Nogen der har en ide om hvad jeg kan gøre? jeg bruger gnu assembleren da jeg gerne vil bruge AT&T syntaxen og både på min mac,linux og windows men indtil videre går det ikke så godt ;)
attempt to open test.o succeeded test.o attempt to open c:\mingw\bin\../mingw32/lib/libc.dll.a failed attempt to open c:\mingw\bin\../mingw32/lib/c.dll.a failed attempt to open c:\mingw\bin\../mingw32/lib/libc.a failed attempt to open c:\mingw\bin\../mingw32/lib/libc.dll failed attempt to open /mingw/mingw32/lib/libc.dll.a failed attempt to open /mingw/mingw32/lib/c.dll.a failed attempt to open /mingw/mingw32/lib/libc.a failed attempt to open /mingw/mingw32/lib/libc.dll failed .. .. 200 linier .. c:\MinGW\bin\ld.exe: cannot find -lc
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