Kunne det være dette:
You receive a "The bookmark is invalid" error message when you try to connect to a global catalog server that is running Windows 2000 Server in an Exchange Server 2003 or Exchange 2000 Server organization
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/883728[quote start]
This issue may occur if a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server domain controller is not restarted after the domain controller is promoted to a global catalog server in an Exchange Server 2003 organization or in an Exchange 2000 Server organization. Microsoft Exchange tries to use the domain controller as a global catalog server, and the global catalog server appears online to client computers. When users try to create an Exchange profile and to connect to a Windows 2000 Server domain controller on the global catalog port 3268, they receive the event in the event log that is mentioned in the "Symptoms" section.
This issue can also occur if the IP address of the global catalog server is changed , but the global catalog server is not restarted.
This issue does not occur on a global catalog server that is running Microsoft Windows Server 2003.
[quote slut]
Så hvis du har installeret en ny dns, og formentlig derved ny domæne controller, så er den sikkert sat som global catalog, men ikke blevet genstartet. Passer det så nogenlunde?