Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently
Når jeg forsøger at sende mail til den mail adresse jeg har i forbindelsen med mit domæne fra min gmail, får jeg en mail retur med det samme fra Mail Delivery Subsystem <>, hvori der står følgende:Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try
550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or
550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at
550 5.1.1 37si2058974ibi.11 (state 14).
Det er kun gmail, hvor dette problem opstår. Hotmail m.v. virker fint. Jeg har ikke kunnet finde nogen artikler på googles help site som afhjalp problemet.
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