Avatar billede salimbharuchi Nybegynder
24. november 2008 - 12:27 Der er 3 kommentarer

Time Stamp must calculate and result Percentage

I am using timestamp for Students CheckIn..
what i need is to calculate the percentage of working days within a month by a student..
Thanks in advance for help..
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
24. november 2008 - 12:53 #1
You will need to give an example of tables/fields and also fi there is a filed indication checkin or checkout, or are they only checkin?
Avatar billede salimbharuchi Nybegynder
25. november 2008 - 10:18 #2
Infact terry i was able to do it myself...
Was just stuck @ one stage so tot off to post it here...Any ways thanks....
One more thing terry hope you remember me you helped me with one more most before...
Infact i have two queries..

qryStudentCheckIn & qryNotCheckedIn

As i was concerned about getting list of students who are not CheckedIN...you made a criteria on qryNotCheckedIn something like this:
Not In (SELECT SID FROM qryStudentCheckin WHERE CheckinDate = date())

If you see this it takes data from Not In qryStudentCheckIn ...thats fine...

but now WHERE CheckinDate = date() give me list of students on a current day...

Now what i need is a date range or something which gives me a list for a month or some alternative to that...

Can you help me with this...

Best Regards,
Avatar billede terry Ekspert
25. november 2008 - 18:12 #3
Hi Salim
I think you need to explain in more detail.
I can remember helping you with qryStudentCheckin etc. but I'm not quite sure I understand what you want now?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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