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If you need a simple way to open and read PDFs, look no further than these lightweight viewers.
13.Sumatra PDF: This Windows PDF viewer is light and minimalistic. It's even designed for portable use, so you can run it from a USB drive.
14.FoxIt Reader: The Foxit PDF viewer is an all time favorite (especially of Digg users). And has a strong set of features (with a very competitive price )
15.PalmPDF: Use this PDF viewer for Palm OS devices.
16.Evince: Gnome users can take advantage of Evince, a document viewer that supports both PDF and PostScript documents.
17.Preview: Mac OS X comes with Preview, an application that displays images and PDFs.
18.ePDFView: This lightweight PDF viewer uses the GTK+ and Poppler libraries.
19.Okular: This document viewer for KDE 4 supports PDF, PostScript, and lots more.
20.Xpdf: Xpdf, available for nearly any Unix OS, is a PDF viewer that allows you to read encrypted PDFs, extract images, and more.