02. juni 2011 - 09:47Der er
14 kommentarer og 1 løsning
BIOS indstillinger
Hej! -jeg har nogen problemer med min BIOS, der er ikke nogen som helst indstillinger jeg kan redigere, jeg har lavet et opslag tidligere med at Dedikere MB til grafikkortet problemet er jeg kan ikke se de indstillinger og der er slet ikke noget at lave om på.. Der står kun nogen informationer om computeren, altså hvem der har lavet den og hvilken type processer der er i.
-Hvis nogen kan hjælpe ville det være fantastisk :) På forhånd tak!
i de manualer, man kan se på siden er der ingen beskrivelse af bios - stort set kun 'kom godt igang' pjecerne. Der henvises i dem til betjeningsvejledningen - den må du ligge inde med, så det er en selv-læser.
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03. juni 2011 - 07:44#7
Flash - BIOS - AMILO Pi 3660
BIOS DOS Flash (Disc-Image) - AMILO Pi3625
1,13 MB
Fujitsu Siemens Computers
Important information:
!! Connect the AC adapter before starting the BIOS flash !! !! Please reboot the system after the BIOS flash !!
Installation description:
Boots the system from the inserted Flash BIOS floppy disk and comply the info on the System display. The new BIOS Update file will delete the former BIOS Version.
******************************************* * * BIOS Flash-update for * * Fujitsu Siemens Computers * * AMILO Pi 3625 * *******************************************
Connect AC adapter before flashing Please reboot your system after flashing
_______________________________________________________________________________ I. BIOS Flash update in DOS-mode: _______________________________________________________________________________ There are two possibilities to flash the BIOS.
1. using a Floppy Disc (if available): -------------------------------------- Please unzip the received "FSC_BIOSDOSFlashDiscImageAMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.zip" file. After running Pi36251.0F.exe the BIOS Update files will be copied to an inserted floppy disc.
After this the medium should contain the following files:
flash.bat BIOS FLASH FILES Readme.TXT (this file)
2. using a CD: -------------- Burn the received iso file "FSC_BIOSFlashISOCDImageAMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.ISO" to the CD.
To flash your BIOS, boot from the medium into DOS-mode and run flash.bat.
_______________________________________________________________________________ II. BIOS Flash update from WINDOWS: _______________________________________________________________________________
Download the file "FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflash_AMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.EXE" and save it to the WINDOWS desktop or to a folder you like. Close all programs and applications
To flash your BIOS run FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflashAMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.exe with a
After this, please follow the displayed instructions. _______________________________________________________________________________
current BIOS V. 1.0F:
Solved problems:
- BIOS 2.3 and MRC 2.4 update for Mobile Intel 4 series Express Chipset A1 version conversion. - Update PMX 0023 for fan has a noise issue.
- Fixed T3200,3400,5800,5900 can't enter C3 issue - Fixed T3200,3400 can't install OS issue - Fixed T3200,3400,5800,5900 cpu type string is not correct in bios setup menu issue - Fixed system with Sony NEC AD-7590S DVD ROM will stop at "Boot From AHCI CD-ROM" for 15 seconds issue
jf #7 Download the file "FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflash_AMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.EXE" and save it to the WINDOWS desktop or to a folder you like. Close all programs and applications
To flash your BIOS run FSC_BIOSWindowsFlashWinflashAMILOPi36251.0F_xxxxx.exe with a
After this, please follow the displayed instructions.
så det gør du - og husk at du skal lukke alle andre programmer ned før, og have strøm på (ikke batteridrift).
Treatmenice, kan du lægge et svar så du kan få pointene?
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Slettet bruger
09. juni 2011 - 07:57#15
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