Hjælp til kodning
HejJeg skal have lavet noget kode, som tilføjer en rente, til en eksisterende konto.
De to koder er 2 klasser for sig. Hvordan får jeg dem implementeret, således at jeg kan få renten til at blive tilføjet til de enkelte konti?
public class Interestrate {
public static void main( String args[] )
double amount; // Beløb på depositum ved udgang af hvert år
double principal = 1000; // Beløb før renter
double rate = 0.002; // Rentesats
// Viser overskrifterne "Year" og "Amount on deposit" på skærmen
System.out.printf( "%s%20s\n", "Year(s)", "Amount on deposit" );
// Udregner beløbet på depositum over et x antal år, hvilket i dette tilfælde er 10.
for ( int year = 1; year <= 10; year++)
// Udregner det nye beløb for hvert enkelt år.
amount = principal * Math.pow(1 + rate, year);
// Viser selve året og selve beløbet på skærmen
System.out.printf( "%4d%,20.2f\n", year, amount );
} // Afslutter "for" loop
public double getInterestrate(String type) {
switch (type)
case "Løn":
Interestrate = 2;
case "Opsparing":
Interestrate = 4;
case "Kassekredit":
Interestrate = 4;
case "Konto4":
Interestrate = 5;
case "Konto5":
Interestrate = 1;
} // Afslutter Switch
return Interestrate;
} // Afslutter method getInterestrate
} // Afslutter main
} // Afslutter klassen "Interestrate"
package ch13;
import java.util.ArrayList;
// BankDatabase.java
// Represents the bank account information database
public class BankDatabase
//private Account accounts[]; // array of Accounts
private ArrayList<Account> accountList; // array of Accounts
// no-argument BankDatabase constructor initializes accounts
public BankDatabase()
accountList = new ArrayList<Account>();
accountList.add(new Account( 12345, 54321, 1000.0, 1200.0 ));
accountList.add(new Account( 98765, 56789, 200.0, 200.0 ));
//accounts = new Account[ 2 ]; // just 2 accounts for testing
//accounts[ 0 ] = new Account( 12345, 54321, 1000.0, 1200.0 );
//accounts[ 1 ] = new Account( 98765, 56789, 200.0, 200.0 );
} // end no-argument BankDatabase constructor
// retrieve Account object containing specified account number
private Account getAccount( int accountNumber )
// loop through accounts searching for matching account number
for ( Account currentAccount : accountList )
// return current account if match found
if ( currentAccount.getAccountNumber() == accountNumber )
return currentAccount;
} // end for
return null; // if no matching account was found, return null
} // end method getAccount
// determine whether user-specified account number and PIN match
// those of an account in the database
public boolean authenticateUser( int userAccountNumber, int userPIN )
// attempt to retrieve the account with the account number
Account userAccount = getAccount( userAccountNumber );
// if account exists, return result of Account method validatePIN
if ( userAccount != null )
return userAccount.validatePIN( userPIN );
return false; // account number not found, so return false
} // end method authenticateUser
// return available balance of Account with specified account number
public double getAvailableBalance( int userAccountNumber )
return getAccount( userAccountNumber ).getAvailableBalance();
} // end method getAvailableBalance
// return total balance of Account with specified account number
public double getTotalBalance( int userAccountNumber )
return getAccount( userAccountNumber ).getTotalBalance();
} // end method getTotalBalance
// credit an amount to Account with specified account number
public void credit( int userAccountNumber, double amount )
getAccount( userAccountNumber ).credit( amount );
} // end method credit
// debit an amount from Account with specified account number
public void debit( int userAccountNumber, double amount )
getAccount( userAccountNumber ).debit( amount );
} // end method debit
} // end class BankDatabase
Tak på forhånd!