Avatar billede steenj Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:04 Der er 14 kommentarer og
2 løsninger

Fjernbetjening af computer?

Hvad er den bedste [og billigste] løsning på fjernbetjening af en ubemandet computer over internettet? Computeren har kun en dial-up forbindelse i øjeblikket, men forhåbentlig snart en fast forbindelse. Ellers har den sit eget telefon nummer på en ISDN linie.
På forhånd tak,
Steen Jakobsen
Avatar billede jones Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:06 #1
Avatar billede disky Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:07 #2
VNC er det bedste uden tvivl, og så er det helt gratis, du kan sågar styre pc\'ere fra en Palm Pilot
Avatar billede disky Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:08 #3
Avatar billede kjoller Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:08 #4
Vnc er gratis og kan hentes på tucows.dk meget nemt kræver kun at port 5900 er åben og pejer på din maskine.
Avatar billede kjoller Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:09 #5
hov lige langsom nok
Avatar billede kjoller Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:10 #6
det med palmen er faktisk ret fedt, har det selv på min :o)
Avatar billede steenj Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:10 #7
Kan Du fortælle lidt mere?
Avatar billede kjoller Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:11 #8
mht. vnc hvad vil du vide?
Avatar billede disky Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:12 #9

på vnc logger du på den maskine du vil fjernstyre, og så kommer skærmbilledet fra, ligesom hvis du selv sad ved maskinen. Og så kan du gøre alt du også kunne hvis du selv var ved pc\'en.
Avatar billede jones Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:13 #10
men han siger at der kun er en dial in .... kan vnc klare den ???
Avatar billede steenj Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:14 #11
Hvordan får jeg computeren til at gå på nettet indtil den faste forbindelse kommer?
Avatar billede kimrosgaard Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:17 #12
ja, vnc kan sagtens klare en dial-in. læs her:

VNC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
This isn\'t intended to be an introduction to VNC - have a look at the Getting Started page first.
This list is being updated regularly, so, particularly if you are reading a local or mirrored copy, it\'s worth checking the original from time to time. The archives of the mailing list are also available, and they can be a good source of help - try searching them here.

Getting Started
1. Where can I get VNC?
2. I thought this was something to do with ORL? What\'s the Olivetti/Oracle link here?
3. I downloaded the .EXE files and they don\'t work!
4. I ran SETUP.EXE but it didn\'t work/nothing happens.
5. I ran WinVNC, but nothing seemed to happen. I don\'t see an icon on my taskbar.
6. WinVNC causes a \'Blue Screen of Death\' on NT!
7. I get an error message about \'disabling Nagle\'s algorithm\'. What does it mean?
8. I get an error message about \'Planar vs Chunky\' screen formats. What does this mean?
9. How do I set up a Windows 95/98 machine so that I can dial into it directly and view it using VNC?
10. I ran the Unix vncserver program and got a \'No such file or directory\' message.
11. I ran the vncserver program and got a \'Number found where operator expected\', \'prototype mismatch\' or \'out of memory\' message.
12. I started the X server using vncserver, but it dies with a message \"Could not open default font \'fixed\'. \"
13. I get errors like \"failed to bind listener\" and \"Failed to establish all listening sockets\" in the log file.
14. Vncserver seems to be dying quietly without putting any messages in the log file.
15. My Solaris/HP-UX Xvnc dies with a core dump!
16. I connected to my Unix VNC server and I just see a grey desktop with a cursor.
17. The log file is showing an error message from xrdb / Xlib.
18. The Java client doesn\'t work in my browser.
19. The Windows viewer dies as soon as it starts, or gives an error message (invalid page fault) immediately, before I\'ve even typed in a server name!
20. My viewer failed to connect to my server!

Running the programs
21. My X VNC server is working, but I don\'t see my normal environment. How can I change the Window manager etc?
22. Can I remote the normal X display of my workstation (display :0) in the same way as the Windows server does?
23. Why can I only run vncserver/Xvnc as root?
24. What X Visual does Xvnc use?
25. Can I cut and paste between the viewer and the server?
26. There\'s a memory leak in Xvnc!
27. Can I run the Windows server before anybody has logged in?
28. Why doesn\'t Ctrl-Alt-Del work? Why can\'t I unlock my NT workstation remotely? Why can\'t I stop the screensaver remotely?
29. When I connect using VNC and then log into my Windows machine, I get disconnected and have to reconnect!
30. Can I arrange for the local physical screen, keyboard & mouse on my WinVNC server to be disabled when I\'m accessing it remotely?
31. I have troubles sending Ctrl-Alt-Del to a Windows server.
32. I can\'t make it work on Windows 2000
33. The dead keys don\'t work on my keyboard
34. When I start a DOS window, it doesn\'t display at the remote end.
35. I can\'t type into a DOS window or any DOS apps
36. The keyboard doesn\'t work / keys do strange things!
37. Most of my Windows apps work fine remotely, but this one doesn\'t update its window...
38. WinVNC is putting a huge load on my PC!
39. WinVNC dies, or causes other applications to die, after a short time when a viewer is connected.
40. My remote Windows display is appearing in a very garbled form.
41. I have problems with double-clicks in Windows.
42. I\'m installing WinVNC as a service on lots of machines, and I get prompted for the password on each one. Can I do this non-interactively?
43. I only have a two-button Windows mouse, and I really need three buttons for X...
44. I have a three-button Windows mouse, but the middle button doesn\'t work.
45. My machine doesn\'t have a DNS entry or static IP address! What address should other people use to connect to my WinVNC server?
46. Can I get rid of the taskbar icon created by WinVNC?
47. Can I set up WinVNC to use my Windows NT password for authentication?
48. Can I make the Macintosh server start automatically when the machine boots up?
49. When I try to set a new password for my Mac server, I hit CHANGE on the web page, but nothing happens. It is trying to bring up the settings.html page, but fails.

General Questions
50. How do I make VNC go faster?
51. Will VNC work through a firewall?
52. Which TCP/IP ports does VNC use?
53. Can I run VNC over a port normally used for a standard service? (eg. port 21, or port 80)
54. How secure is VNC?
55. Are you going to make it more secure?
56. Could you do file transfer (e.g. by drag & drop) between the two ends?
57. Are you planning support for AIX, EPOC,HP-UX, SGI, Win 3.1, or my favourite platform ?
58. Would things work better if you compressed the stream?
59. Have you thought about caching bits of the screen at the viewer end?
60. Can I use VNC over a modem without using TCP/IP?
61. Does VNC have any Y2K (Year 2000) bugs?
62. How can I install WinVNC on multiple machines?
63. Can I connect multiple users to the same Windows server, and have them each see their own desktop, as with WinFrame, NTrigue, WTS, etc?
64. Any other tips?
65. You misspelled \'organization\' on the download page!

Compiling the source
66. I\'m trying to compile WinVNC and the compiler complains about various missing files!
67. I\'m having trouble compiling VNC on my platform...

VNC Frequently Asked Questions
Getting Started
Q1 Where can I get VNC?
The latest versions of VNC and this documentation are always available from the AT&T Labs Cambridge web site at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc. In addition, various add-ons, extras, and ports to other platforms can be found on the contribs page.
Q2 I thought this was something to do with ORL? What\'s the Olivetti/Oracle link here?
In January 1999, AT&T acquired ORL, the Olivetti Research Laboratory founded 12 years earlier, and recently jointly funded by Oracle, to create AT&T Laboratories Cambridge.
Q3 I downloaded the .EXE files and they don\'t work!
Netscape used to have a nasty habit of sticking a .EXE extension on a file when it thinks it knows what type it is. When you fill in the download form you specify the type of compression you would like to use, and this does not include .EXE, so if the thing you downloaded has that extension, change it to whatever you requested (usually .tgz) and then unpack the files using an appropriate decoder.
Q4 I ran SETUP.EXE but it didn\'t work/nothing happens.
Setup often doesn\'t work if you\'re running it from a network drive. Try copying it to a local drive first. If you\'re on NT, make sure you have NT service pack 3 or later installed. It appears that the InstallShield system we use won\'t work without it.
Q5 I ran WinVNC, but nothing seemed to happen. I don\'t see an icon on my taskbar.
If you are using a version earlier than 3.3.3, we suggest you upgrade. If you are using 3.3.3 or later, this is because WinVNC doesn\'t know that somebody is logged in. On Win95, this will happen if you bypass the \'password\' prompt at login. If you do this often, you might want to consider setting an empty Windows password, so you don\'t get prompted!

If you\'re running WinVNC as a service, it may be that the service has not been contacted by the \'Service Helper\' when you logged in, to tell it who you are. (See the WinVNC docs for more details.) You can try running the Service Helper from the Start Menu to see if this is the problem.
Q6 WinVNC causes a \'Blue Screen of Death\' on NT!
Again, make sure you have Service Pack 3 or later. If this happens it is usually due to bugs in Service Pack 1. Also note the Service Packs\' warning that if you add or change components on your system you should reapply the service pack. If this doesn\'t fix it, check for updates to your network and graphics drivers. VNC makes very extensive use of both your video system and your network, and has a tendency to find any bugs in either of them! There may well be bugs in WinVNC, but we know of people running it on thousands of machines without problems, so please check other parts of your system before assuming it\'s directly a WinVNC problem.
Q7 I get an error message about \'disabling Nagle\'s algorithm\'. What does it mean?
Nagle\'s algorithm is an optimisation which is used most of the time on socket connections. Under certain circumstances it batches up lots of small transmissions into bigger ones, to make better use of the bandwidth. VNC relies on small transmissions (like mouse movements) getting through quickly, so we turn it off using the TCP_NODELAY option. If this causes an error, it is a problem with your TCP/IP stack. In particular, Microsoft have broken this with NT service pack 6, but we hear that the hotfix mentioned in KB article Q245678 will fix it. If this doesn\'t work, you could try the security patch mentioned at http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms99-046.asp. We\'ve heard that this fixes it as well, though this may just be a fix for an incomplete SP6a. In a future version of VNC we will pop this up as a warning without making it fatal.
Q8 I get an error message about \'Planar vs Chunky\' screen formats. What does this mean?
This error usually occurs when running WinVNC on a Windows 95/98/ME or Windows 2000 machine with a 16 colour (NOTE: NOT 16-bit) display mode. The problem is due to the way the 16-colour VGA display driver represents the screen internally. Upgrading the display drivers to hardware-specific ones or increasing the number of colours (to 256 colours, 16-bit or 32-bit, for example) should fix the problem. Windows NT does not exhibit this problem.
Q9 How do I set up a Windows 95/98 machine so that I can dial into it directly and view it using VNC?
You need to install your modem from the control panel if you haven\'t already, and you need to set up the dialup networking server on your server machine. (This is included with Win98 and NT4. On Win95 it is in the Plus! pack, but you need to get an update to version 1.3 or later from Microsoft\'s site. At the time of writing it can be found here.) You can enable the dialup server from the \'Connections\' menu of the dial-up networking window. If it isn\'t there, or if you\'ve updated the dialup networking as mentioned above, you need to install it using the Windows Setup section of \'Add/Remove Programs\' in the control panel. When it\'s running and you\'ve dialled in, the server machine should have an IP address something like as seen from the viewer - you can find this out by hovering over the VNC server icon, using \'netstat -r\', or running winipcfg. You should then be able to connect to, for example,
Avatar billede zorrosbabe Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:18 #13
Hvis du ikke lige er til VNC er der jo altid SSH (telnet på en secure connection).
Og så er det gratis til Non-profit formål :-))

Avatar billede kimrosgaard Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:19 #14
argh..lort..det var kun det allersidste afsnit du skulle læse...sorry :-/
Avatar billede jones Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:20 #15
bare tryk på linket så kommer i det rigtige sted hen... :0)
Avatar billede steenj Nybegynder
22. maj 2001 - 11:31 #16
Tusind tak for den hurtige hjælp, Jeg forsøger med VNC!
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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