Avatar billede bodyguard Nybegynder
31. marts 2011 - 22:36 Der er 1 løsning

Oversæt script fra PHP til ASP classic

Hej eksperter,

Endelig efter LANG tids søgen fandt jeg lige netop det autosuggest script jeg har ledt efter, både mht layout og funktionalitet.

Problemet er bare at som næsten alt andet ajax så er dette skrevet i PHP.

Mit håb er at der er nogen som kan omskrive scriptet?


PHP koden i AJAX filen ser således ud:

this is just a static test version using a hard-coded countries array.
normally you would be populating the array out of a database

the returned xml has the following structure

    $aUsers = array(
        "Ädams, Egbert",
        "Altman, Alisha",
        "Archibald, Janna",
        "Auman, Cody",
        "Bagley, Sheree",
        "Ballou, Wilmot",
        "Bard, Cassian",
        "Bash, Latanya",
        "Beail, May",
        "Black, Lux",
        "Bloise, India",
        "Blyant, Nora",
        "Bollinger, Carter",
        "Burns, Jaycob",
        "Carden, Preston",
        "Carter, Merrilyn",
        "Christner, Addie",
        "Churchill, Mirabelle",
        "Conkle, Erin",
        "Countryman, Abner",
        "Courtney, Edgar",
        "Cowher, Antony",
        "Craig, Charlie",
        "Cram, Zacharias",
        "Cressman, Ted",
        "Crissman, Annie",
        "Davis, Palmer",
        "Downing, Casimir",
        "Earl, Missie",
        "Eckert, Janele",
        "Eisenman, Briar",
        "Fitzgerald, Love",
        "Fleming, Sidney",
        "Fuchs, Bridger",
        "Fulton, Rosalynne",
        "Fye, Webster",
        "Geyer, Rylan",
        "Greene, Charis",
        "Greif, Jem",
        "Guest, Sarahjeanne",
        "Harper, Phyllida",
        "Hildyard, Erskine",
        "Hoenshell, Eulalia",
        "Isaman, Lalo",
        "James, Diamond",
        "Jenkins, Merrill",
        "Jube, Bennett",
        "Kava, Marianne",
        "Kern, Linda",
        "Klockman, Jenifer",
        "Lacon, Quincy",
        "Laurenzi, Leland",
        "Leichter, Jeane",
        "Leslie, Kerrie",
        "Lester, Noah",
        "Llora, Roxana",
        "Lombardi, Polly",
        "Lowstetter, Louisa",
        "Mays, Emery",
        "Mccullough, Bernadine",
        "Mckinnon, Kristie",
        "Meyers, Hector",
        "Monahan, Penelope",
        "Mull, Kaelea",
        "Newbiggin, Osmond",
        "Nickolson, Alfreda",
        "Pawle, Jacki",
        "Paynter, Nerissa",
        "Pinney, Wilkie",
        "Pratt, Ricky",
        "Putnam, Stephanie",
        "Ream, Terrence",
        "Rumbaugh, Noelle",
        "Ryals, Titania",
        "Saylor, Lenora",
        "Schofield, Denice",
        "Schuck, John",
        "Scott, Clover",
        "Smith, Estella",
        "Smothers, Matthew",
        "Stainforth, Maurene",
        "Stephenson, Phillipa",
        "Stewart, Hyram",
        "Stough, Gussie",
        "Strickland, Temple",
        "Sullivan, Gertie",
        "Swink, Stefanie",
        "Tavoularis, Terance",
        "Taylor, Kizzy",
        "Thigpen, Alwyn",
        "Treeby, Jim",
        "Trevithick, Jayme",
        "Waldron, Ashley",
        "Wheeler, Bysshe",
        "Whishaw, Dodie",
        "Whitehead, Jericho",
        "Wilks, Debby",
        "Wire, Tallulah",
        "Woodworth, Alexandria",
        "Zaun, Jillie"
    $aInfo = array(
        "East Sussex",
        "North Yorkshire",
        "West Sussex",
        "East Sussex",
        "North Yorkshire",
        "West Sussex",
        "East Sussex",
        "North Yorkshire",
        "West Sussex",
        "East Sussex",
        "North Yorkshire",
    $input = strtolower( $_GET['input'] );
    $len = strlen($input);
    $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? (int) $_GET['limit'] : 0;
    $aResults = array();
    $count = 0;
    if ($len)
        for ($i=0;$i<count($aUsers);$i++)
            // had to use utf_decode, here
            // not necessary if the results are coming from mysql
            if (strtolower(substr(utf8_decode($aUsers[$i]),0,$len)) == $input)
                $aResults[] = array( "id"=>($i+1) ,"value"=>htmlspecialchars($aUsers[$i]), "info"=>htmlspecialchars($aInfo[$i]) );
            if ($limit && $count==$limit)
    header ("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
    header ("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // always modified
    header ("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
    header ("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0
    if (isset($_REQUEST['json']))
        header("Content-Type: application/json");
        echo "{\"results\": [";
        $arr = array();
        for ($i=0;$i<count($aResults);$i++)
            $arr[] = "{\"id\": \"".$aResults[$i]['id']."\", \"value\": \"".$aResults[$i]['value']."\", \"info\": \"\"}";
        echo implode(", ", $arr);
        echo "]}";
        header("Content-Type: text/xml");

        echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?><results>";
        for ($i=0;$i<count($aResults);$i++)
            echo "<rs id=\"".$aResults[$i]['id']."\" info=\"".$aResults[$i]['info']."\">".$aResults[$i]['value']."</rs>";
        echo "</results>";
Avatar billede bodyguard Nybegynder
22. juli 2011 - 19:50 #1
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