])): ?>
<?php foreach ($p['topRight_1'] as $element): ?>
<div class="item item-right"><?php echo $element; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('container_header_top_right_1'); ?>
<?php if ($tmpHtml = $this->getChildHtml('block_header_top_right')): ?>
<div class="item item-right block_header_top_right"><?php echo $tmpHtml; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="currency-switcher-wrapper-regular" class="item item-right"><?php echo $currencySwitcher; ?></div>
<div id="lang-switcher-wrapper-regular" class="item item-right"><?php echo $languageSwitcher; ?></div>
<?php if ($tmpHtml = $this->getChildHtml('block_header_top_right2')): ?>
<div class="item item-right block_header_top_right2"><?php echo $tmpHtml; ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: right column -->
</div> <!-- end: inner-container -->
</div> <!-- end: header-top -->
</div> <!-- end: header-top-container -->
<div class="header-primary-container">
<div class="header-primary header container<?php if ($classes['primary']) echo $classes['primary']; ?>">
<div class="inner-container">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topContainer'); ?>
//Important: do not add any additional blocks directly inside the "hp-blocks-holder" div.
//Additional blocks, if needed, can be added inside columns (left, central, righ).
<div class="hp-blocks-holder skip-links--<?php echo $skipLinksCount; ?>">
<?php if ($hasHeaderCollateral && $mobileHeaderMode && $moveSwitchers): ?>
<!-- Mobile header collaterals -->
<div id="header-collateral" class="header-collateral">
<?php echo $languageSwitcher; ?>
<?php echo $currencySwitcher; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Mobile logo -->
<div class="logo-wrapper--mobile">
<a class="logo logo--mobile" href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('') ?>" title="<?php echo $this->getLogoAlt() ?>">
<img src="<?php echo (($small = $this->getLogoSrcSmall()) ? $small : $this->getLogoSrc()); ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->getLogoAlt() ?>" />
<div class="clearer after-mobile-logo"></div>
<!-- Skip links -->
<?php if (!empty($menuHtml)): ?>
<a href="#header-nav" class="skip-link skip-nav">
<span class="icon ic ic-menu"></span>
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('Menu'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($searchHtml) || $existsInChildBlock['search']): ?>
<a href="#header-search" class="skip-link skip-search">
<span class="icon ic ic-search"></span>
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('Search'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($existsInChildBlock['account-links']): ?>
<a href="#header-account" class="skip-link skip-account">
<span class="icon ic ic-user"></span>
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('My Account'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($compareHtml) || $existsInChildBlock['compare']): ?>
<a href="#header-compare" class="skip-link skip-compare">
<span class="icon ic ic-compare"></span>
<?php if (($compareCount = Mage::registry('miniCompareProductCount')) > 0): ?>
<span class="count"><?php echo $compareCount; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<span class="label"><?php echo $this->__('Compare'); ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Mini cart wrapper for cart and its skip link on mobile devices -->
<div id="mini-cart-wrapper-mobile"></div>
<div class="skip-links-clearer clearer"></div>
<!-- end: Skip links -->
<!-- Additional containers for elements displayed on mobile devices -->
<?php if ($move['search']): //Search on mobile devices ?>
<div id="search-wrapper-mobile"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['user-menu']): //User Menu on mobile devices ?>
<div id="user-menu-wrapper-mobile"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['compare']): //Mini compare on mobile devices ?>
<div id="mini-compare-wrapper-mobile"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- Primary columns -->
<?php if (isset($grid['primLeftCol'])): ?>
<!-- Left column -->
<div class="hp-block left-column <?php echo $grid['primLeftCol']; ?>">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('container_header_primary_left_1'); ?>
<?php if (isset($p['primLeftCol'])): ?>
<?php foreach ($p['primLeftCol'] as $element): ?>
<div class="item"><?php echo $element; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: left column -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($grid['primCentralCol'])): ?>
<!-- Central column -->
<div class="hp-block central-column <?php echo $grid['primCentralCol']; ?>">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('container_header_primary_central_1'); ?>
<?php if (isset($p['primCentralCol'])): ?>
<?php foreach ($p['primCentralCol'] as $element): ?>
<div class="item"><?php echo $element; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: central column -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (isset($grid['primRightCol'])): ?>
<!-- Right column -->
<div class="hp-block right-column <?php echo $grid['primRightCol']; ?>">
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('container_header_primary_right_1'); ?>
<?php if (isset($p['primRightCol'])): ?>
<?php foreach ($p['primRightCol'] as $element): ?>
<div class="item"><?php echo $element; ?></div>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: right column -->
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: hp-blocks-holder -->
</div> <!-- end: inner-container -->
</div> <!-- end: header-primary -->
</div> <!-- end: header-primary-container -->
<?php if ($menuDisplayedInFullWidthContainer): ?>
<?php echo $menuHtml; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
</div> <!-- end: header-container3 -->
</div> <!-- end: header-container2 -->
</div> <!-- end: header-container -->
<?php //Scripts %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php //Mobile mode ------------------------------------------------- ?>
<?php if ($mobileHeaderMode): ?>
var SmartHeader = {
mobileHeaderThreshold : 770
, rootContainer : jQuery('.header-container')
, init : function()
enquire.register('(max-width: ' + (SmartHeader.mobileHeaderThreshold - 1) + 'px)', {
match: SmartHeader.moveElementsToMobilePosition,
unmatch: SmartHeader.moveElementsToRegularPosition
, activateMobileHeader : function()
, activateRegularHeader : function()
, moveElementsToMobilePosition : function()
//Move cart
<?php if ($move['search']): ?>
//Move search
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['user-menu']): ?>
//Move User Menu
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['compare']): ?>
//Move compare
<?php endif; ?>
//Reset active state
//Disable dropdowns
//Clean up after dropdowns: reset the "display" property
jQuery('#header-cart').css('display', '');
jQuery('#header-compare').css('display', '');
, moveElementsToRegularPosition : function()
//Move cart
<?php if ($move['search']): ?>
//Move search
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['user-menu']): ?>
//Move User Menu
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($move['compare']): ?>
//Move compare
<?php endif; ?>
//Reset active state
//Enable dropdowns
}; //end: SmartHeader
jQuery(function($) {
//Skip Links
var skipContents = $('.skip-content');
var skipLinks = $('.skip-link');
skipLinks.on('click', function (e) {
var self = $(this);
var target = self.attr('href');
//Get target element
var elem = $(target);
//Check if stub is open
var isSkipContentOpen = elem.hasClass('skip-active') ? 1 : 0;
//Hide all stubs
//Toggle stubs
if (isSkipContentOpen) {
} else {
}); //end: on document ready
<?php endif; //end: mode ?>
<?php //Sticky header ------------------------------------------------- ?>
<?php if ($sticky): ?>
jQuery(function($) {
var StickyHeader = {
stickyThreshold : <?php echo $mobileMenuThreshold; ?>
, isSticky : false
, isSuspended : false
, headerContainer : $('.header-container')
, stickyContainer : $('.sticky-container') //.nav-container
, stickyContainerOffsetTop : 55 //Position of the bottom edge of the sticky container relative to the viewport
, requiredRecalculation : false //Flag: required recalculation of the position of the bottom edge of the sticky container
, calculateStickyContainerOffsetTop : function()
//Calculate the position of the bottom edge of the sticky container relative to the viewport
StickyHeader.stickyContainerOffsetTop =
StickyHeader.stickyContainer.offset().top + StickyHeader.stickyContainer.outerHeight();
//Important: disable flag
StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation = false;
, init : function()
StickyHeader.hookToActivatedDeactivated(); //Important: call before activateSticky is called
if (StickyHeader.stickyThreshold > 0)
enquire.register('(max-width: ' + (StickyHeader.stickyThreshold - 1) + 'px)', {
match: StickyHeader.suspendSticky,
unmatch: StickyHeader.unsuspendSticky
, applySticky : function()
if (StickyHeader.isSuspended) return;
//If recalculation required
if (StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation)
//Important: recalculate only when header is not sticky
if (!StickyHeader.isSticky)
var viewportOffsetTop = $(window).scrollTop();
if (viewportOffsetTop > StickyHeader.stickyContainerOffsetTop)
if (!StickyHeader.isSticky)
if (StickyHeader.isSticky)
, activateSticky : function()
var stickyContainerHeight = StickyHeader.stickyContainer.outerHeight();
var originalHeaderHeight = StickyHeader.headerContainer.css('height');
//Compensate the change of the header height after the sticky container was removed from its normal position
StickyHeader.headerContainer.css('height', originalHeaderHeight);
//Trigger even just before making the header sticky
//Make the header sticky
StickyHeader.isSticky = true;
StickyHeader.stickyContainer.css('margin-top', '-' + stickyContainerHeight + 'px').animate({'margin-top': '0'}, 200, 'easeOutCubic');
//StickyHeader.stickyContainer.css('opacity', '0').animate({'opacity': '1'}, 300, 'easeOutCubic');
, deactivateSticky : function()
//Remove the compensation of the header height change
StickyHeader.headerContainer.css('height', '');
StickyHeader.isSticky = false;
, suspendSticky : function()
StickyHeader.isSuspended = true;
//Deactivate sticky header.
//Important: call method only when sticky header is actually active.
if (StickyHeader.isSticky)
, unsuspendSticky : function()
StickyHeader.isSuspended = false;
//Activate sticky header.
//Important: call applySticky instead of activateSticky to check if activation is needed.
, hookToScroll : function()
$(window).on("scroll", StickyHeader.applySticky);
, hookToScrollDeferred : function()
var windowScrollTimeout;
$(window).on("scroll", function() {
windowScrollTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);
, hookToResize : function()
$(window).on('themeResize', function(e) {
//Require recalculation
StickyHeader.requiredRecalculation = true;
//Remove the compensation of the header height change
StickyHeader.headerContainer.css('height', '');
, hookToActivatedDeactivated : function()
//Move elements to sticky header
$(document).on('sticky-header-before-activated', function(e, data) {
}); //end: on event
//Move elements from sticky header to normal position
$(document).on('sticky-header-deactivated', function(e, data) {
//Move mini cart back to the regular container but only if mini cart is inside the menu holder
if (jQuery('#mini-cart').parent().hasClass('nav-holder'))
//Move mini compare back to the regular container but only if mini compare is inside the menu holder
if (jQuery('#header-search').parent().hasClass('nav-holder'))
}); //end: on event
}; //end: StickyHeader
}); //end: on document ready
<?php endif; //end: if sticky ?>