02. januar 2004 - 10:56Der er
8 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Journalisering af office dokumenter
Hej Jeg vil gerne have Outlook 2003 til at holde styr på alle mine dokumenter, som jeg laver til mine kunder, men jeg har prøvet at sætte det hele op og det virker ikke!!!
Er der en som bare kan outlook og vil tjene lidt gode point. så skriv.
det kan du ikke med outlook medmindre du laver en mappe til hver kunde , så kan du gemme en kopi af alle mail i den mappe men det er et ret stort arbejde hver gang du sender en mail
Hvad hvis du laver en formular, med forudefinerede felter og sender denne til dig selv eller en dertil indrettet mappe, så kan du bruge "ADVANCED SEARCH" til at finde rundt i dine breve efterfølgende!!!
Den skal holde styr på alt, e-mail, opgaver, brev skrevet i word, o.s.v Jeg vil gerne få dem listet under fanebladet "Aktiviteter" på mine kontakt personer.
De har sikkert prøvet dette, som er fra Outlook hjælpen.
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Record items and files in Journal Do one or more of the following:
Automatically record items and files.
On the Tools menu, click Options. Click Journal Options. In the Automatically record these items box, select the check boxes for the items (item: An item is the basic element that holds information in Outlook (similar to a file in other programs). Items include e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, and posted items and documents.)you want automatically recorded in Journal. In the For these contacts box, select the check boxes for the contacts (contact: Person, inside or outside of your organization, about whom you can save several types of information, such as street and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and Web page URLs. ) you want the items automatically recorded for. In the Also record files from box, select the check boxes next to the programs whose files you want to automatically record in Journal. Manually record a Microsoft Outlook item.
On the File menu, point to New, and then click Journal Entry. In the Subject box, type a description. In the Entry type box, click the type of Journal entry (journal entry: An item in the Journal folder that acts as a shortcut to an activity that has been recorded. You can distinguish a journal entry from other items by the clock that appears in the lower-left corner of the icon.) you are recording. Select other options you want. Manually record a file from outside of Outlook.
Locate the file you want to record. You can use Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Windows Explorer, or the desktop. Drag the item (item: An item is the basic element that holds information in Outlook (similar to a file in other programs). Items include e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, and posted items and documents.)to Journal . Select the options you want for the Journal entry (journal entry: An item in the Journal folder that acts as a shortcut to an activity that has been recorded. You can distinguish a journal entry from other items by the clock that appears in the lower-left corner of the icon.).
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