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This is a known issue in Windows Movie Maker. Video might not be captured successfully when you capture video from a DV camera that is a USB Video Class (UVC) device and is connected to your computer using a USB 2.0 connection. This issue primarily occurs when you press and hold down the fast forward or rewind buttons that appear in the DV camera controls area in the Video Capture Wizard in Windows Movie Maker.
To workaround this issue and capture video, do the following in the Video Capture Wizard:
1. Make sure your DV device is connected to a USB 2.0 port, and then set the camera mode to play recorded video (often labeled VTR or VCR on a DV camera).
2. On the File menu, click Capture Video.
3. On the Video Capture Device page, in Available devices, click the DV camera.
Note If you have only one video device installed on your computer, this wizard page is not displayed, and you can go to the next step.
4. In the Enter a file name for your captured video box, enter a file name for your captured video file. Then, in the Choose a place to save your captured video box, select the location where you want your video to be saved or click Browse to select a location.
5. On the Video Setting page, select the video setting you want to use for capturing video and audio.
6. On the Capture Method page, click Capture parts of the tape manually.
7. Locate the video and audio you want to capture from your tape by using the controls on your DV camera.
Note Do not use the fast forward or rewind buttons that appear in the Video Capture Wizard in the DV controls area.
8. To begin capturing video, click Start Capture.
The tape plays automatically and capturing begins.
9. When the tape reaches the point at which you want to stop capturing, click Stop Capture.
10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 for each part of the video tape you want to capture.
11. When you have finished capturing, click Finish to close the Video Capture Wizard.
The captured content is imported into a new collection with the same name as the specified video file.