agfa scanner
Når jeg prøver at starte min scanner får jeg følgende fejlmeddelse:Make sure you installed the necessary drivers for your SCSI board.
Check all cables and connections and make sure the power switch is
turned on. Also verify that a unique SCSI ID is assigned to each device
and that the SCSI chain is terminated at the first and last device on the scsi cable.
NT SCSI driver installation
Driver successfully installed
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 2 (aic78xx), SCSI ID 6
STI driver installation
Driver successfully installed
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 0 (STI)
NT SCSI driver installation
Driver successfully installed
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 0 (atapi)
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 1 (atapi)
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 2 (aic78xx)
Could not find an Agfa scanner on host adapter 3 (Imagedrv)
32 bit ASPI driver installation
WNASPI32.DLL initialization failed.
32 bit ASPI driver installation
WNASPI32.DLL initialization failed.
EPP2 driver installation
SCNDRVxx.DLL initialization failed.
RPC driver installation
Not supported
Er der nogen af jer derude der kan gi mig en hurtig løsning på problemet