01. juni 2006 - 15:59Der er
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Ram opgradering
Jeg sidder her med mit Motherboard Navn Shuttle MV42(N) (2 PCI, 1 AGP, 1 CNR, 2 SDR DIMM, 2 DDR DIMM, Audio, Video)
jeg har i øjeblikket 2* 256mb sdr ram siddende i. jeg har for nyligt købt 2* 1GB DDR ram men når jeg skifter fra de gamle til de nye begynder den at bippe og skærmen tænder ikke.
så vidt jeg kan se, er der to sockets til sdr dimm ram, og to sockets til ddr dimm ram. har du prøvet at installere de to nye ram blokke i alle sockets ?
de sockets med ens farve "plejer" at være dem der passer sammen, fx rød og rød blå og blå osv.
Hvis du satte en ddr ram i en forkert sdr socket, og den anden ddr ram blok i en rigtig ddr socket, kunne jeg forestille mig, at den gjorde vrøvl
DDR3200 er bagudkompatibel, så den skulle gerne fungere. Men problemet kan meget vel skyldes, at du ikke tager de gamle SDram ud først. De vil IKKE virke sammen med DDR-ram.
3.3 System Memory Configuration The MV42/MV42N mainboard has two 184-pin and two 168-pin DIMM slots that allow you to install from 64MB up to 2GB of system memory. Each 184-pin DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) slot can accommodate 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB of PC1600/PC2100 compliant 2.5V single or double side 64-bit wide data path DDR SDRAM modules. Each 168-pin DIMM (Dual In-line Memory Module) Slot can accommodate 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB, and 1GB of PC100/PC133 compliant 3.3V single or double side 64-bit wide data path SDRAM modules. Install Memory: Install memory in any or all of the slots and in any combination shown as follows. SDR SDRAM DDR SDRAM Important:You can choose 168-pin SDR SDRAM or 184-pin DDR SDRAM to boot, but the system doesn't start if you use both of them at the same time! Note: You need to set jumpers to configure memory by jumper J2A/B/C/D & J3A/B/C/D & JP1. Please refer to the details page 28-29. You can check the total system memory value in the BIOS Standard CMOS Setup menu. Upgrade Memory: You can easily upgrade the system memory by inserting additional DRAM modules in available DIMM slots. The total system memory is calculated by simply adding up the memory in all DIMM slots. After upgrade, the new system memory value will automatically be computed and displayed in the field " Standard CMOS Setup" of BIOS setup program. DIMM Slot Memory Modules Module Quantity DIMM 1 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB 168- pin 3.3V SDR SDRAM DIMM x 1 DIMM 2 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB 168- pin 3.3V SDR SDRAM DIMM x 1 DIMM Slot Memory Modules Module Quantity DDR 1 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB 184-pin 2.5V DDR SDRAM DIMM x 1 DDR 2 64MB, 128MB, 256MB, 512MB and 1GB 184-pin 2.5V DDR SDRAM DIMM x 1
Takker for point... så håber jeg bare at du har jumpere nok.. kan se at der skal bruges mange....
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