hente navn og indhold fra en xml fil i et asp script
Jeg har nu brugt ca. 2 dage på at rode eksperten.dk i gennem uden at finde noget jeg kunne få til at virke.Jeg kan godt få det hentet men det hele står bare ud i en lang køre
kan man få det til at stå som i nedenstående xml, altså det imellem <DVD> og </DVD>
altså kan jeg få dety så jeg f.eks. kan nøjes med at skrive response.write ID så mit output bliver 0044005943627.4 osv.
skal jo så efterfølgende kunne gå videre til den næste DVD
lidt ligesom hvis det havde været en database jeg skulle hente dataerne fra
eller er det muligt på en simpel måde at kaste det ind i en database i forskellige tabeller, altså DVD for sig selv og child noderne i andre tabeller
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<!--DVD Profiler Collection Export-->
<Title>Stomp - Out Loud</Title>
<CaseType>Keep Case</CaseType>
<AudioFormat>Dolby Digital 5.1</AudioFormat>
<AudioFormat>PCM Stereo</AudioFormat>
<SRP DenominationType="DKK" DenominationDesc="Denmark (Krone)" FormattedValue="kr199,00">199</SRP>
<Credit FirstName="Luke" MiddleName="" LastName="Creswell" BirthYear="0" CreditType="Direction" CreditSubtype="Director" CreditedAs=""/>
<Overview>"..the wildest and most imaginative rythms and movements ever seen." Dustbin lids, brooms, basketballs, kitchen knives, playing cards,drain pipes, buckets - the list is endless - the results incredible! Stomps takes every day noises and turns them into the most enthralling, throbbing and energetic musical extravaganza in years. Now you canwatch STOMP perform in this exclusive video edition, including footage never to be seen live again! OUD LOUD The 4 times Emmy nominated Stomp Out Loud combines the very best of the stage show plus new and re-choreographed pieces especially for tv. Whether dangling from a massive billboard or wading through thesewers, chopping vegetables in a restaurant kitchen or chaeting at a cardgame, this is the very best of Stomp, out loud and live in Manhattan. BROOMS Academy Award Nominated BROOMS was the first STOMP cinema short. A dynamic, energetic mix of brooms, trash cans, rubbish, and steel-toed work-boots transform the mundane world of street cleaning into a vibrating, dynamic, rythmic tribal dance. This percussive dance extravaganza is now exclusively on video for the first time.</Overview>
<DescriptionSideA>Main Feature</DescriptionSideA>
<SortTitle>Stomp - Out Loud</SortTitle>
<PurchasePrice DenominationType="DKK" DenominationDesc="Denmark (Krone)" FormattedValue="kr199,00">199</PurchasePrice>
<Review Film="0" Video="0" Audio="0" Extras="0"/>