Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:30 Der er 20 kommentarer og
1 løsning

DDR3 Ram problemer..

Jeg har nogen problemer med ny indkøbte ram.

General data:
Bundkort: MSI P45 Diamond bundkort
Ram: DDR3 2 GB
Understøtter: DDR3 800/1066/1333/1600

Ram indkøbt: 4 GB DDR3 1333
Produkt kode: CMV4GX3M2A1333C9  (Hvis man vil søge på Google om dem)


Ved at intallere de nye ram, opstår følgende situation:
Computer starter, men får sort skærm og når ikke engang at hverken se bios eller skærm tænder. Så er det som den går i stå og ikke kommer videre.
Den ene gang genstartede den og sagde noget om over clocking mislykkedes.. ??

Hvad kan det være den ikke vil acceptere mine nye ram, selvom bundkortet understøtter dem fuldt ud.? Er der nogen indstillinger i bios eller andet som jeg skal prøve og kigge nærmere på, gerne være lidt præcise på det område ??
Avatar billede 220661 Ekspert
05. januar 2011 - 19:38 #1
Understøtter bundkort 2 Gb og du har købt 4 Gb, eller hvordan skal det forstås?
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:43 #2

Der er 4 sokler,og de understætter sikkert kun 2gb pr. sokkel = 8 gb ialt
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:43 #3
Bundkort understøtter 8 GB total.

Har kun 2 Gb installeret, derfor jeg ville skifte dem ud med 4 GB nye isteden og få den til at køre mere optimalt og hurtigere :)
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:44 #4
Jeg har købt 2 x 2 GB ram sokkel :) Så der burde ikke blive nogen problemer der
Avatar billede 220661 Ekspert
05. januar 2011 - 19:48 #5
Kan de to nye ram køre alene uden de gamle installeret?
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:50 #6
Med de nye ram får jeg problem stillingen som lydende:

- Total sort skærm
- Computer vil IKKe starte overhovedet

Nye + gammel: Samme problem.. Ingen respons overhovedet
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:50 #7
Når du har 2 x 2 Gb, sætter du dem så i sokkel 1 + 3 eller sokkel 2 + 4 ?
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 19:50 #8
har prøvet begge måder..
Avatar billede 220661 Ekspert
05. januar 2011 - 19:56 #9
Du kunne prøve at tage ram ud og starte pc et øjeblik. Pc vil bippe fordi den mangler ram.sluk igen. Indsæt de gamle ram som de sad og monter de nye i de sidste to slots. Hvad sker der så?
Stadig det samme?
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
05. januar 2011 - 20:00 #10
Har du prøvet at lave en "load default settings" i Bios ?

Memory Support
- DDR3 1600*(OC)/1333/1066/800 SDRAM (8GB Max)
(To support 8GB Max, please check the criteria of Intel website.)
- 4 DDR3 DIMMs (240pin / 1.5V)
* (For more information on compatible components, please visit

Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 20:16 #11
Kan ikke lave den "load deafult settings" i bios, da jeg aldrig når dertil. Tænder den, og så sker der ikke mere derfra overhovedet. Kan kun se den tænder pga lyset i bundkort og at den loader. Men der sker ikke mere derfra.

Det er også forsøgt med at starte uden, men virker bare underligt den ikke vil acceptere de nye ram, heller ikke i samarbejde med de gamle.
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
05. januar 2011 - 20:32 #12
Har du tjekket at bundkortet understøtter de Coasair ram:

Hvis ikke de er på listen, så skal du kigge på om der er en nyere bios version på MSI siden, end den du evt. kører med pt. da de bios versioner der er der, er opdateret 3 gange med Memory module opdates.
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 20:49 #13
Nogen der kan forklare mig mere enkelt hvordan jeg opdatere min bios ??

Kører win xp, men er ikke interesserret i at miste alle data..
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
05. januar 2011 - 21:18 #14
Det står beskrevet i tekst dokumenetet "How to flash the Bios" i den zip fil du downloader.
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
05. januar 2011 - 22:28 #15
Har lige fået det hentet ned fra MSI, men i det dokument står der kun manual for opdatering af bios i

Win ME/ 98.. Men da XP kører på en anden platform, vil jeg gerne høre om nogen ved hvordan jeg så opdatere min bios til den nyeste version, da jeg kan se min er kun v 1.0 og vil gerne have 1.5 :)

Nogen der kan hjælpe ??
Avatar billede kadun Nybegynder
05. januar 2011 - 22:30 #16
Med dit problem er det næsten umuligt og ikke miste date, har du tjekket alt understøtter hinanden ikke kun bundkort, fx nogle x32 kan ikke trække 4gb ram og dette vil resultere i at din computer kan få problem, samtidig med du kan overophede dit grafik kort ved at sende for mange ram igennem, hvis de ikke er beregnet til det
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
06. januar 2011 - 08:44 #17
"Med dit problem er det næsten umuligt og ikke miste date"
Hvad er det da for noget vrøvl !

Hvilke data mister du da, ifølge dit udsagn ??

Hvis en opdate ikke lykkedes af bios, så kan man resette cmos på bundkortet og man er tilbage til den oprindelige bios version = ikke mistet data.

En opdatering er bios er jo en software opdatering på en eprom på bundkortet, du indtalller jo ikke nogen data på harddisken = ikke mistet data eller ændringer af data
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
06. januar 2011 - 08:47 #18
Award BIOS Flash Procedure
1. Know your model number
a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (Some motherboards are named like K8N Diamond; make sure you have the right version number)
b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like "W7100NMS V1.1 021705" This means the board is MS-7100 with BIOS version 1.1
Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, and you can either press "PAUSE" or disable the "Quick Boot" in the BIOS setup.

2. Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like K8N Diamond; make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is AMD 939 type then look here
if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php

3. Extract the BIOS-archive that you have downloaded by double clicking to c:\test

4. Boot your system from a Win98 or WinME boot-floppy.
How to make boot floppy in case your don't have it ready:
For Win9X, You can type [C:\ format a:/s] from the DOS prompt.
For WinME, You can make a boot floppy from control panel--> add/remove program-->make boot floppy. Remove autoexec.bat & config.sys file if there's any.
For Win2000, there's no way to make boot floppy, so you have to either use Win9X or WinME boot floppy.
For WinXP, you can make a DOS boot disk. Go to Your Computer, right click drive A:, select Format, select copy system files.

5. When you get the A:\ prompt, type the following sequence:
C: <enter>
cd\test <enter>
C:\test> awdfl865 BIOS file
(To save or not to save old BIOS is the user's decision)

6. Reboot your system when prompted

AMI BIOS Flash Procedure
1. Know your model number
a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (some motherboards are named like 945G Neo2, make sure you have the right version number)
b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like "MSI 945P/G Neo 2 A7176IMS V3.3 Date: 04/26/06" This means the board is MS-7176 with BIOS version 3.3
Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, you can either press "PAUSE" or disable the "Quick Boot" in the BIOS setup.

2. Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like 945G Neo2, make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is Intel 775 type then look here
if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php

3. Extract the BIOS-archive that you have downloaded by double clicking to c:\test

4. Boot your system from a Win98 or WinME boot-floppy.
How to make boot floppy in case your don't have it ready:
For Win9X, You can type [C:\ format a:/s] from the DOS prompt.
For WinME, You can make a boot floppy from control panel--> add/remove program-->make boot floppy. Remove autoexec.bat & config.sys file if there's any.
For Win2000, there's no way to make boot floppy, so you have to either use Win9X or WinME boot floppy.
For WinXP, you can make a DOS boot disk. Go to Your Computer, right click drive A:, select Format, select copy system files.

5. When you get the A:\ prompt, type the following sequence:
C: <enter>
cd\test <enter>
C:\test> adsfi719 BIOS file
(to save or not to save old BIOS is the user's decision)

6. Reboot your system when prompted

Flashing the BIOS for Non-FAT file system
1. Know your model number
a. Open your case and look for the MS-XXXX number on the motherboard between the PCI slots, also check the version number that is written there as well. (some motherboards are named like K8N Diamond, make sure you have the right version number)
b. Boot up your system & take a look at the top left screen during POST, you should see something like "W7100NMS V1.1 021705" This means the board is MS-7100 with BIOS version 1.1
Hint: Many systems are clearing this message very fast, the bios version is then unreadable, and you can either press "PAUSE" or disable the "Quick Boot" in the BIOS setup.

3. Download the BIOS that matches your motherboard AND version number (some motherboards are named like K8N Diamond; make sure you have the right version number). BIOS can be found according to the CPU type of your board like if your CPU is AMD 939 type then look here
if you cannot find the BIOS that matches your board, try here <http://www.msi.com.tw/support/bios/more.php>

4. Extract the file you have downloaded to a floppy (not the win ME/98 startup floppy) by double clocking the file in windows mode and supplying the path a:\

5. Boot the computer using windows ME or windows 98 startup disk. It must be one of these! A plain boot disk will not be good enough.
If you do not have Windows ME or 98 to create the floppy you can make one on a friend's computer.

6. When boot is done there will be a message on the screen showing:"Diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive" followed by a single letter.
This letter is the letter assigned to the RAMDRIVE. This RAMDRIVE is a virtual drive in the system memory and can be accessed and controlled like any other drive with DOS commands such as:
MD - Make Directory
Copy - copy a file
Delete - Delete a file

There is one important difference which is that being in the system memory this drive is wiped once the computer is restarted or shut down.

7. Replace the startup floppy with the one containing the flash utility and bios ROM files previously extracted in windows.

8. Copy the 2 files to the RAMDRIVE by using the DOS command copy.
Here is an example, in this example the flash utility is AWFL865.EXE ,the ROM file is  W7100NMS.110  and the RAMDRIVE letter assignment is D

copy awfl865.exe d:\
copy w7100nms.110 d:\

9. Change the current working directory to the RAMDRIVE root directory, with the example case of the RAMDRIVE being drive D this is done by simply done with the command d:

10. Execute the flash utility with the ROM file as a command line argument, with this example:
awfl865 w7100nms.110

If you wish to save the current bios you must specify the full path a:\filename. Specifying only a file name will save the bios to the RAMDRIVE which will be wiped after restarting the computer and the file will not be saved.

a:\bios.old is an example of the correct way to save the bios.

11. Reboot your system when prompted

12. If your system doesn't boot after you flashed, please refer to the BIOS recovery method as described
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
29. november 2011 - 20:33 #19
Mangler en der vil have point, således denne tråd kan lukkes..

Problemet er dog ikke løst, men opgivet problemet
Avatar billede haverslev Novice
29. november 2011 - 21:13 #20
Hvis problemet ikke er løst, så læg svar selv og derved kan du acceptere det og lukke spørgsmålet.
Avatar billede kjgizmo Novice
30. november 2011 - 08:38 #21
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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