Ny samlet PC vil ikke boote.
Here is the new build:ASRock A790GXH/128M AM2+ ATX Phenom II ready
Asus Radeon HD 4890 1GB GDDR5
Corsair 650W
Samsung 22" Wide Syncmaster T220
AMD Phenom™ II X3 720 Black Edition
Corsair Dominator TWIN2X PC8500 4GB DDR2
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
Well, everything seems to fire up but my monitor wont come out of standby.
What could be the problem?
Both 8pin and 24pin is connected to the motherboard. I have tried to connect the monitor to both the onboard GPU and the ATI 4890 GPU with wvery cable possible.. but with no result..
I have gone through this checklist () and everything seems to be installed correctly: http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/page-261145_13_0.html
I get the following series of beep codes;
1 short beep then a long break
then 1 beep and two seconds after another 2 beeps.
then a little break on a few seconds
then another beep.
Any ideas??