du skal somregel forbinde tvkortet til lydkortet med en lille jacj i hver ende.. fra out på tvkort til in på lydkort.. sådan virker mit ihvertfald.. måske det er en mulighed
As the WinTV is connected to the Sound card, it uses one of the Sound cards Mixer settings to control the volume. This setting can be selected in the WinTV Audio configuration. If you click on the AUD button located in the WinTV2000 application you can select the Audio Mixer Input here. When you adjust the Volume control in the WinTV application, you are really just adjusting the level of a single Volume control from your sound card's mixer (Windows “Volume Control”).
You select which mixer you are adjusting by going into the Audio dialog and selecting the Audio Mixer Input. In fact, if you open your Windows “Volume Control” and adjust the audio level in the WinTV application you can even see the mixer control slider move. The exception to this is the "WinTV Volume" mixer selection, (Default setting) which controls the volume level coming out of the WinTV Card. If this is set too low you won't get audio no matter how high you've got your ?LineIn” mixer setting. Likewise, if the LineIn on your mixer is muted or too low you won't get audio no matter how high the “WinTV Volume” is set.
With the WinTV-PVR you actually select and therefore control two different mixers. “Live” mode and “Playback” mode, which includes “Pause”, can each select an independent mixer. Each Mixer Input is selected by going into the Audio section and selecting a Mixer Input for each mode.
For Example: If you are watching live video, in the Audio Dialog you would select the mixer for “Live” mode. If you were watching “Playback” (including Pause) you would select the mixer for “Playback” mode.
prøv at tjekke din windows mixer om porten er aktiveret, eller skruet op
Du har ret.. der er ikke kabel med det kommunikerer med lydkortet direkte så vidt jeg kan se. Tjek mixer setup som de beskriver det angående pvr kort som i forrige post
Nej.. Eller ved jeg ikke rigtigt.. Er ikke sikker på jeg gør det rigtigt. Når jeg ser tv i fx DScaler skal jeg gå ind i det der windows mixer vindue hvor man kan ændre på, Master, Wave, SW Synth, CD Player osv.? Der er alt slået til undtagen Line In.
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