Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:51 Der er 30 kommentarer og
2 løsninger


Hvordan laver man et logo i cs! og hvordan sætter man det ind?

Jeg kan sq ikke selv finde ud af det!!!!!!!!!
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:52 #1
brug et program
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:53 #2
Avatar billede bounce2002 Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:53 #3
der er nogle små billeder i mappen som du skal lave om....
Jeg tror at det er Z eller X du skal trykke på for at spraye det ud.
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:54 #4
nej det er t
Avatar billede bounce2002 Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:54 #5
men søg efter *.bmp - og så skulle den gerne finde en masse,
men prøv at åbne dem alle indtil du finder den rigtige
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:55 #6
man tegner bare et logo og sætter det ind i mappen med logoer og så kommer det
Avatar billede bounce2002 Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:55 #7
Og du kan sagtens bruge paint til at lave dem om...
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:56 #8
men du er bøsse
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 09:59 #9
jeg har sq da prøvet det kan du ikke sige hvilken mappe det skal være i??????????
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:01 #10
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:01 #11
det virker din lort
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:01 #12
`Luk nu måsen, jeg har andmeldt dig
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:02 #13
DU er SQ da underlig din klown
Avatar billede rajczik Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:03 #14
Hold Dog op dette er ikke en Børnehave
Avatar billede deacon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:03 #15
hvorfor spammer du nogle spørgsmål med tegn din klovn?
Avatar billede finntoft Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:04 #16
De skal ligge i denne mappe: \Half-Life\logos
og have støresen 64*64 og gemmes i BMP format
Avatar billede johnschmidt Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 10:33 #17
Der ligger en masse logoer i half-life7LOGOS, men ikke det man sprayer (ved at trykke på t i std. indstillingen, men dette kan jo laves om)..

jeg har ikke kunne finde det logo der sprayes - hvordan vælger man mellem de forskelling logos???
Avatar billede tbkra Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 11:54 #18
du kan sku bare downloade hll editor fra kazaa så kan du indsætte bmp billeder og så sætte billederne i cs-logo mappen
Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:19 #19
First of all the file is not a bmp image but it's called a pldecal.wad.

A pldecal.wad is a compressed .bmp image and converting a .bmp image into a pldecal.wad, can be done with a programm called wally. But i will come to that later.

Second, the image is not placed into your logo folder, but into the game folder of the game you wanna play. Let me show you what i mean :

* Internet version

Counterstrike, the folder to place the pldecal.wad into is : halflife\cstrike

* Retail version

For CS retail, the folder to place the pldecal.wad into is : sierra\counter-strike\cstrike

If it aks you to overwrite the pldecal.wad in your game dir...press yes
Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:20 #20
Third, a colour logo can't be choosen from the custimize logo menu, but it's automatically placed within your game. If you do go into customize, you will messup the colour logo and HL will replace the colour logo by the basic pldecal. So if this happens, just place the pldecal.wad back again in your game folder and go play.

Basicaly, the only thing you have to do is:

- place your spray into your game folder
- Go play


A spray has his limit on how big the size can be. The pldecal.wad can be only
15 kb max in size. If you make it bigger , the server won't upload it becoz it's 2 big.

So make sure you don't cross that 15 kb file size.
You can use all kinds of sizes when creating images in your paint prg, but the largest size you can use is 144*80 - 80*144 and the size has to be dividable by 16

The sizes recommended to you are : 128*64 - 64*128
Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:20 #21
Ok now we have reached the point that we're actually gonna create an image.
I use for this example Photoshop, coz i only work with photoshop.
There are 2 ways of creating spray pictures.

create one by simply resizing an image to 128*64 - 64*128

- THEN SET THE WIDTH AND HEIGHT TO : 128*64 or 64*128

Or open an empty file to 128*64 - 64*128 and create one your self by
pressing the file menu in the left screen and press NEW

Now you can make your own image.
There is one really important thing you should know and that's when converting
the bmp image into a wad file, the converted image will look brighter and the
contrast will be also set to high. the image as lost a lot of colour depth

This is not doing anything good to the image, so we have to fake wally a bit.
We have to tweak the brightness and the contrast a bit, before saving it away
as a bmp file.

But be sure that if you made your own logo and used layers in your
image that you first must flatten the image b4 doing the tweak on the brightness
and contrast.

Becoz if you don't do that , the adjustment of the brightness and constrast will only
occur on that selected layer.....

Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:21 #22
Then place the brightness to max - 26 and the contrast to max +28
This is really depending on how many colours are used in the image.
Try to experiment with it. It has to look more darken then the original one

after this, the image is almost ready for use. But we have to save it
away as a bmp file first.

Choose in the left corner for File again and then for save a copy
Choose then for save as a bmp

Now the file select will come and ask you to save in 24 bit image...
this is very important coz the 24 bit image quality makes the logo also
looking very good. Saving a bmp file on 8 bit will destroy the quality of the logo

We only have to convert the bmp file into a pldecal.wad. This can be done with the programm called ' WALLY '

You can download it here below, just press the links

http://home.telefragged.com/wally/downloads http://home.telefragged.com/wally/downloads.shtml
http://home.wanadoo.nl/loes.netelenbos/wally_153b.exe  : Download Wally 1.53 b (Europe) http://home.wanadoo.nl/loes.netelenbos/wally_153b.exe http://home.wanadoo.nl/loes.netelenbos/wally_153b.exe
Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:22 #23
Ok now the makers of wally made it really simple to convert an .bmp image into
a pldecal file. Run the wally programm and go directly to the wizard modus.

After that this screen will appear :
Now press on the file on hard drive and select the folder or place on your computer
where you have saved your .bmp file.

Then press ok and wally will automatically convert it into a pldecal.wad.
Also the last colour in that picture will be automatically be set on 0.0.255

Now go to : file - save as..... and there you should choose a directory to save
your pldecal. Make sure your saved file is called pldecal

Now go to your games folder of halflife and select the folder of the game you play.

* Internet version

Counterstrike, the folder to place the pldecal.wad into is : halflife\cstrike

* Retail version

For CS retail, the folder to place the pldecal.wad into is : sierra\counter-strike\cstrike

If it aks you to overwrite the pldecal.wad in your game dir...press yes

You can't select logo's and switch between them in Halflife. So don't go into your customize menu otherwise you will destroy the colour logo and you have to start all over again by copying the pldecal.wad into your game dir.

Just start the game and go play. it's automatically configured for you to
use it in the game. If you don't see it the first time, just spray it the 2nd time
after 1 minute and then you should see it. This is becoz the server has to upload it
you know....
Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 12:23 #24
And that ladies and gents is how it is done!

Avatar billede johnschmidt Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 13:55 #25
lol det er smart - jeg har lavet det blæreste logo *lol* - skide godt forklaring - bare en skam det ikke er dansk for dem der ikke fatter hvad han skriver
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 14:00 #26
det er godt nok ikke tila at fatte
Avatar billede noon Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 14:06 #27
Er der en der vil give mig en "manual" på dansk
Avatar billede johnschmidt Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 14:26 #28
1. download wally.exe
2. pak programmet ud/installer det (det er gratis)
3. Lav et billede du vil kunne spraye i Counter-strike (højden*breden må ikke overstige 10.752 pixels) fx 112*96 pixels..
4. herefter åbner du programmet, og klikker på wizard i menulinien
5. her skal du angive dit HALFLIFE-spillebibliotek fx.
6. og den estention du har på altså "counter-strike"
7. angiv sourceen /stien til dit billede - klik ok - klik save.

Herefter vil programmet save en pldecal.wad fil i dit spillebibliotek indeholdende dit hjemmelavede billede.. Jeg har prøvet det og det virker...

Laver du en ny fil vil den gamle blive overskrevet og du kan kun da 1 fil liggende ad gangen..

han skriver at hvis filen er over 15 kb vil det ikke virke på nogen servere, men hvis du laver det som jeg har skrevet skulle det ikke gi problemer
Avatar billede jakeman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 14:34 #29

her finder du alt hvad du skal bruge!!!

Avatar billede sturman Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 14:52 #30
sorry it was in english noon, my written danish is shitty. but glad i could you johnschmidt. i think it is very clear.
but english is obviously needed to understand.

Avatar billede johnschmidt Nybegynder
07. marts 2002 - 16:55 #31
Avatar billede psoriasis Nybegynder
22. april 2002 - 15:56 #32
Man er da nok for handi, hvis man ik kan engelsk !! :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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