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04. marts 2010 - 12:51 Der er 2 kommentarer

Form og date

Jeg har to problemer med en rejseforespørgsel:

1: Jeg sender QueryDepDate og QueryRetDate via et kalender-script. Jeg vil gerne have de valgte values kopieret kopieret til hhv. QueryChkInDate og QueryChkOutDate. Sådan at når formularen sendes:

QueryDepDate = QueryChkInDate
QueryRetDate = QueryChkOutDate

2. Af en eller anden grund vil systemet ha at der angives en QueryDur (duration). Det skal altså regnes ud hvor mange dage der er mellem QueryDepDate og QueryRetDate.

<b>Her er min formular:</>
<script type="text/javascript" src="calendarDateInput.js">

* Jason's Date Input Calendar- By Jason Moon http://calendar.moonscript.com/dateinput.cfm
* Script featured on and available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com
* Keep this notice intact for use.


<style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-size: 11px}
<div style="font-family:Arial; font-size:11px;">
<table border=0 cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=5 width=260 align=left>
<td bgColor=#eeeeee vAlign=top width=248 align=left>
  <form id=packageMinimum method=get name=bestil action=http://alsvik.dk/packageindependentacclist?QueryDepID=12678&QueryCtryID=4620&QueryAreaID=0&QueryResID=4621&DestID=0 target="_parent">
<table width=248 border=0 cellPadding=5 cellSpacing=0 bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" id=table1>
<td width=82 class="style1"><label id=lblDestcd for=depcd>Afrejse fra</label></td>
<td width=146><select id=QueryDepCD name=QueryDepcd> <option selected value=CPH>København</option> <option value=BLL>Billund</option> <option value=AAL>Aalborg</option></select></td></tr>
  <td class="style1">

<script>DateInput('QueryDepDate', true, 'DD-MM-YYYY')</script></td></tr>
<td class="style1">Hjemrejse</td>
<td><script>DateInput('QueryRetDate', true, 'DD-MM-YYYY')</script>  </td>

<td class="style1">Check-in</td>
<td><script>DateInput('QueryChkInDate', true, 'DD-MM-YYYY')</script>  </td>
</tr> <tr>
<td class="style1">Check-ud</td>
<td><script>DateInput('QueryChkOutDate', true, 'DD-MM-YYYY')</script>  </td>
</tr> -->

<td> </td>
<td><input id=btnSearch value="Klik her og vent" type=submit />

<!-- DATE ISSUE -->
<input name="QueryChkOutDate" type="hidden" id="QueryChkOutDate">
  <input name="QueryChkInDate" type="hidden" id="QueryChkInDatee">
  <!-- DATE ISSUE ->

<!-- DUR ISSUE ->
  <!-- <input name=QueryDur id=QueryDur type=hidden /> -->
  <!-- DUR ISSUE -->
  <input id=CategoryId value=3 type=hidden name=CategoryId />
  <input id=QueryCtryCD value=US type=hidden name=QueryCtryCD />
  <input id=QueryDestCDs value=NYC type=hidden name=QueryDestCDs />
  <input id=QueryResCDs value=NYO type=hidden name=QueryResCDs />
  <input id=QueryRoomAges value=%7c42%2c42 type=hidden name=QueryRoomAges />
    <input id=QueryDepID value=12678 type=hidden name=QueryDepID />
  <input id=QueryCtryID value=4620 type=hidden name=QueryCtryID />
  <input id=QueryAreaID value=0 type=hidden name=QueryAreaID />
  <input id=QueryResID value=4621 type=hidden name=QueryResID />

  <!-- SKAL UDFYLDES --> </td></tr></tbody></table>

<b>Og her det script som bruges til kalenderen (QueryDepDate og QueryRetDate):</b>

Fool-Proof Date Input Script with DHTML Calendar
by Jason Moon - http://calendar.moonscript.com/dateinput.cfm

// Customizable variables
var DefaultDateFormat = 'MM/DD/YYYY'; // If no date format is supplied, this will be used instead
var HideWait = 3; // Number of seconds before the calendar will disappear
var Y2kPivotPoint = 76; // 2-digit years before this point will be created in the 21st century
var UnselectedMonthText = ''; // Text to display in the 1st month list item when the date isn't required
var FontSize = 11; // In pixels
var FontFamily = 'Arial';
var CellWidth = 18;
var CellHeight = 16;
var ImageURL = 'calendar.jpg';
var NextURL = 'next.gif';
var PrevURL = 'prev.gif';
var CalBGColor = 'white';
var TopRowBGColor = 'buttonface';
var DayBGColor = 'lightgrey';

// Global variables
var ZCounter = 100;
var Today = new Date();
var WeekDays = new Array('S','M','T','O','T','F','L');
var MonthDays = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
var MonthNames = new Array('Januar','Februar','Marts','April','Maj','Juni','Juli','August','September','Oktober','November','December');

// Write out the stylesheet definition for the calendar
with (document) {
  writeln('td.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:normal;line-height:normal;font-family:' + FontFamily + ',Sans-Serif;font-size:' + FontSize + 'px;}');
  writeln('select.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:.06em;font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;}');
  writeln('input.calendarDateInput {letter-spacing:.06em;font-family:Verdana,Sans-Serif;font-size:11px;}');

// Only allows certain keys to be used in the date field
function YearDigitsOnly(e) {
  var KeyCode = (e.keyCode) ? e.keyCode : e.which;
  return ((KeyCode == 8) // backspace
        || (KeyCode == 9) // tab
        || (KeyCode == 37) // left arrow
        || (KeyCode == 39) // right arrow
        || (KeyCode == 46) // delete
        || ((KeyCode > 47) && (KeyCode < 58)) // 0 - 9

// Gets the absolute pixel position of the supplied element
function GetTagPixels(StartTag, Direction) {
  var PixelAmt = (Direction == 'LEFT') ? StartTag.offsetLeft : StartTag.offsetTop;
  while ((StartTag.tagName != 'BODY') && (StartTag.tagName != 'HTML')) {
      StartTag = StartTag.offsetParent;
      PixelAmt += (Direction == 'LEFT') ? StartTag.offsetLeft : StartTag.offsetTop;
  return PixelAmt;

// Is the specified select-list behind the calendar?
function BehindCal(SelectList, CalLeftX, CalRightX, CalTopY, CalBottomY, ListTopY) {
  var ListLeftX = GetTagPixels(SelectList, 'LEFT');
  var ListRightX = ListLeftX + SelectList.offsetWidth;
  var ListBottomY = ListTopY + SelectList.offsetHeight;
  return (((ListTopY < CalBottomY) && (ListBottomY > CalTopY)) && ((ListLeftX < CalRightX) && (ListRightX > CalLeftX)));

// For IE, hides any select-lists that are behind the calendar
function FixSelectLists(Over) {
  if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
      var CalDiv = this.getCalendar();
      var CalLeftX = CalDiv.offsetLeft;
      var CalRightX = CalLeftX + CalDiv.offsetWidth;
      var CalTopY = CalDiv.offsetTop;
      var CalBottomY = CalTopY + (CellHeight * 9);
      var FoundCalInput = false;
      formLoop :
      for (var j=this.formNumber;j<document.forms.length;j++) {
        for (var i=0;i<document.forms[j].elements.length;i++) {
            if (typeof document.forms[j].elements[i].type == 'string') {
              if ((document.forms[j].elements[i].type == 'hidden') && (document.forms[j].elements[i].name == this.hiddenFieldName)) {
                  FoundCalInput = true;
                  i += 3; // 3 elements between the 1st hidden field and the last year input field
              if (FoundCalInput) {
                  if (document.forms[j].elements[i].type.substr(0,6) == 'select') {
                    ListTopY = GetTagPixels(document.forms[j].elements[i], 'TOP');
                    if (ListTopY < CalBottomY) {
                        if (BehindCal(document.forms[j].elements[i], CalLeftX, CalRightX, CalTopY, CalBottomY, ListTopY)) {
                          document.forms[j].elements[i].style.visibility = (Over) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
                    else break formLoop;

// Displays a message in the status bar when hovering over the calendar days
function DayCellHover(Cell, Over, Color, HoveredDay) {
  Cell.style.backgroundColor = (Over) ? DayBGColor : Color;
  if (Over) {
      if ((this.yearValue == Today.getFullYear()) && (this.monthIndex == Today.getMonth()) && (HoveredDay == Today.getDate())) self.status = 'Click to select today';
      else {
        var Suffix = HoveredDay.toString();
        switch (Suffix.substr(Suffix.length - 1, 1)) {
            case '1' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 11) ? 'th' : 'st'; break;
            case '2' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 12) ? 'th' : 'nd'; break;
            case '3' : Suffix += (HoveredDay == 13) ? 'th' : 'rd'; break;
            default : Suffix += 'th'; break;
        self.status = 'Click to select ' + this.monthName + ' ' + Suffix;
  else self.status = '';
  return true;

// Sets the form elements after a day has been picked from the calendar
function PickDisplayDay(ClickedDay) {
  var MonthList = this.getMonthList();
  var DayList = this.getDayList();
  var YearField = this.getYearField();
  FixDayList(DayList, GetDayCount(this.displayed.yearValue, this.displayed.monthIndex));
  // Select the month and day in the lists
  for (var i=0;i<MonthList.length;i++) {
      if (MonthList.options[i].value == this.displayed.monthIndex) MonthList.options[i].selected = true;
  for (var j=1;j<=DayList.length;j++) {
      if (j == ClickedDay) DayList.options[j-1].selected = true;
  this.setPicked(this.displayed.yearValue, this.displayed.monthIndex, ClickedDay);
  // Change the year, if necessary
  YearField.value = this.picked.yearPad;
  YearField.defaultValue = YearField.value;

// Builds the HTML for the calendar days
function BuildCalendarDays() {
  var Rows = 5;
  if (((this.displayed.dayCount == 31) && (this.displayed.firstDay > 4)) || ((this.displayed.dayCount == 30) && (this.displayed.firstDay == 6))) Rows = 6;
  else if ((this.displayed.dayCount == 28) && (this.displayed.firstDay == 0)) Rows = 4;
  var HTML = '<table width="' + (CellWidth * 7) + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" style="cursor:default">';
  for (var j=0;j<Rows;j++) {
      HTML += '<tr>';
      for (var i=1;i<=7;i++) {
        Day = (j * 7) + (i - this.displayed.firstDay);
        if ((Day >= 1) && (Day <= this.displayed.dayCount)) {
            if ((this.displayed.yearValue == this.picked.yearValue) && (this.displayed.monthIndex == this.picked.monthIndex) && (Day == this.picked.day)) {
              TextStyle = 'color:white;font-weight:bold;'
              BackColor = DayBGColor;
            else {
              TextStyle = 'color:black;'
              BackColor = CalBGColor;
            if ((this.displayed.yearValue == Today.getFullYear()) && (this.displayed.monthIndex == Today.getMonth()) && (Day == Today.getDate())) TextStyle += 'border:1px solid darkred;padding:0px;';
            HTML += '<td align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="cursor:default;height:' + CellHeight + ';width:' + CellWidth + ';' + TextStyle + ';background-color:' + BackColor + '" onClick="' + this.objName + '.pickDay(' + Day + ')" onMouseOver="return ' + this.objName + '.displayed.dayHover(this,true,\'' + BackColor + '\',' + Day + ')" onMouseOut="return ' + this.objName + '.displayed.dayHover(this,false,\'' + BackColor + '\')">' + Day + '</td>';
        else HTML += '<td class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '"> </td>';
      HTML += '</tr>';
  return HTML += '</table>';

// Determines which century to use (20th or 21st) when dealing with 2-digit years
function GetGoodYear(YearDigits) {
  if (YearDigits.length == 4) return YearDigits;
  else {
      var Millennium = (YearDigits < Y2kPivotPoint) ? 2000 : 1900;
      return Millennium + parseInt(YearDigits,10);

// Returns the number of days in a month (handles leap-years)
function GetDayCount(SomeYear, SomeMonth) {
  return ((SomeMonth == 1) && ((SomeYear % 400 == 0) || ((SomeYear % 4 == 0) && (SomeYear % 100 != 0)))) ? 29 : MonthDays[SomeMonth];

// Highlights the buttons
function VirtualButton(Cell, ButtonDown) {
  if (ButtonDown) {
      Cell.style.borderLeft = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderTop = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderBottom = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderRight = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';
  else {
      Cell.style.borderLeft = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderTop = 'buttonhighlight 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderBottom = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';
      Cell.style.borderRight = 'buttonshadow 1px solid';

// Mouse-over for the previous/next month buttons
function NeighborHover(Cell, Over, DateObj) {
  if (Over) {
      VirtualButton(Cell, false);
      self.status = 'Click to view ' + DateObj.fullName;
  else {
      Cell.style.border = 'buttonface 1px solid';
      self.status = '';
  return true;

// Adds/removes days from the day list, depending on the month/year
function FixDayList(DayList, NewDays) {
  var DayPick = DayList.selectedIndex + 1;
  if (NewDays != DayList.length) {
      var OldSize = DayList.length;
      for (var k=Math.min(NewDays,OldSize);k<Math.max(NewDays,OldSize);k++) {
        (k >= NewDays) ? DayList.options[NewDays] = null : DayList.options[k] = new Option(k+1, k+1);
      DayPick = Math.min(DayPick, NewDays);
      DayList.options[DayPick-1].selected = true;
  return DayPick;

// Resets the year to its previous valid value when something invalid is entered
function FixYearInput(YearField) {
  var YearRE = new RegExp('\\d{' + YearField.defaultValue.length + '}');
  if (!YearRE.test(YearField.value)) YearField.value = YearField.defaultValue;

// Displays a message in the status bar when hovering over the calendar icon
function CalIconHover(Over) {
  var Message = (this.isShowing()) ? 'hide' : 'show';
  self.status = (Over) ? 'Click to ' + Message + ' the calendar' : '';
  return true;

// Starts the timer over from scratch
function CalTimerReset() {
  eval('clearTimeout(' + this.timerID + ')');
  eval(this.timerID + '=setTimeout(\'' + this.objName + '.show()\',' + (HideWait * 1000) + ')');

// The timer for the calendar
function DoTimer(CancelTimer) {
  if (CancelTimer) eval('clearTimeout(' + this.timerID + ')');
  else {
      eval(this.timerID + '=null');

// Show or hide the calendar
function ShowCalendar() {
  if (this.isShowing()) {
      var StopTimer = true;
      this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = --ZCounter;
      this.getCalendar().style.visibility = 'hidden';
  else {
      var StopTimer = false;
      this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter;
      this.getCalendar().style.visibility = 'visible';
  self.status = '';

// Hides the input elements when the "blank" month is selected
function SetElementStatus(Hide) {
  this.getDayList().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
  this.getYearField().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';
  this.getCalendarLink().style.visibility = (Hide) ? 'hidden' : 'visible';

// Sets the date, based on the month selected
function CheckMonthChange(MonthList) {
  var DayList = this.getDayList();
  if (MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value == '') {
      DayList.selectedIndex = 0;
  else {
      if (this.isShowing()) {
        this.resetTimer(); // Gives the user more time to view the calendar with the newly-selected month
        this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter; // Make sure this calendar is on top of any other calendars
      var DayPick = FixDayList(DayList, GetDayCount(this.picked.yearValue, MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value));
      this.setPicked(this.picked.yearValue, MonthList.options[MonthList.selectedIndex].value, DayPick);

// Sets the date, based on the day selected
function CheckDayChange(DayList) {
  if (this.isShowing()) this.show();
  this.setPicked(this.picked.yearValue, this.picked.monthIndex, DayList.selectedIndex+1);

// Changes the date when a valid year has been entered
function CheckYearInput(YearField) {
  if ((YearField.value.length == YearField.defaultValue.length) && (YearField.defaultValue != YearField.value)) {
      if (this.isShowing()) {
        this.resetTimer(); // Gives the user more time to view the calendar with the newly-entered year
        this.getCalendar().style.zIndex = ++ZCounter; // Make sure this calendar is on top of any other calendars
      var NewYear = GetGoodYear(YearField.value);
      var MonthList = this.getMonthList();
      var NewDay = FixDayList(this.getDayList(), GetDayCount(NewYear, this.picked.monthIndex));
      this.setPicked(NewYear, this.picked.monthIndex, NewDay);
      YearField.defaultValue = YearField.value;

// Holds characteristics about a date
function dateObject() {
  if (Function.call) { // Used when 'call' method of the Function object is supported
      var ParentObject = this;
      var ArgumentStart = 0;
  else { // Used with 'call' method of the Function object is NOT supported
      var ParentObject = arguments[0];
      var ArgumentStart = 1;
  ParentObject.date = (arguments.length == (ArgumentStart+1)) ? new Date(arguments[ArgumentStart+0]) : new Date(arguments[ArgumentStart+0], arguments[ArgumentStart+1], arguments[ArgumentStart+2]);
  ParentObject.yearValue = ParentObject.date.getFullYear();
  ParentObject.monthIndex = ParentObject.date.getMonth();
  ParentObject.monthName = MonthNames[ParentObject.monthIndex];
  ParentObject.fullName = ParentObject.monthName + ' ' + ParentObject.yearValue;
  ParentObject.day = ParentObject.date.getDate();
  ParentObject.dayCount = GetDayCount(ParentObject.yearValue, ParentObject.monthIndex);
  var FirstDate = new Date(ParentObject.yearValue, ParentObject.monthIndex, 1);
  ParentObject.firstDay = FirstDate.getDay();

// Keeps track of the date that goes into the hidden field
function storedMonthObject(DateFormat, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) {
  (Function.call) ? dateObject.call(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) : dateObject(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay);
  this.yearPad = this.yearValue.toString();
  this.monthPad = (this.monthIndex < 9) ? '0' + String(this.monthIndex + 1) : this.monthIndex + 1;
  this.dayPad = (this.day < 10) ? '0' + this.day.toString() : this.day;
  this.monthShort = this.monthName.substr(0,3).toUpperCase();
  // Formats the year with 2 digits instead of 4
  if (DateFormat.indexOf('YYYY') == -1) this.yearPad = this.yearPad.substr(2);
  // Define the date-part delimiter
  if (DateFormat.indexOf('/') >= 0) var Delimiter = '/';
  else if (DateFormat.indexOf('-') >= 0) var Delimiter = '-';
  else var Delimiter = '';
  // Determine the order of the months and days
  if (/DD?.?((MON)|(MM?M?))/.test(DateFormat)) {
      this.formatted = this.dayPad + Delimiter;
      this.formatted += (RegExp.$1.length == 3) ? this.monthShort : this.monthPad;
  else if (/((MON)|(MM?M?))?.?DD?/.test(DateFormat)) {
      this.formatted = (RegExp.$1.length == 3) ? this.monthShort : this.monthPad;
      this.formatted += Delimiter + this.dayPad;
  // Either prepend or append the year to the formatted date
  this.formatted = (DateFormat.substr(0,2) == 'YY') ? this.yearPad + Delimiter + this.formatted : this.formatted + Delimiter + this.yearPad;

// Object for the current displayed month
function displayMonthObject(ParentObject, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) {
  (Function.call) ? dateObject.call(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay) : dateObject(this, DateYear, DateMonth, DateDay);
  this.displayID = ParentObject.hiddenFieldName + '_Current_ID';
  this.getDisplay = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.displayID)');
  this.dayHover = DayCellHover;
  this.goCurrent = new Function(ParentObject.objName + '.getCalendar().style.zIndex=++ZCounter;' + ParentObject.objName + '.setDisplayed(Today.getFullYear(),Today.getMonth());');
  if (ParentObject.formNumber >= 0) this.getDisplay().innerHTML = this.fullName;

// Object for the previous/next buttons
function neighborMonthObject(ParentObject, IDText, DateMS) {
  (Function.call) ? dateObject.call(this, DateMS) : dateObject(this, DateMS);
  this.buttonID = ParentObject.hiddenFieldName + '_' + IDText + '_ID';
  this.hover = new Function('C','O','NeighborHover(C,O,this)');
  this.getButton = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.buttonID)');
  this.go = new Function(ParentObject.objName + '.getCalendar().style.zIndex=++ZCounter;' + ParentObject.objName + '.setDisplayed(this.yearValue,this.monthIndex);');
  if (ParentObject.formNumber >= 0) this.getButton().title = this.monthName;

// Sets the currently-displayed month object
function SetDisplayedMonth(DispYear, DispMonth) {
  this.displayed = new displayMonthObject(this, DispYear, DispMonth, 1);
  // Creates the previous and next month objects
  this.previous = new neighborMonthObject(this, 'Previous', this.displayed.date.getTime() - 86400000);
  this.next = new neighborMonthObject(this, 'Next', this.displayed.date.getTime() + (86400000 * (this.displayed.dayCount + 1)));
  // Creates the HTML for the calendar
  if (this.formNumber >= 0) this.getDayTable().innerHTML = this.buildCalendar();

// Sets the current selected date
function SetPickedMonth(PickedYear, PickedMonth, PickedDay) {
  this.picked = new storedMonthObject(this.format, PickedYear, PickedMonth, PickedDay);
  this.setDisplayed(PickedYear, PickedMonth);

// The calendar object
function calendarObject(DateName, DateFormat, DefaultDate) {

  /* Properties */
  this.hiddenFieldName = DateName;
  this.monthListID = DateName + '_Month_ID';
  this.dayListID = DateName + '_Day_ID';
  this.yearFieldID = DateName + '_Year_ID';
  this.monthDisplayID = DateName + '_Current_ID';
  this.calendarID = DateName + '_ID';
  this.dayTableID = DateName + '_DayTable_ID';
  this.calendarLinkID = this.calendarID + '_Link';
  this.timerID = this.calendarID + '_Timer';
  this.objName = DateName + '_Object';
  this.format = DateFormat;
  this.formNumber = -1;
  this.picked = null;
  this.displayed = null;
  this.previous = null;
  this.next = null;

  /* Methods */
  this.setPicked = SetPickedMonth;
  this.setDisplayed = SetDisplayedMonth;
  this.checkYear = CheckYearInput;
  this.fixYear = FixYearInput;
  this.changeMonth = CheckMonthChange;
  this.changeDay = CheckDayChange;
  this.resetTimer = CalTimerReset;
  this.hideElements = SetElementStatus;
  this.show = ShowCalendar;
  this.handleTimer = DoTimer;
  this.iconHover = CalIconHover;
  this.buildCalendar = BuildCalendarDays;
  this.pickDay = PickDisplayDay;
  this.fixSelects = FixSelectLists;
  this.setHidden = new Function('D','if (this.formNumber >= 0) this.getHiddenField().value=D');
  // Returns a reference to these elements
  this.getHiddenField = new Function('return document.forms[this.formNumber].elements[this.hiddenFieldName]');
  this.getMonthList = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.monthListID)');
  this.getDayList = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.dayListID)');
  this.getYearField = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.yearFieldID)');
  this.getCalendar = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.calendarID)');
  this.getDayTable = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.dayTableID)');
  this.getCalendarLink = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.calendarLinkID)');
  this.getMonthDisplay = new Function('return document.getElementById(this.monthDisplayID)');
  this.isShowing = new Function('return !(this.getCalendar().style.visibility != \'visible\')');

  /* Constructor */
  // Functions used only by the constructor
  function getMonthIndex(MonthAbbr) { // Returns the index (0-11) of the supplied month abbreviation
      for (var MonPos=0;MonPos<MonthNames.length;MonPos++) {
        if (MonthNames[MonPos].substr(0,3).toUpperCase() == MonthAbbr.toUpperCase()) break;
      return MonPos;
  function SetGoodDate(CalObj, Notify) { // Notifies the user about their bad default date, and sets the current system date
      CalObj.setPicked(Today.getFullYear(), Today.getMonth(), Today.getDate());
      if (Notify) alert('WARNING: The supplied date is not in valid \'' + DateFormat + '\' format: ' + DefaultDate + '.\nTherefore, the current system date will be used instead: ' + CalObj.picked.formatted);
  // Main part of the constructor
  if (DefaultDate != '') {
      if ((this.format == 'YYYYMMDD') && (/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/.test(DefaultDate))) this.setPicked(RegExp.$1, parseInt(RegExp.$2,10)-1, RegExp.$3);
      else {
        // Get the year
        if ((this.format.substr(0,2) == 'YY') && (/^(\d{2,4})(-|\/)/.test(DefaultDate))) { // Year is at the beginning
            var YearPart = GetGoodYear(RegExp.$1);
            // Determine the order of the months and days
            if (/(-|\/)(\w{1,3})(-|\/)(\w{1,3})$/.test(DefaultDate)) {
              var MidPart = RegExp.$2;
              var EndPart = RegExp.$4;
              if (/D$/.test(this.format)) { // Ends with days
                  var DayPart = EndPart;
                  var MonthPart = MidPart;
              else {
                  var DayPart = MidPart;
                  var MonthPart = EndPart;
              MonthPart = (/\d{1,2}/i.test(MonthPart)) ? parseInt(MonthPart,10)-1 : getMonthIndex(MonthPart);
              this.setPicked(YearPart, MonthPart, DayPart);
            else SetGoodDate(this, true);
        else if (/(-|\/)(\d{2,4})$/.test(DefaultDate)) { // Year is at the end
            var YearPart = GetGoodYear(RegExp.$2);
            // Determine the order of the months and days
            if (/^(\w{1,3})(-|\/)(\w{1,3})(-|\/)/.test(DefaultDate)) {
              if (this.format.substr(0,1) == 'D') { // Starts with days
                  var DayPart = RegExp.$1;
                  var MonthPart = RegExp.$3;
              else { // Starts with months
                  var MonthPart = RegExp.$1;
                  var DayPart = RegExp.$3;
              MonthPart = (/\d{1,2}/i.test(MonthPart)) ? parseInt(MonthPart,10)-1 : getMonthIndex(MonthPart);
              this.setPicked(YearPart, MonthPart, DayPart);
            else SetGoodDate(this, true);
        else SetGoodDate(this, true);

// Main function that creates the form elements
function DateInput(DateName, Required, DateFormat, DefaultDate) {
  if (arguments.length == 0) document.writeln('<span style="color:red;font-size:' + FontSize + 'px;font-family:' + FontFamily + ';">ERROR: Missing required parameter in call to \'DateInput\': [name of hidden date field].</span>');
  else {
      // Handle DateFormat
      if (arguments.length < 3) { // The format wasn't passed in, so use default
        DateFormat = DefaultDateFormat;
        if (arguments.length < 2) Required = false;
      else if (/^(Y{2,4}(-|\/)?)?((MON)|(MM?M?)|(DD?))(-|\/)?((MON)|(MM?M?)|(DD?))((-|\/)Y{2,4})?$/i.test(DateFormat)) DateFormat = DateFormat.toUpperCase();
      else { // Passed-in DateFormat was invalid, use default format instead
        var AlertMessage = 'WARNING: The supplied date format for the \'' + DateName + '\' field is not valid: ' + DateFormat + '\nTherefore, the default date format will be used instead: ' + DefaultDateFormat;
        DateFormat = DefaultDateFormat;
        if (arguments.length == 4) { // DefaultDate was passed in with an invalid date format
            var CurrentDate = new storedMonthObject(DateFormat, Today.getFullYear(), Today.getMonth(), Today.getDate());
            AlertMessage += '\n\nThe supplied date (' + DefaultDate + ') cannot be interpreted with the invalid format.\nTherefore, the current system date will be used instead: ' + CurrentDate.formatted;
            DefaultDate = CurrentDate.formatted;
      // Define the current date if it wasn't set already
      if (!CurrentDate) var CurrentDate = new storedMonthObject(DateFormat, Today.getFullYear(), Today.getMonth(), Today.getDate());
      // Handle DefaultDate
      if (arguments.length < 4) { // The date wasn't passed in
        DefaultDate = (Required) ? CurrentDate.formatted : ''; // If required, use today's date
      // Creates the calendar object!
      eval(DateName + '_Object=new calendarObject(\'' + DateName + '\',\'' + DateFormat + '\',\'' + DefaultDate + '\')');
      // Determine initial viewable state of day, year, and calendar icon
      if ((Required) || (arguments.length == 4)) {
        var InitialStatus = '';
        var InitialDate = eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.formatted');
      else {
        var InitialStatus = ' style="visibility:hidden"';
        var InitialDate = '';
        eval(DateName + '_Object.setPicked(' + Today.getFullYear() + ',' + Today.getMonth() + ',' + Today.getDate() + ')');
      // Create the form elements
      with (document) {
        writeln('<input type="hidden" name="' + DateName + '" value="' + InitialDate + '">');
        // Find this form number
        for (var f=0;f<forms.length;f++) {
            for (var e=0;e<forms[f].elements.length;e++) {
              if (typeof forms[f].elements[e].type == 'string') {
                  if ((forms[f].elements[e].type == 'hidden') && (forms[f].elements[e].name == DateName)) {
                    eval(DateName + '_Object.formNumber='+f);
        writeln('<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"><tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');
        writeln('<select class="calendarDateInput" id="' + DateName + '_Month_ID" onChange="' + DateName + '_Object.changeMonth(this)">');
        if (!Required) {
            var NoneSelected = (DefaultDate == '') ? ' selected' : '';
            writeln('<option value=""' + NoneSelected + '>' + UnselectedMonthText + '</option>');
        for (var i=0;i<12;i++) {
            MonthSelected = ((DefaultDate != '') && (eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.monthIndex') == i)) ? ' selected' : '';
            writeln('<option value="' + i + '"' + MonthSelected + '>' + MonthNames[i].substr(0,3) + '</option>');
        writeln('</select>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');
        writeln('<select' + InitialStatus + ' class="calendarDateInput" id="' + DateName + '_Day_ID" onChange="' + DateName + '_Object.changeDay(this)">');
        for (var j=1;j<=eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.dayCount');j++) {
            DaySelected = ((DefaultDate != '') && (eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.day') == j)) ? ' selected' : '';
            writeln('<option' + DaySelected + '>' + j + '</option>');
        writeln('</select>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<td valign="middle">');
        writeln('<input' + InitialStatus + ' class="calendarDateInput" type="text" id="' + DateName + '_Year_ID" size="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad.length') + '" maxlength="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad.length') + '" title="Year" value="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.picked.yearPad') + '" onKeyPress="return YearDigitsOnly(window.event)" onKeyUp="' + DateName + '_Object.checkYear(this)" onBlur="' + DateName + '_Object.fixYear(this)">');
        write('<td valign="middle">' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<a' + InitialStatus + ' id="' + DateName + '_ID_Link" href="java script:' + DateName + '_Object.show()" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.iconHover(true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.iconHover(false)"><img src="' + ImageURL + '" align="baseline" title="Calendar" border="0"></a> ');
        writeln('<span id="' + DateName + '_ID" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;width:' + (CellWidth * 7) + 'px;background-color:' + CalBGColor + ';border:1px solid dimgray;" onMouseOver="' + DateName + '_Object.handleTimer(true)" onMouseOut="' + DateName + '_Object.handleTimer(false)">');
        writeln('<table width="' + (CellWidth * 7) + '" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<tr style="background-color:' + TopRowBGColor + ';">');
        writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Previous_ID" style="cursor:default" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.previous.go()" onMouseDown="VirtualButton(this,true)" onMouseUp="VirtualButton(this,false)" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.previous.hover(this,true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.previous.hover(this,false)" title="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.previous.monthName') + '"><img src="' + PrevURL + '"></td>');
        writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Current_ID" style="cursor:pointer" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" colspan="5" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.displayed.goCurrent()" onMouseOver="self.status=\'Click to view ' + CurrentDate.fullName + '\';return true;" onMouseOut="self.status=\'\';return true;" title="Show Current Month">' + eval(DateName + '_Object.displayed.fullName') + '</td>');
        writeln('<td id="' + DateName + '_Next_ID" style="cursor:default" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + '" onClick="' + DateName + '_Object.next.go()" onMouseDown="VirtualButton(this,true)" onMouseUp="VirtualButton(this,false)" onMouseOver="return ' + DateName + '_Object.next.hover(this,true)" onMouseOut="return ' + DateName + '_Object.next.hover(this,false)" title="' + eval(DateName + '_Object.next.monthName') + '"><img src="' + NextURL + '"></td></tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<tr>');
        for (var w=0;w<7;w++) writeln('<td width="' + CellWidth + '" align="center" class="calendarDateInput" style="height:' + CellHeight + ';width:' + CellWidth + ';font-weight:bold;border-top:1px solid dimgray;border-bottom:1px solid dimgray;">' + WeekDays[w] + '</td>');
        writeln('</tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</table>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '<span id="' + DateName + '_DayTable_ID">' + eval(DateName + '_Object.buildCalendar()') + '</span>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</span>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</td>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</tr>' + String.fromCharCode(13) + '</table>');

Kan nogen hjælpe mig?
Avatar billede preppydude Nybegynder
04. marts 2010 - 12:53 #1
Ikke for noget, men jeg tror ikke jeg er den eneste der mister modet fuldstændig når du paster så lang en kode. Nægter simpelthen at læse alt det igennem.
Avatar billede alsvik Nybegynder
04. marts 2010 - 12:55 #2
I Know - selve .js-filen er vel ret beset også ligeyldig ...
Noterede også at det så lidt uoverskueligt ud og at min i og b-tags var forkert format - men jeg kan jo desværre ikke redigere indlæget :o(
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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