Avatar billede andersqp Nybegynder
11. december 2000 - 13:07 Der er 1 kommentar og
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MESSAGE FATAL ERROR Error Message ID: 0021C936 Automatiske adviseringer skal gøres til DØD POST, hvis de ikke kan distribueres

Hej !
Jeg får følgende fejlmeddelse hos en del af mine kunder:

MESSAGE FATAL ERROR Error Message ID: 0021C936 Automatiske adviseringer skal gøres til DØD POST, hvis de ikke kan distribueres
CN=NOTES/O=servenavn: Døde beskeder findes i den udgående arbejdskø

Jeg kan ikke finde nogen forklaring, de fremkommer både på Domino R4.6 og R5.03 servere...

Nogen ideer til, hvorfor denne meddelese fremkommer ???
Avatar billede jhr Nybegynder
11. december 2000 - 13:14 #1
You are Right,
In the SMTP MTA Outbound Work Queue Database there is a WQ_DEAD_STATE Message with two attachments:
The original Message from the POP3 User to the non-existent user
A message from the POSTMASTER to the POP3 user with the notification error
Subject :Undeliverable message
Failure reason :User not listed in public Name & Address Book

So, the notification of the wrong address is generated, but for any reason the POP3 user cann\'t reveive it.

Also, The MTA Administrator receives a message like this:
Subject: MESSAGE FATAL ERROR Error Message ID: 00583931 Automatic notifications must be made DEAD MAIL if unroutable
Body: Dead message will be found in the Outbound Work Queue

I checked the replyto address that the POP3 users are using. It was without anything. I tried to put a valid address but I have problems with spaces,

How can I put the user name in that field ?????

I checked the replyto address that the POP3 users are using. It was without anything. I tried to put a valid address but I have problems with spaces,

How can I put the user name in that field ?????

You need to check the POP3 clients config and see what it is set to. It defaults to nothing so you are sending nothing when you send email. You should enter the proper name like jdoe@foo.com and all should work just fine (at least for receiving the rejects back).

Avatar billede jhr Nybegynder
11. december 2000 - 13:25 #2
First off, I\'ve read through this site extensively trying to find a definitive answer. I think I may have found it. I am not %100 sure. Here is my problem:

I am receiving the following message from the server:

To: NotesAdmin
Subject: MESSAGE FATAL ERROR Error Message ID: 00287697 Automatic notifications must be made DEAD MAIL if unroutable

CN=LNOTES/O=DOMINO1: Dead message will be found in the Outbound Work Queue

Corresponding with this date and time I found this in the event log:

05/02/2000 03:21:54 AM SMTPMTA: imsgcnv Message 852568D3.002873EE was not converted successfully: Address syntax error
05/02/2000 03:22:13 AM SMTPMTA: osesctl Outbound [oseshlr0] SMTP session failed one or more messages.

Someone else was having the same problem on this message board and gave this final post on the solution:

The default ACL setting on the SMTP Outbound Work Queue database is DEPOSITOR! No wonder we didn\'t see anything when we looked in there! As my ten-year-old would say: \"Duhhhh!\"

And, it turns out that there were a zillion messages in the queue - once we could see them. They were all from the same person and there was a simple addressing error in their mail.
Darren, thanks for your help!

I also found a related post that has this:

Here are the findings, in case anyone else runs across this...
The \'extra\' \"\" marks in that field are actually a concatenation of that field and the next one... Alternative Domain names...
so there is no way to actually \'get rid of them\'.. however we did key in a value (mail.rlicorp.com) and now all mail seems to be routing Perfectly!

Thanks i think to Pete, ... who actually got me thinking once he mentioned there was that extra field for additional domain names... :)
Happy SMTP\'ing everyone!

So, am I to conclude that the problem is that the default ACL control on the SMTP Outbound Work Queue should NOT be DEPOSITOR? What should it be then?

Also, under ACL/Advanced/Administration Server it is set to none. Should this be set to the domino server name (i.e. post #2 above)?
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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