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Står nederst i deres readme file under Misc. Info
Console Commands:
max_shells X
X = maximum number of shells at one time
max_smokepuffs X
X = max. number of smoke puffs at one time
mp_tkpunish 0/1
if set to 1, TK\'ers will sit out next round
mp_hostagepenalty X
X = max. number of hostages you can kill before the server boots you out... setting this to 0 will shut off this command
mp_logmessages 0/1
used for server admins to spit ouf chat messages in their log files
mp_forcechasecam 0/1
Setting this to 1 will force chasecam to be teammate only
(useful for LAN games)
mp_friendly_grenade_damage 0/1
Toggles friendly grenade damage
mp_autoteambalance 0/1
Toggles auto balancing of teams
mp_limitteams (default 2)
Maximum number of players that one team can have over the other. To entirely disable team limiting, set to 0.
sv_restartround (default 0 sec)
Time until the game restarts fresh, or 0 to not restart. This will reset all frags, scores, weapons and money to default. Use this to coordinate clan matches.
mp_autokick (default 1)
Enable automatic team-killer banning and idle client kicking.
mp_c4timer (default 45 sec)
C4 timer duration. Minimum of 15, maximum of 90.
mp_freezetime (default 6 sec)
The length in seconds of the Freeze period at the beginning of rounds. Set to 0 to disable.
mp_roundtime (default 5 min)
The maximum length a round can last, in minutes. Minimum of 3, maximum of 15.
mp_friendlyfire (default 0)
Set to 1 to enable friendly fire, 0 to disable.
mp_timelimit (default 0 min)
Period between map rotations.
mp_footsteps (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable footsteps, 0 to disable.
mp_flashlight (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable the use of flashlights, 0 to disable.
*for a more complete and detailed listing of CS commands, visit: Options:
rate (default 2500)
This command controls how much information you recieve from the server you are connected to. For a 14.4 connection set your rate to 1500, a 33.6k connection should be 3000, a 56k 3500, an ISDN should be 5000, and all connections faster than that should be between 5000 and 9999.
cl_observercrosshair (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable crosshairs in Observer mode, 0 to disable.
Bind this key to toggle NVG when purchased.
Shows radar
Hides radar.
InfoKey Keynames:
dm (default 1)
Set to 1 to display map briefings after loading new levels, 0 to disable.
ah (default 1)
Set to 1 to enable auto-help, 0 to disable. Auto-help gives the player hint messages throughout the game.