13. januar 2000 - 17:09Der er
42 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Lukker ikke helt ned!
Windows 2000 Server built 2128 (RC2) lukker ikke min ATX computer helt ned, den stopper som om det var AT, og skriver "...bla.. bla... shut down...", altså at jeg skal trykke på power før den slukker helt!
Det underlige er at det gjorde den ikke første gang jeg havde installeret det, men den har gjort det de sidste mange (tre) gange!
Hvor kan man tvinge Windows 2000 til at slukke efter sig?!?
Ja,jeg ved at jeg har stilt selvsamme spørgsmål tidligere, men jeg kom til at give pointne væk uden ordenligt svar!
inde i kontrolpanel står der noget om powermanegment, den går du ind i, så tror jeg det er det 3. faneblad, der skal der være flueben ved den 1 mulighed der er!
Lignaus>Klik på startknappen, vælg hjælp, Indeks og skriv PowerDownAfterShutdown (ikke PowerDownOnShutDown som jeg skrev først) og læs om de muligheder du har. Se også under ShutdownWithoutLogon og NoClose.
Ja, jeg har lagt mærke til at det heller ikke står i hjælpen her på arbejde hvor min NT er engalsk, men i den danske jeg har hjemme er der et langt afsnit. Jeg tager lige en kopi af det i aften og skriver i en kommentar
Tag dig nu sammen bobby! Hvis du ikke engang kan skrive hvad det hedder, og du påstår at det vil hjælpe at vise et icon i en bjælke, så lad være med at svare!
Her er hjælpefilens ord om Winlogon registry settings i min NT, men det burde være det samme for W2K:
The Registry value entries that control the logon sequence for starting Windows NT are found under the following Registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE \Microsoft \Windows NT \CurrentVersion \Winlogon
AllocateCDRoms REG_SZ
Restricts access to the CDs in the CD-ROM drives only to the user currently logged on to the computer. In this mode, CDs are allocated to the user as part of the interactive logon process, and freed for general use or for reallocation only when that user logs off. Satisfies part of C2 security requirement that removable media must be able to be secured. If this value entry is not added, the contents of the CDs in the drives will be available to all processes on the system.
AllocateFloppies REG_SZ
Restricts access to the disks in the floppy disk drives only to the user currently logged on to the computer. In this mode, floppy disks are allocated to the user as part of the interactive logon process, and freed for general use or for reallocation only when that user logs off. Satisfies part of C2 security requirement that removable media must be able to be secured. If this value entry is not added, the contents of the floppy disks in the drives will be available to all processes on the system.
AutoAdminLogon REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0
Specifies automatic logon if this value is 1. You must also add the value entry DefaultPassword with a value for the user listed under DefaultUserName for automatic logon to work. When AutoAdminLogon is used, Windows NT automatically logs on the specified user when the system is started, bypassing the Logon Information dialog box.
AutoRestartShell REG_DWORD
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 1 (enabled)
Specifies whether the Windows NT user interface (usually Explorer.exe) is restarted automatically if it stops unexpectedly. If this value is set to 1, and the Windows NT user interface, or one of the third party components of the user interface fails, the interface will be restarted automatically. If this value is set to 0, the user must restart the interface by logging off and logging on again.
This value entry is not used by Windows NT 4.0. It is ignored by the system; you do not need to delete it.
This value entry is not used by Windows NT 4.0. It is ignored by the system; you do not need to delete it.
This value entry is not used by Windows NT 4.0. It is ignored by the system; you do not need to delete it.
This value entry is not used by Windows NT 4.0. It is ignored by the system; you do not need to delete it.
DefaultDomainName REG_SZ
Range: Domain name
Specifies the name of the domain to which the user last logged on successfully.
DefaultPassword REG_SZ
Range: Password
Specifies the password for the user listed underDefaultUserName. Used during automatic logon.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
DefaultUserName REG_SZ
Range: Username
Specifies the name of the last successfully logged on user. If values are defined for DefaultPassword andAutoAdminLogon, this is the user who is logged on by default during automatic logon.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
DeleteRoamingCache REG_DWORD
Range: 0 or 1 Default: 0
If the value of this entry is 1, locally cached profiles are deleted when users with domain profiles log off. This setting is designed to conserve disk space.
DontDisplayLastUserName REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0 (false)
By default, Windows NT displays the name of the last person to log on in the Username space of the Logon Information dialog box. If you add this value entry and set it to 1, the Username space is always blank when the Logon Information dialog box appears.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
KeepRasConnections REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0 (disabled)
By default, at Logoff, Windows NT closes all Remote Access Service (RAS) connections opened during the session. If this value entry is added and set to 1, the system will not close RAS connections at Logoff. This value entry does not appear in the Registry unless you add it.
LegalNoticeCaption REG_SZ
Range: String
Default: (none)
Specifies a caption for a message to appear when the user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL during logon. Add this value entry if you want to add a warning to be displayed when a user attempts to log on to a Windows NT system. The user cannot proceed with logging on without acknowledging this message. To specify text for the message, you must also specify a value for LegalNoticeText.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
LegalNoticeText REG_SZ
Range: String
Default: (none)
Specifies the message to appear when the user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL during logon. Add this value entry if you want to add a warning to be displayed when a user attempts to log on to a Windows NT system. The user cannot proceed with logging on without acknowledging this message. To include a caption for the logon notice, you must also specify a value forLegalNoticeCaption.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
LogonPrompt REG_SZ
Range: 256-character string
Default: "Enter a user name and password that is valid for this system."
The text entered appears in the Logon Information dialog box. This is designed for additional legal warnings to the user before they log on. iThis value entry does not appear in the Registry unless you add it.
PasswordExpiryWarning REG_DWORD
Range: Number of days
Default: 14
Specifies the number of days that a warning message is displayed before the user's password expires. This value entry does not appear in the Registry unless you add it.
PowerdownAfterShutdown REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0 on Windows NT Server, 1 on Windows NT Workstation
Determines whether the Shutdown and Power Off option appears in the Shutdown Computer dialog box. (This dialog box appears when you press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click the Shut Down button.) The option appears only if the value of this entry is 1. See also ShutdownWithoutLogon and NoClose.
Note: The Power Off option is not supported on all computers.
ProfileDlgTimeOut REG_DWORD
Range: Seconds Default: 30
Determines long users have to choose between a local or server-based profile when the value of SlowLinkTimeOut is exceeded. This value affects all dialog boxes and error messages from Userenv (Profile). If ProfileDlgTimeOut expires before the user has chosen, the system uses the default profile. The option to allow users to choose between a local and server-based profile is set in SlowLinkDetectEnabled.
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 0
Determines whether the Logon Using Dialup Networking check box is selected by default when the system starts. If this value is set to 1, Logon Using Dialup Networking is the default. If it is set to 0, the check box is cleared. This value entry does not appear unless you add it to the Registry and it applies only when a dial-up networking (Remote Access Service — RAS) connection is installed and the workstation is part of a domain.
ReportBootOk REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1
Default: 1
When this value is set to 0, it disables the automatic (default) startup acceptance, which happens after the first successful logon. This value must be 0 if you use alternate settings in the BootVerification or BootVerificationProgram keys.
RunLogonScriptSync REG_DWORD
Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Default: 0
Determines whether the logon script and Program Manager are synchronized. If the value of this entry is 1, Program Manager does not begin loading the desktop until the logon script has finished running. If the value is 0, the logon script and Program Manager can run simultaneously.
Note: This value entry also appears in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft \Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE value applies to all users. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER value applies only to the current user. You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
Shell REG_SZ
Range: Executable names
Default: Explorer.exe
Specifies executables that are run by USERINIT and that are expected to be in the user's shell program. If for some reason Winlogon cannot start the entries listed in Userinit, then Winlogon will execute the entries in Shell directly.
ShutdownWithoutLogon REG_SZ
Range: 0 or 1 Default: 0 on Windows NT Server, 1 on Windows NT Workstation
Specifies whether the Shut Down button in the Logon Information dialog box is enabled. If the value is set to 1, users can click the Shut Down button to stop the operating system without logging on or turning off power to the computer. If it is set to 0, the Shut Down button is disabled. See also NoClose and PowerdownAfterShutdown.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
SlowLinkDetectEnabled REG_DWORD
Range: 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled) Default: 1
Determines whether Slow Link Detection is enabled. If the value of this entry is 1 (enabled), users can choose between local or server-based profiles when the value of SlowLinkTimeOut is exceeded. The time alloted to users to choose between the local and server-based profiles is determined byProfileDlgTimeOut.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
Sets a threshold for slow links to server-based roaming profiles. If access to a server-based profile exceeds this threshold, and SlowLinkDetectEnabled is set to 1, users can logon by using a local profile instead of the roaming profile.
Note: You can use the System Policy Editor to change this value.
System REG_SZ
Range: Executable names
Default: lsass.exe
Specifies executables to be run by Winlogon in the system context. These are activated during system initialization.
Taskman REG_SZ
Range: Executable name
Default: (none)
Allows you to specify a different task manager.
Userinit REG_SZ
Range: Executable names
Specifies executables to be run by Winlogon when a user logs on. These executables are run in the user context. The first entry (USERINIT) is responsible for executing the shell program. NDDEAGNT.EXE is needed to run NetDDE.
Welcome REG_SZ
Range: 256-character string
Default: (Title only; no message)
The text entered appears in the caption bar beside the title of the Begin Logon, Logon Information, Workstation Locked, and Unlock Workstation dialog boxes. This value entry does not appear in the Registry unless you add it.
The Shutdown subkey contains values that enable you to specify and retain default shutdown settings. This subkey does not appear in the Registry unless you add it. Add the Shutdown subkey to the following Registry path:
Specifies the default option for the Logoff dialog box. Valid values are: 0 = Logoff 1 = Shutdown 2 = Shutdown and Restart 3 = Shutdown and Power Off (when supported).
ShutdownSetting REG_DWORD
Range: 0, 1, 2, or 3
Default: 0
Specifies the default value for the Shutdown Computer dialog box. This dialog box appears when you press CTRL+ALT+DELETE and then click the Shut Down button. Valid values are: 0 = Logoff 1 = Shutdown 2 = Shutdown and Restart 3 = Shutdown and Power Off (when supported).
prøver lige forfra! gå ind i control panel, find den der står for strøm, kan ikke huske hvad den hedder på engelsk, og så er det derinde prøv at slå nogen af dem til, det var det jeg gjorde, og så virkede det, men jeg har ikke 2000 mere!
Bobby jeg tror du drømmer! Prøv en gang selv at gøre hvad du så hårdnakket påstår, det er det rene sludder du fyrer af! Desværre!
Og til SJENSEN, det virkede desværre ikke, jeg troede ellers lige det ville, men ingen forskel! Kan det være at Windows 2000 Server bare ikke understøtter ATX-nedlukning, eller at der er en fejl i systemet?!?
Tjaa.... nu har jeg efterhånden prøvet alle de versioner der er til Win 2K server, og ingen har endnu ikke kunnet lukke ned. Sidst jeg avr til Microsoft seminar, spurgte jeg efter om det ikke var muligt, og det mente de ikke at den skulle kunne, da det var en server version, som jo var beregnet til at køre i døgndrift, og i det øjeblik at den skulle slukkes betød det jo ikke så meget for at lukke den og afbryde på knappen, Og det kunne de jo i og forsig have ret i. Min server bliver da heller aldrig lukket, de få gange er det som regel fordi at der skal ændres noget ved den alligevel, og så skal stikket hives ud :-) Men i Win2K Prof. der skulle den kunne lukke pc'en helt ned uden Prob.
Jeg er gået over til pro nu, og det er præcis den samme situation!
Det der undrer´mig er at den lukkede rigtigt ned med en gammel installation, men det gør den altså ikke mere! 1) Jeg ved det kan lade sig gøre. 2) Det har INTET med BIOS at gøre.
Jeg har lige snakket med en kammerat om det, han siger at på visse computere, kan den ikke lukke ned, men andre kan den godt, og det kunne jo være at det var det samme der gjorde sig gældende ved server versionen. Jeg har et Asus p2b MB i min server, og den kan ikke lukke ned........ Men jeg har ikke prøvet pro versionen på en ATX'er.
Tjaaa.... Det er jeg ret overbevist om, det er jo noget helt andet med en AT. Hvad for en version kører du med nu. Jeg har lige fået den seneste ind af døren, den skulle være magen til den der udkommer d. 23 Feb. men det er kun en 120 Dages trial. Den skal jeg leget lidt med en af de nærmste dage, det kunne jo være at der var noget nyt i den :-)
Det er den selvsamme version jeg bruger nu, som tidligere har virket! Spørgsmålet er hvor tvinger man Windows 2000 til at fatte at den skal lukke helt ned! Alt om BIOS og versioner og bundkort m.m. er lige meget, da jeg ved det kan lade sig gøre med det jeg har! Så hvad skal jeg gøre, og ikke hvorfor det nok ikke kan lade sig gøre.
Jeg har kørt Win2000 siden Build 2000 og den har altid lukket ned som den skulle (på ASUS P2B-S).... Men Windows 2000 håndtere din BIOS anderledes end Windows 98.... ;-))))
Hvilket MB har du, og hvilken BIOS køre du med... ?
Jeg prøver lige igen! Det er IKKE min BIOS eller MB, da det har virket tidligere med samme MB, samme BIOS og samme version af Windows 2000! Hvor svært kan det egenligt være at fatte, jeg tror jeg har skrevet det ti gange! Det er jo ikke til meget hjælp at I skriver det samme igen og igen, vel?
Så skulle du måske overveje at køre DOS igen...... hvis du ikke kan fatte, at der måske er noget om det, når der er så mange der råder dig til at gøre noget ved din BIOS, du har måske pillet lidt derinde hvor du ikke skulle !!!
Forr lige at følge dette op: Jeg har geninstalleret win2000 flere gange, grundet forskellige ting. En ting som er slående er, at før jeg installerer drivere til mit 3Dfx, modem og skærmkort! så lukker den fint ned...Derefter som AT! ;-)
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