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03. oktober 2007 - 12:29 Der er 5 kommentarer og
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Genvej i htmlarea (snabel-a)

Hej Eksperter

I forbindelse med at jeg er begyndt at bruge htmlArea er jeg stødt på et problem.

Når jeg forsøger at skrive @ (alt gr + 2) tror editoren, at det er genvejen til større tekst og forstørrer derfor teksten. Kan i komme med et bud på hvordan jeg ordner dette problem eller helt fjerner genvejene?

Vedlægger htmlarea.js:

// htmlArea v3.0 - Copyright (c) 2002-2004 interactivetools.com, inc.
// This copyright notice MUST stay intact for use (see license.txt).
// Portions (c) dynarch.com, 2003-2004
// A free WYSIWYG editor replacement for <textarea> fields.
// For full source code and docs, visit http://www.interactivetools.com/
// Version 3.0 developed by Mihai Bazon.
//  http://dynarch.com/mishoo
// $Id: htmlarea.js,v 2007/07/30 11:58:31 shanmugampl Exp $

if (typeof _editor_url == "string") {
    // Leave exactly one backslash at the end of _editor_url
    _editor_url = _editor_url.replace(/\x2f*$/, '/');
} else {
    alert("WARNING: _editor_url is not set!  You should set this variable to the editor files path; it should preferably be an absolute path, like in '/htmlarea', but it can be relative if you prefer.  Further we will try to load the editor files correctly but we'll probably fail.");
    _editor_url = '';

// make sure we have a language
if (typeof _editor_lang == "string") {
    _editor_lang = _editor_lang.toLowerCase();
} else {
    _editor_lang = "en";

// Creates a new HTMLArea object.  Tries to replace the textarea with the given
// ID with it.
function HTMLArea(textarea, config) {
    if (HTMLArea.checkSupportedBrowser()) {
        if (typeof config == "undefined") {
            this.config = new HTMLArea.Config();
        } else {
            this.config = config;
        this._htmlArea = null;
        this._textArea = textarea;
        this._editMode = "wysiwyg";
        this.plugins = {};
        this._timerToolbar = null;
        this._timerUndo = null;
        this._undoQueue = new Array(this.config.undoSteps);
        this._undoPos = -1;
        this._customUndo = true;
        this._mdoc = document; // cache the document, we need it in plugins
        this.doctype = '';


// load some scripts
/* (function() {
    var scripts = HTMLArea._scripts = [ _editor_url + "htmlarea.js",
                        _editor_url + "dialog.js",
                        _editor_url + "popupwin.js",
                        _editor_url + "lang/" + _editor_lang + ".js" ];
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
    // start from 1, htmlarea.js is already loaded
    for (var i = 1; i < scripts.length; ++i) {
        var script = document.createElement("script");
        script.src = scripts[i];
})(); */

// cache some regexps
HTMLArea.RE_tagName = /(<\/|<)\s*([^ \t\n>]+)/ig;
HTMLArea.RE_doctype = /(<!doctype((.|\n)*?)>)\n?/i;
HTMLArea.RE_head    = /<head>((.|\n)*?)<\/head>/i;
HTMLArea.RE_body    = /<body>((.|\n)*?)<\/body>/i;

HTMLArea.Config = function () {
    this.version = "3.0";

    this.width = "auto";
    this.height = "auto";

    // intercept ^V and use the HTMLArea paste command
    // If false, then passes ^V through to browser editor widget
    this.htmlareaPaste = false;

    // enable creation of a status bar?
    this.statusBar = true;

    // maximum size of the undo queue
    this.undoSteps = 50;

    // the time interval at which undo samples are taken
    this.undoTimeout = 2000;// 1/2 sec.

    // the next parameter specifies whether the toolbar should be included
    // in the size or not.
    this.sizeIncludesToolbar = true;

    // if true then HTMLArea will retrieve the full HTML, starting with the
    // <HTML> tag.
    this.fullPage = false;

    // style included in the iframe document
    this.pageStyle = "";

    // set to true if you want Word code to be cleaned upon Paste
    this.killWordOnPaste = false;

    // BaseURL included in the iframe document
    this.baseURL = document.baseURI || document.URL;
    if (this.baseURL && this.baseURL.match(/(.*)\/([^\/]+)/))
        this.baseURL = RegExp.$1 + "/";

    // URL-s
    this.imgURL = "images/htmlarea/";
    this.popupURL = "popups/";

    * -------------------------
    * It is recommended that you customize the toolbar contents in an
    * external file (i.e. the one calling HTMLArea) and leave this one
    * unchanged.  That's because when we (InteractiveTools.com) release a
    * new official version, it's less likely that you will have problems
    * upgrading HTMLArea.
    this.toolbar = [
        [ "fontname", "space",
          "fontsize", "space",
          "formatblock", "space",
          "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "separator",
          "subscript", "superscript", "separator",
          "copy", "cut", "paste", "space", "undo", "redo" ],

        [ "justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright", "justifyfull", "separator",
          "lefttoright", "righttoleft", "separator",
          "insertorderedlist", "insertunorderedlist", "outdent", "indent", "separator",
          "forecolor", "hilitecolor", "separator",
          "inserthorizontalrule", "createlink", "insertimage", "inserttable", "htmlmode", "separator",
          "popupeditor", "separator", "showhelp", "about" ]

    this.fontname = {
        "Arial":          'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
        "Verdana":          'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
        "Times New Roman":     'times new roman,times,serif',
        "Georgia":          'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
        "Courier New":          'courier new,courier,monospace',
        "Trebuchet MS":        'trebuchet ms,geneva'
    this.fontname = {
        "Arial":      'arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
        "Arial Black":'arial black,avant garde',
        "Arial Narrow":'arial narrow',
        "Courier New":      'courier new,courier,monospace',
        "Georgia":      'georgia,times new roman,times,serif',
        "Tahoma":      'tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
        "Times New Roman": 'times new roman,times,serif',
        "Trebuchet MS": 'trebuchet ms,geneva',
        "Verdana":      'verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif',
        "Impact":      'impact',
        "WingDings":      'wingdings',
        "Web-dings": 'webdings'
    this.defaultFontName = "Verdana";
    if(this.tempFontName == undefined)
    this.tempFontName ="Verdana";
    this.defaultFontSize = "2";
    if(this.tempFontSize == undefined)
    this.tempFontSize ="2";

    this.fontsize = {
        "Normal": "1",
        "Medium": "2",
        "Large": "3",
        "Huge": "4"

    this.formatblock = {
        "Large Heading": "h1",
        "Medium Heading": "h2",
        "Normal Heading": "h3",
        "Small Heading": "h4"

    this.customSelects = {};

    function cut_copy_paste(e, cmd, obj) {

    // ADDING CUSTOM BUTTONS: please read below!
    // format of the btnList elements is "ID: [ ToolTip, Icon, Enabled in text mode?, ACTION ]"
    //    - ID: unique ID for the button.  If the button calls document.execCommand
    //        it's wise to give it the same name as the called command.
    //    - ACTION: function that gets called when the button is clicked.
    //              it has the following prototype:
    //                function(editor, buttonName)
    //              - editor is the HTMLArea object that triggered the call
    //              - buttonName is the ID of the clicked button
    //              These 2 parameters makes it possible for you to use the same
    //              handler for more HTMLArea objects or for more different buttons.
    //    - ToolTip: default tooltip, for cases when it is not defined in the -lang- file (HTMLArea.I18N)
    //    - Icon: path to an icon image file for the button (TODO: use one image for all buttons!)
    //    - Enabled in text mode: if false the button gets disabled for text-only mode; otherwise enabled all the time.
    this.btnList = {
        bold: [ "Bold", "ed_format_bold.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("bold");} ],
        italic: [ "Italic", "ed_format_italic.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("italic");} ],
        underline: [ "Underline", "ed_format_underline.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("underline");} ],
        strikethrough: [ "Strikethrough", "ed_format_strike.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("strikethrough");} ],
        subscript: [ "Subscript", "ed_format_sub.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("subscript");} ],
        superscript: [ "Superscript", "ed_format_sup.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("superscript");} ],
        justifyleft: [ "Justify Left", "ed_align_left.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyleft");} ],
        justifycenter: [ "Justify Center", "ed_align_center.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifycenter");} ],
        justifyright: [ "Justify Right", "ed_align_right.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyright");} ],
        justifyfull: [ "Justify Full", "ed_align_justify.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("justifyfull");} ],
        insertorderedlist: [ "Ordered List", "ed_list_num.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertorderedlist");} ],
        insertunorderedlist: [ "Bulleted List", "ed_list_bullet.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertunorderedlist");} ],
        outdent: [ "Decrease Indent", "ed_indent_less.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("outdent");} ],
        indent: [ "Increase Indent", "ed_indent_more.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("indent");} ],
        forecolor: [ "Font Color", "ed_color_fg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("forecolor");} ],
        hilitecolor: [ "Background Color", "ed_color_bg.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("hilitecolor");} ],
        inserthorizontalrule: [ "Horizontal Rule", "ed_hr.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserthorizontalrule");} ],
        createlink: [ "Insert Web Link", "ed_link.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("createlink", true);} ],
        insertimage: [ "Insert/Modify Image", "ed_image.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("insertimage");} ],
        inserttable: [ "Insert Table", "insert_table.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("inserttable");} ],
        htmlmode: [ "Toggle HTML Source", "ed_html.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("htmlmode");} ],
        popupeditor: [ "Enlarge Editor", "fullscreen_maximize.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("popupeditor");} ],
        about: [ "About this editor", "ed_about.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("about");} ],
        showhelp: [ "Help using editor", "ed_help.gif", true, function(e) {e.execCommand("showhelp");} ],
        undo: [ "Undo", "ed_undo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("undo");} ],
        redo: [ "Redo", "ed_redo.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("redo");} ],
        cut: [ "Cut selection", "ed_cut.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
        copy: [ "Copy selection", "ed_copy.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
        paste: [ "Paste from clipboard", "ed_paste.gif", false, cut_copy_paste ],
        lefttoright: [ "Direction left to right", "ed_left_to_right.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("lefttoright");} ],
        righttoleft: [ "Direction right to left", "ed_right_to_left.gif", false, function(e) {e.execCommand("righttoleft");} ]
    * ---------------------
    * It is recommended that you add the custom buttons in an external
    * file and leave this one unchanged.  That's because when we
    * (InteractiveTools.com) release a new official version, it's less
    * likely that you will have problems upgrading HTMLArea.
    * Example on how to add a custom button when you construct the HTMLArea:
    *  var editor = new HTMLArea("your_text_area_id");
    *  var cfg = editor.config; // this is the default configuration
    *  cfg.btnList["my-hilite"] =
    *    [ function(editor) { editor.surroundHTML('<span style="background:yellow">', '</span>'); }, // action
    *      "Highlight selection", // tooltip
    *      "my_hilite.gif", // image
    *      false // disabled in text mode
    *    ];
    *  cfg.toolbar.push(["linebreak", "my-hilite"]); // add the new button to the toolbar
    * An alternate (also more convenient and recommended) way to
    * accomplish this is to use the registerButton function below.
    // initialize tooltips from the I18N module and generate correct image path
    for (var i in this.btnList) {
        var btn = this.btnList[i];
        btn[1] = _editor_url + this.imgURL + btn[1];
        if (typeof HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i] != "undefined") {
            btn[0] = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips[i];

/** Helper function: register a new button with the configuration.  It can be
* called with all 5 arguments, or with only one (first one).  When called with
* only one argument it must be an object with the following properties: id,
* tooltip, image, textMode, action.  Examples:
* 1. config.registerButton("my-hilite", "Hilite text", "my-hilite.gif", false, function(editor) {...});
* 2. config.registerButton({
*      id      : "my-hilite",      // the ID of your button
*      tooltip  : "Hilite text",    // the tooltip
*      image    : "my-hilite.gif",  // image to be displayed in the toolbar
*      textMode : false,            // disabled in text mode
*      action  : function(editor) { // called when the button is clicked
*                  editor.surroundHTML('<span class="hilite">', '</span>');
*                },
*      context  : "p"              // will be disabled if outside a <p> element
*    });
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerButton = function(id, tooltip, image, textMode, action, context) {
    var the_id;
    if (typeof id == "string") {
        the_id = id;
    } else if (typeof id == "object") {
        the_id = id.id;
    } else {
        alert("ERROR [HTMLArea.Config::registerButton]:\ninvalid arguments");
        return false;
    // check for existing id
    if (typeof this.customSelects[the_id] != "undefined") {
        // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
    if (typeof this.btnList[the_id] != "undefined") {
        // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
    switch (typeof id) {
        case "string": this.btnList[id] = [ tooltip, image, textMode, action, context ]; break;
        case "object": this.btnList[id.id] = [ id.tooltip, id.image, id.textMode, id.action, id.context ]; break;

/** The following helper function registers a dropdown box with the editor
* configuration.  You still have to add it to the toolbar, same as with the
* buttons.  Call it like this:
* FIXME: add example
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.registerDropdown = function(object) {
    // check for existing id
    if (typeof this.customSelects[object.id] != "undefined") {
        // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA dropdown with the same ID already exists.");
    if (typeof this.btnList[object.id] != "undefined") {
        // alert("WARNING [HTMLArea.Config::registerDropdown]:\nA button with the same ID already exists.");
    this.customSelects[object.id] = object;

/** Call this function to remove some buttons/drop-down boxes from the toolbar.
* Pass as the only parameter a string containing button/drop-down names
* delimited by spaces.  Note that the string should also begin with a space
* and end with a space.  Example:
*  config.hideSomeButtons(" fontname fontsize textindicator ");
* It's useful because it's easier to remove stuff from the defaul toolbar than
* create a brand new toolbar ;-)
HTMLArea.Config.prototype.hideSomeButtons = function(remove) {
    var toolbar = this.toolbar;
    for (var i in toolbar) {
        var line = toolbar[i];
        for (var j = line.length; --j >= 0; ) {
            if (remove.indexOf(" " + line[j] + " ") >= 0) {
                var len = 1;
                if (/separator|space/.test(line[j + 1])) {
                    len = 2;
                line.splice(j, len);

/** Helper function: replace all TEXTAREA-s in the document with HTMLArea-s. */
HTMLArea.replaceAll = function(config) {
    var tas = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea");
    for (var i = tas.length; i > 0; (new HTMLArea(tas[--i], config)).generate());

/** Helper function: replaces the TEXTAREA with the given ID with HTMLArea. */
HTMLArea.replace = function(id, config) {
    var ta = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", id);
    return ta ? (new HTMLArea(ta, config)).generate() : null;

// Creates the toolbar and appends it to the _htmlarea
HTMLArea.prototype._createToolbar = function () {
    var editor = this;    // to access this in nested functions
    var toolbar = document.createElement("div");
    this._toolbar = toolbar;
    toolbar.className = "toolbar";
    if (!is_ie) {
    toolbar.unselectable = "1";
    var tb_row = null;
    var tb_objects = new Object();
    this._toolbarObjects = tb_objects;

    // creates a new line in the toolbar
    function newLine() {
        var table = document.createElement("table");
        table.border = "0px";
        table.cellSpacing = "0px";
        table.cellPadding = "0px";
        // TBODY is required for IE, otherwise you don't see anything
        // in the TABLE.
        var tb_body = document.createElement("tbody");
        tb_row = document.createElement("tr");
    }; // END of function: newLine
    // init first line

    // updates the state of a toolbar element.  This function is member of
    // a toolbar element object (unnamed objects created by createButton or
    // createSelect functions below).
    function setButtonStatus(id, newval) {
        var oldval = this[id];
        var el = this.element;
        if (oldval != newval) {
            switch (id) {
                case "enabled":
                if (newval) {
                    HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
                    el.disabled = false;
                } else {
                    HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonDisabled");
                    el.disabled = true;
                case "active":
                if (newval) {
                    HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonPressed");
                } else {
                    HTMLArea._removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
            this[id] = newval;
    }; // END of function: setButtonStatus

    // this function will handle creation of combo boxes.  Receives as
    // parameter the name of a button as defined in the toolBar config.
    // This function is called from createButton, above, if the given "txt"
    // doesn't match a button.
    function createSelect(txt) {
        var options = null;
        var el = null;
        var cmd = null;
        var customSelects = editor.config.customSelects;
        var context = null;
        switch (txt) {
            case "fontsize":
                case "fontname":
                case "formatblock":
                // the following line retrieves the correct
                // configuration option because the variable name
                // inside the Config object is named the same as the
                // button/select in the toolbar.  For instance, if txt
                // == "formatblock" we retrieve config.formatblock (or
                // a different way to write it in JS is
                // config["formatblock"].
                options = editor.config[txt];
            cmd = txt;

            case "advfind":
            var f=document.createElement('form');
            f.setAttribute('action','java script:quickSearch("none")');
            var yName=document.createElement('input');
            MenuActions._addEvent(yName , "mousedown", Replace.setRange);
            return f;           
            // try to fetch it from the list of registered selects
            cmd = txt;
            var dropdown = customSelects[cmd];
            if (typeof dropdown != "undefined") {
                options = dropdown.options;
                context = dropdown.context;
            } else {
                alert("ERROR [createSelect]:\nCan't find the requested dropdown definition");
        if (options) {
/*            el = document.createElement("select");
            var obj = {
                name    : txt, // field name
                element : el,    // the UI element (SELECT)
                enabled : true, // is it enabled?
                text    : false, // enabled in text mode?
                cmd    : cmd, // command ID
                state    : setButtonStatus, // for changing state
                context : context
            tb_objects[txt] = obj;
            for (var i in options) {
                var op = document.createElement("option");
                op.value = options[i];
                if (txt == "fontname" && this.defaultFontName == options[i]) {
                    op.selected = true;
                if (txt == "fontsize" && this.defaultFontSize == options[i]) {
                    op.selected = true;
            HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "change", function () {
                editor._comboSelected(el, txt);
            }); */
            var box = new ComboBox();
            var ele = box.init();
            box.root.className = txt;
            var obj = {
                name    : txt, // field name
                element : box,    // the UI element (ComboBox Div)
                enabled : true, // is it enabled?
                text    : false, // enabled in text mode?
                cmd    : cmd, // command ID
                state    : setButtonStatus, // for changing state
                context : context
            el = box;
            tb_objects[txt] = obj;
            for (var i in options) {
                var option = new ComboOption();
                if (txt == "fontname" && this.defaultFontName == options[i]) {
                    option.selected = true;
                if (txt == "fontsize" && this.defaultFontSize == options[i]) {
                    option.selected = true;
            var range;
            box.onbeforeclick = function() {
                var sel = editor._getSelection();
                range = editor._createRange(sel);
            box.onchange = function() {
                editor._comboSelected(el, txt, range);
        return el;
    }; // END of function: createSelect

    // appends a new button to toolbar
    function createButton(txt) {
        // the element that will be created
        var el = null;
        var btn = null;
        switch (txt) {
            case "separator":
            el = document.createElement("div");
            el.className = "separator";
            case "space":
            el = document.createElement("div");
            el.className = "space";
            case "linebreak":
            return false;
            case "textindicator":
            el = document.createElement("div");
            el.className = "indicator";
            el.title = HTMLArea.I18N.tooltips.textindicator;
            var obj = {
                name    : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
                element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
                enabled : true, // is it enabled?
                active    : false, // is it pressed?
                text    : false, // enabled in text mode?
                cmd    : "textindicator", // the command ID
                state    : setButtonStatus // for changing state
            tb_objects[txt] = obj;
            btn = editor.config.btnList[txt];
        if (!el && btn) {
            el = document.createElement("div");
            el.title = btn[0];
            el.className = "button";
            // let's just pretend we have a button object, and
            // assign all the needed information to it.
            var obj = {
                name    : txt, // the button name (i.e. 'bold')
                element : el, // the UI element (DIV)
                enabled : true, // is it enabled?
                active    : false, // is it pressed?
                text    : btn[2], // enabled in text mode?
                cmd    : btn[3], // the command ID
                state    : setButtonStatus, // for changing state
                context : btn[4] || null // enabled in a certain context?
            tb_objects[txt] = obj;
            // handlers to emulate nice flat toolbar buttons
            HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseover", function () {
                if (obj.enabled) {
                    HTMLArea._addClass(el, "buttonHover");
            HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mouseout", function () {
                if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
                    _removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
                    _removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
                    (obj.active) && _addClass(el, "buttonPressed");
            HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "mousedown", function (ev) {
                if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
                    _addClass(el, "buttonActive");
                    _removeClass(el, "buttonPressed");
                    _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev);
            // when clicked, do the following:
            HTMLArea._addEvent(el, "click", function (ev) {
                if (obj.enabled) with (HTMLArea) {
                    _removeClass(el, "buttonActive");
                    _removeClass(el, "buttonHover");
                    var ev1 = (is_ie) ? window.event : ev;
                    var target = (is_ie) ? ev1.srcElement : ev1.target;
                    var r = Utils.getPos(target);
                    var x = r.offsetLeft;
                    var y = r.offsetTop;
                    //obj.cmd(editor, obj.name, obj);
                    //_stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev);
// TODO : In IE, the dialog for forecolor, textcolor would not come up. The
// problem was the popUpListener method was not called. To fix this it is
// called here.
                    if(is_ie) {
                    obj.cmd(editor, obj.name,obj,x,y);
                    _stopEvent(is_ie ? window.event : ev);
            var img = document.createElement("img");
            img.src = btn[1];
            //img.style.width = "24px";
            //img.style.height = "24px";
            //img.style.width = "20px";
            //img.style.height = "20px";
        } else if (!el) {
            el = createSelect(txt);
        if (el) {
            var tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
            if (el.toString() == "ComboBox") {
            else {
        } else {
            alert("FIXME: Unknown toolbar item: " + txt);
        return el;

    var first = true;
    for (var i=0;i<this.config.toolbar.length;i++) {
/*        if (!first) {
        } else {
            first = false;
        } */
        var group = this.config.toolbar[i];
        for (var j=0; j<group.length;j++) {
            var code = group[j];
            if (/^([IT])\[(.*?)\]/.test(code)) {
                // special case, create text label
                var l7ed = RegExp.$1 == "I"; // localized?
                var label = RegExp.$2;
                if (l7ed) {
                    label = HTMLArea.I18N.custom[label];
                var tb_cell = document.createElement("td");
                tb_cell.className = "label";
                tb_cell.innerHTML = label;
            } else {


HTMLArea.prototype._createStatusBar = function() {
    var statusbar = document.createElement("div");
    statusbar.className = "statusBar";
    this._statusBar = statusbar;
    // statusbar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "));
    // creates a holder for the path view
    div = document.createElement("span");
    div.className = "statusBarTree";
    div.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": ";
    this._statusBarTree = div;
    if (!this.config.statusBar) {
        // disable it...
        statusbar.style.display = "none";

// Creates the HTMLArea object and replaces the textarea with it.
HTMLArea.prototype.generate = function () {
    var editor = this;    // we'll need "this" in some nested functions
    // get the textarea
    var textarea = this._textArea;
    if (typeof textarea == "string") {
        // it's not element but ID
        this._textArea = textarea = HTMLArea.getElementById("textarea", textarea);
    this._ta_size = {
        w: textarea.offsetWidth,
        h: textarea.offsetHeight
    textarea.style.display = "none";

    // create the editor framework
    var htmlarea = document.createElement("div");
    htmlarea.className = "htmlarea";
    this._htmlArea = htmlarea;

    // insert the editor before the textarea.
    textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(htmlarea, textarea);

    if (textarea.form) {
        // we have a form, on submit get the HTMLArea content and
        // update original textarea.
        var f = textarea.form;
        if (typeof f.onsubmit == "function") {
            var funcref = f.onsubmit;
            if (typeof f.__msh_prevOnSubmit == "undefined") {
                f.__msh_prevOnSubmit = [];
        f.onsubmit = function() {
            editor._textArea.value = editor.getHTML();
            var a = this.__msh_prevOnSubmit;
            // call previous submit methods if they were there.
            if (typeof a != "undefined") {
                for (var i in a) {

    // add a handler for the "back/forward" case -- on body.unload we save
    // the HTML content into the original textarea.
    window.onunload = function() {
        editor._textArea.value = editor.getHTML();

    // creates & appends the toolbar

    // create the IFRAME
    var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
    iframe.className = "textarea";
    // In the below line is removed, then during https mode, a question will be asked in IE.
    iframe.src= "/framework/html/blank.html";

    if (!is_ie) {

    this._iframe = iframe;

    // creates & appends the status bar, if the case

    // remove the default border as it keeps us from computing correctly
    // the sizes.  (somebody tell me why doesn't this work in IE)

    if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        iframe.style.borderWidth = "1px";
    // iframe.frameBorder = "1";
    // iframe.marginHeight = "0";
    // iframe.marginWidth = "0";

    // size the IFRAME according to user's prefs or initial textarea
    var height = (this.config.height == "auto" ? (this._ta_size.h + "px") : this.config.height);
    height = parseInt(height);
    var width = (this.config.width == "auto" ? (this._ta_size.w + "px") : this.config.width);
    width = parseInt(width);

    if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        height -= 2;
        width -= 2;

    //iframe.style.width = width + "px";
    if (this.config.sizeIncludesToolbar) {
        // substract toolbar height
        height -= this._toolbar.offsetHeight;
        height -= this._statusBar.offsetHeight;
    if (height < 0) {
        height = 0;
    //alert ( height);
    //alert ( width );
    iframe.style.height = height + "px";

    // the editor including the toolbar now have the same size as the
    // original textarea.. which means that we need to reduce that a bit.
    //textarea.style.width = iframe.style.width;
    //textarea.style.height = iframe.style.height;

    // IMPORTANT: we have to allow Mozilla a short time to recognize the
    // new frame.  Otherwise we get a stupid exception.
    function initIframe() {
        var doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document;
        if (!doc) {
            // Try again..
            // FIXME: don't know what else to do here.  Normally
            // we'll never reach this point.
            if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
                setTimeout(initIframe, 100);
                return false;
            } else {
                alert("ERROR: IFRAME can't be initialized.");
        if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
            // enable editable mode for Mozilla
            doc.designMode = "on";
        editor._doc = doc;
        if (!editor.config.fullPage) {
            var html = "<html>";
            html += "<head>";
            if (editor.config.baseURL)
                html += '<base href="' + editor.config.baseURL + '" />';
            html += "<link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='/style/htmlarea.css'><style> html,body { border: 0px;} " +
                editor.config.pageStyle + "</style>";
            html += "</head>";
            html += "<body class='editor_body'>";
            html += editor._textArea.value;
            html += "</body>";
            html += "</html>";
        } else {
            var html = editor._textArea.value;
            if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) {
                html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, "");

        if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
            // enable editable mode for IE.    For some reason this
            // doesn't work if done in the same place as for Gecko
            // (above).
            doc.body.contentEditable = true;
        // intercept some events; for updating the toolbar & keyboard handlers
            (doc, ["keydown", "keypress", "mousedown", "mouseup", "drag"],
            function (event) {
                return editor._editorEvent(HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor._iframe.contentWindow.event : event);


        // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
        for (var i in editor.plugins) {
            var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance;
            if (typeof plugin.onGenerate == "function")

        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 250);

        if (typeof editor.onGenerate == "function")

    setTimeout(initIframe, 100);


// Switches editor mode; parameter can be "textmode" or "wysiwyg".  If no
// parameter was passed this function toggles between modes.
HTMLArea.prototype.setMode = function(mode, from) {
    if (typeof mode == "undefined") {
        mode = ((this._editMode == "textmode") ? "wysiwyg" : "textmode");
    switch (mode) {
        case "textmode":
        var htmlValue = this.getHTML();
        var result = true;
        if(from == null) {
            result = confirm(HTMLArea.I18N.confirmMsg["PlainTextConversion"]);
        if(result) {
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/<br \/>/g,"\n");
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/<\/p>/g,"");
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/<p>/g,"\n\n");
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/g,"");
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/&lt;/g,"<");
            htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/&gt;/g,">");
            this._textArea.value = htmlValue;
            this._iframe.style.display = "none";
            this._textArea.style.display = "block";
            if (this.config.statusBar) {
                this._statusBar.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["TEXT_MODE"];
        else {
            mode = "wysiwyg";
        case "wysiwyg":
        if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
            // disable design mode before changing innerHTML
            try {
                this._doc.designMode = "off";
            } catch(e) {};
        var htmlValue = this.getHTML();
        htmlValue = htmlValue.replace(/\n/g, "<br />");
        if (!this.config.fullPage)
            this._doc.body.innerHTML = htmlValue;
        this._iframe.style.display = "block";
        this._textArea.style.display = "none";
        if (HTMLArea.is_gecko) {
            // we need to refresh that info for Moz-1.3a
            try {
                this._doc.designMode = "on";
            } catch(e) {};
        if (this.config.statusBar) {
            this._statusBar.innerHTML = '';
            this._statusBar.appendChild(document.createTextNode(HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "));
        alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
        return false;
    this._editMode = mode;

HTMLArea.prototype.setFullHTML = function(html) {
    var save_multiline = RegExp.multiline;
    RegExp.multiline = true;
    if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_doctype)) {
        html = html.replace(HTMLArea.RE_doctype, "");
    RegExp.multiline = save_multiline;
    if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_head))
            this._doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
        if (html.match(HTMLArea.RE_body))
            this._doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = RegExp.$1;
    } else {
        var html_re = /<html>((.|\n)*?)<\/html>/i;
        html = html.replace(html_re, "$1");
        this._doc.body.contentEditable = true;
        return true;

*  Category: PLUGINS

// this is the variant of the function above where the plugin arguments are
// already packed in an array.  Externally, it should be only used in the
// full-screen editor code, in order to initialize plugins with the same
// parameters as in the opener window.
HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin2 = function(plugin, args) {
    if (typeof plugin == "string")
        plugin = eval(plugin);
    var obj = new plugin(this, args);
    if (obj) {
        var clone = {};
        var info = plugin._pluginInfo;
        for (var i in info)
            clone[i] = info[i];
        clone.instance = obj;
        clone.args = args;
        this.plugins[plugin._pluginInfo.name] = clone;
    } else
        alert("Can't register plugin " + plugin.toString() + ".");

// Create the specified plugin and register it with this HTMLArea
HTMLArea.prototype.registerPlugin = function() {
    var plugin = arguments[0];
    var args = [];
    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i)
    this.registerPlugin2(plugin, args);

// static function that loads the required plugin and lang file, based on the
// language loaded already for HTMLArea.  You better make sure that the plugin
// _has_ that language, otherwise shit might happen ;-)
HTMLArea.loadPlugin = function(pluginName) {
    var dir = _editor_url + "plugins/" + pluginName;
    var plugin = pluginName.replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])([a-z])/g,
                    function (str, l1, l2, l3) {
                        return l1 + "-" + l2.toLowerCase() + l3;
                    }).toLowerCase() + ".js";
    var plugin_file = dir + "/" + plugin;
    var plugin_lang = dir + "/lang/" + HTMLArea.I18N.lang + ".js";
    //HTMLArea._scripts.push(plugin_file, plugin_lang);
    document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + plugin_file + "'></script>");
    document.write("<script type='text/javascript' src='" + plugin_lang + "'></script>");

HTMLArea.loadStyle = function(style, plugin) {
    document.write("<link  type='text/css' href='/style/htmlarea.css'>");


// The following function is a slight variation of the word cleaner code posted
// by Weeezl (user @ InteractiveTools forums).
HTMLArea.prototype._wordClean = function() {
    var D = this.getInnerHTML();
    if (D.indexOf('class=Mso') >= 0) {

        // make one line
        D = D.replace(/\r\n/g, ' ').
            replace(/\n/g, ' ').
            replace(/\r/g, ' ').
            replace(/\&nbsp\;/g,' ');

        // keep tags, strip attributes
        D = D.replace(/ class=[^\s|>]*/gi,'').
            //replace(/<p [^>]*TEXT-ALIGN: justify[^>]*>/gi,'<p align="justify">').
            replace(/ style=\"[^>]*\"/gi,'').
            replace(/ align=[^\s|>]*/gi,'');

        //clean up tags
        D = D.replace(/<b [^>]*>/gi,'<b>').
            replace(/<i [^>]*>/gi,'<i>').
            replace(/<li [^>]*>/gi,'<li>').
            replace(/<ul [^>]*>/gi,'<ul>');

        // replace outdated tags
        D = D.replace(/<b>/gi,'<strong>').

        // mozilla doesn't like <em> tags
        D = D.replace(/<em>/gi,'<i>').

        // kill unwanted tags
        D = D.replace(/<\?xml:[^>]*>/g, '').      // Word xml
            replace(/<\/?st1:[^>]*>/g,'').    // Word SmartTags
            replace(/<\/?[a-z]\:[^>]*>/g,'').  // All other funny Word non-HTML stuff
            replace(/<\/?font[^>]*>/gi,'').    // Disable if you want to keep font formatting
            replace(/<\/?span[^>]*>/gi,' ').
            replace(/<\/?div[^>]*>/gi,' ').
            replace(/<\/?pre[^>]*>/gi,' ').
            replace(/<\/?h[1-6][^>]*>/gi,' ');

        //remove empty tags
        //D = D.replace(/<strong><\/strong>/gi,'').

        // nuke double tags
        oldlen = D.length + 1;
        while(oldlen > D.length) {
            oldlen = D.length;
            // join us now and free the tags, we'll be free hackers, we'll be free... ;-)
            D = D.replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)> *<\/\1>/gi,' ').
                replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)> *<([a-z][^>]*)> *<\/\1>/gi,'<$2>');
        D = D.replace(/<([a-z][a-z]*)><\1>/gi,'<$1>').

        // nuke double spaces
        D = D.replace(/  */gi,' ');


HTMLArea.prototype.forceRedraw = function() {
    this._doc.body.style.visibility = "hidden";
    this._doc.body.style.visibility = "visible";
    // this._doc.body.innerHTML = this.getInnerHTML();

// focuses the iframe window.  returns a reference to the editor document.
HTMLArea.prototype.focusEditor = function() {
    switch (this._editMode) {
        case "wysiwyg" : try {this._iframe.contentWindow.focus(); } catch(e) { } break;
        case "textmode": this._textArea.focus(); break;
        default      : alert("ERROR: mode " + this._editMode + " is not defined");
    return this._doc;

// takes a snapshot of the current text (for undo)
HTMLArea.prototype._undoTakeSnapshot = function() {
    if (this._undoPos >= this.config.undoSteps) {
        // remove the first element
    // use the fasted method (getInnerHTML);
    var take = true;
    var txt = this.getInnerHTML();
    if (this._undoPos > 0)
        take = (this._undoQueue[this._undoPos - 1] != txt);
    if (take) {
        this._undoQueue[this._undoPos] = txt;
    } else {

HTMLArea.prototype.undo = function() {
    if (this._undoPos > 0) {
        var txt = this._undoQueue[--this._undoPos];
        if (txt) this.setHTML(txt);
        else ++this._undoPos;

HTMLArea.prototype.redo = function() {
    if (this._undoPos < this._undoQueue.length - 1) {
        var txt = this._undoQueue[++this._undoPos];
        if (txt) this.setHTML(txt);
        else --this._undoPos;

// updates enabled/disable/active state of the toolbar elements
HTMLArea.prototype.updateToolbar = function(noStatus) {
    var doc = this._doc;
    var text = (this._editMode == "textmode");
    var ancestors = null;
    if (!text) {
        ancestors = this.getAllAncestors();
        if (this.config.statusBar && !noStatus) {
            this._statusBarTree.innerHTML = HTMLArea.I18N.msg["Path"] + ": "; // clear
            for (var i = ancestors.length; --i >= 0;) {
                var el = ancestors[i];
                if (!el) {
                    // hell knows why we get here; this
                    // could be a classic example of why
                    // it's good to check for conditions
                    // that are impossible to happen ;-)
                var a = document.createElement("a");
                a.href = "#";
                a.el = el;
                a.editor = this;
                a.onclick = function() {
                    return false;
                a.oncontextmenu = function() {
                    // TODO: add context menu here
                    var info = "Inline style:\n\n";
                    info += this.el.style.cssText.split(/;\s*/).join(";\n");
                    return false;
                var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase();
                a.title = el.style.cssText;
                if (el.id) {
                    txt += "#" + el.id;
                if (el.className) {
                    txt += "." + el.className;
                if (i != 0) {
    for (var i in this._toolbarObjects) {
        var btn = this._toolbarObjects[i];
        var cmd = i;
        var inContext = true;
        if (btn.context && !text) {
            inContext = false;
            var context = btn.context;
            var attrs = [];
            if (/(.*)\[(.*?)\]/.test(context)) {
                context = RegExp.$1;
                attrs = RegExp.$2.split(",");
            context = context.toLowerCase();
            var match = (context == "*");
            for (var k in ancestors) {
                if (!ancestors[k]) {
                    // the impossible really happens.
                if (match || (ancestors[k].tagName.toLowerCase() == context)) {
                    inContext = true;
                    for (var ka in attrs) {
                        if (!eval("ancestors[k]." + attrs[ka])) {
                            inContext = false;
                    if (inContext) {
        btn.state("enabled", (!text || btn.text) && inContext);
        if (typeof cmd == "function") {
        // look-it-up in the custom dropdown boxes
        var dropdown = this.config.customSelects[cmd];
        if ((!text || btn.text) && (typeof dropdown != "undefined")) {
        switch (cmd) {
            case "fontname":
            case "fontsize":
            case "formatblock":
            if (!text) try {
                var value = ("" + doc.queryCommandValue(cmd)).toLowerCase();
                if (!value || value.length == 0) {
                    // FIXME: what do we do here?
                    var options = this.config[cmd];
                    var k=0;
                    for (var j in options) {
                        if (cmd == "fontname" && j == this.tempFontName) {
//                                              btn.element.selectedIndex = k;
                            //alert('got here'+this.tempFontName)   

                        if (cmd == "fontsize" && options[j] == this.tempFontSize) {
//                            btn.element.selectedIndex = k;
                            //alert('got here'+this.tempFontSize)   
                // HACK -- retrieve the config option for this
                // combo box.  We rely on the fact that the
                // variable in config has the same name as
                // button name in the toolbar.
                var options = this.config[cmd];
                var k = 0;
                // btn.element.selectedIndex = 0;
                for (var j in options) {
                    // FIXME: the following line is scary.
                    if ((j.toLowerCase() == value) ||
                        (options[j].substr(0, value.length).toLowerCase() == value)) {
//                        btn.element.selectedIndex = k;
                        this.tempFontName =j;
                        this.tempFontSize =j;
            } catch(e) {};
            case "textindicator":
            if (!text) {
                try {with (btn.element.style) {
                    backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor(
                        doc.queryCommandValue(HTMLArea.is_ie ? "backcolor" : "hilitecolor"));
                    if (/transparent/i.test(backgroundColor)) {
                        // Mozilla
                        backgroundColor = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("backcolor"));
                    color = HTMLArea._makeColor(doc.queryCommandValue("forecolor"));
                    fontFamily = doc.queryCommandValue("fontname");
                    fontWeight = doc.queryCommandState("bold") ? "bold" : "normal";
                    fontStyle = doc.queryCommandState("italic") ? "italic" : "normal";
                }} catch (e) {
                    // alert(e + "\n\n" + cmd);
            case "htmlmode": btn.state("active", text); break;
            case "lefttoright":
            case "righttoleft":
                if (!text) {
                    var el = this.getParentElement();
                    while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el))
                        el = el.parentNode;
                    if (el)
                        btn.state("active", (el.style.direction == ((cmd == "righttoleft") ? "rtl" : "ltr")));
            /* Added for AdvHTMLArea */
            case "justifyfull" :
                if (!text) {
                    var el = this.getParentElement();
                    while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) {
                        el = el.parentNode;
                    if (el) {
                        btn.state("active", (el.style.textAlign == "justify"));

            case "justifyright":
                if (!text) {
                    var el = this.getParentElement();
                    while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) {
                        el = el.parentNode;
                    if (el) {
                        btn.state("active", (el.style.textAlign == "right"));
            case "justifyleft":
                if (!text) {
                    var el = this.getParentElement();
                    while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) {
                        el = el.parentNode;
                    if (el) {
                        btn.state("active", (el.style.textAlign == "left"));
            case "justifycenter" :
                if (!text) {
                    var el = this.getParentElement();
                    while (el && !HTMLArea.isBlockElement(el)) {
                        el = el.parentNode;
                    if (el) {
                        btn.state("active", (el.style.textAlign == "center"));

            /* Added for AdvHTMLArea */

            try {
                btn.state("active", (!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd)));
                if((!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd)))
                    var eleDiv=btn.element;
                    var img=eleDiv.firstChild;
                    var isrc=img.src;
                    if(isrc.indexOf("-active.gif")>=0 && isrc.indexOf("-selected.gif")<0)
                    var eleDiv=btn.element;
                                        var img=eleDiv.firstChild;
                    var isrc=img.src;


            } catch (e) {}
    // take undo snapshots
    if (this._customUndo && !this._timerUndo) {
        var editor = this;
        this._timerUndo = setTimeout(function() {
            editor._timerUndo = null;
        }, this.config.undoTimeout);
    // check if any plugins have registered refresh handlers
    for (var i in this.plugins) {
        var plugin = this.plugins[i].instance;
        if (typeof plugin.onUpdateToolbar == "function")

                if((!text && doc.queryCommandState(cmd)))
                    var eleDiv=btn.element;
                    var img=eleDiv.firstChild;
                    var isrc=img.src;
                    if(isrc.indexOf("-active.gif")>=0 && isrc.indexOf("-selected.gif")<0)
                    var eleDiv=btn.element;
                                        var img=eleDiv.firstChild;
                    var isrc=img.src;



/** Returns a node after which we can insert other nodes, in the current
* selection.  The selection is removed.  It splits a text node, if needed.
HTMLArea.prototype.insertNodeAtSelection = function(toBeInserted) {
    if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        var sel = this._getSelection();
        var range = this._createRange(sel);
        // remove the current selection
        var node = range.startContainer;
        var pos = range.startOffset;
        switch (node.nodeType) {
            case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE
            // we have to split it at the caret position.
            if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 3) {
                // do optimized insertion
                node.insertData(pos, toBeInserted.data);
                range = this._createRange();
                range.setEnd(node, pos + toBeInserted.length);
                range.setStart(node, pos + toBeInserted.length);
            } else {
                node = node.splitText(pos);
                var selnode = toBeInserted;
                if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
                    selnode = selnode.firstChild;
                node.parentNode.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node);
            case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE
            var selnode = toBeInserted;
            if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) {
                selnode = selnode.firstChild;
            node.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node.childNodes[pos]);
    } else {
        return null;    // this function not yet used for IE <FIXME>

// Returns the deepest node that contains both endpoints of the selection.
HTMLArea.prototype.getParentElement = function() {
    var sel = this._getSelection();
    var range = this._createRange(sel);
    if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        switch (sel.type) {
            case "Text":
            case "None":
            // It seems that even for selection of type "None",
            // there _is_ a parent element and it's value is not
            // only correct, but very important to us.  MSIE is
            // certainly the buggiest browser in the world and I
            // wonder, God, how can Earth stand it?
            return range.parentElement();
            case "Control":
            return range.item(0);
            return this._doc.body;
    } else try {
        var p = range.commonAncestorContainer;
        if (!range.collapsed && range.startContainer == range.endContainer &&
            range.startOffset - range.endOffset <= 1 && range.startContainer.hasChildNodes())
            p = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset];
        alert(range.startContainer + ":" + range.startOffset + "\n" +
              range.endContainer + ":" + range.endOffset);
        while (p.nodeType == 3) {
            p = p.parentNode;
        return p;
    } catch (e) {
        return null;

// Returns an array with all the ancestor nodes of the selection.
HTMLArea.prototype.getAllAncestors = function() {
    var p = this.getParentElement();
    var a = [];
    while (p && (p.nodeType == 1) && (p.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body')) {
        p = p.parentNode;
    return a;

// Selects the contents inside the given node
HTMLArea.prototype.selectNodeContents = function(node, pos) {
    var range;
    var collapsed = (typeof pos != "undefined");
    if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        range = this._doc.body.createTextRange();
        (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos);
    } else {
        var sel = this._getSelection();
        range = this._doc.createRange();
        (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos);

/** Call this function to insert HTML code at the current position.  It deletes
* the selection, if any.
HTMLArea.prototype.insertHTML = function(html) {
    var sel = this._getSelection();
    var range = this._createRange(sel);
    if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
    } else {
        // construct a new document fragment with the given HTML
        var fragment = this._doc.createDocumentFragment();
        var div = this._doc.createElement("div");
        div.innerHTML = html;
        while (div.firstChild) {
            // the following call also removes the node from div
        // this also removes the selection
        var node = this.insertNodeAtSelection(fragment);

*  Call this function to surround the existing HTML code in the selection with
*  your tags.  FIXME: buggy!  This function will be deprecated "soon".
HTMLArea.prototype.surroundHTML = function(startTag, endTag) {
    var html = this.getSelectedHTML();
    // the following also deletes the selection
    this.insertHTML(startTag + html + endTag);

/// Retrieve the selected block
HTMLArea.prototype.getSelectedHTML = function() {
    var sel = this._getSelection();
    var range = this._createRange(sel);
    var existing = null;
    if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
        existing = range.htmlText;
    } else {
        existing = HTMLArea.getHTML(range.cloneContents(), false, this);
    return existing;

/// Return true if we have some selection
HTMLArea.prototype.hasSelectedText = function() {
    // FIXME: come _on_ mishoo, you can do better than this ;-)
    return this.getSelectedHTML() != '';

HTMLArea.prototype._createLink = function(link){
var editor = this;
    var outparam = null;
    if (typeof link == "undefined") {
        link = this.getParentElement();
        if (link && !/^a$/i.test(link.tagName))
            link = null;
    if (link) outparam = {
        f_href  : link.href,
        f_title  : link.title,
        f_target : link.target
  var sel_link = editor._getSelection();
    var range_link = editor._createRange(sel_link);

    load =function() {
//        __dlg_translate(I18N);
        //  __dlg_init();
          Commented since it is not needed
          theSel = document.insertlink.anchor_link;

        //    theSel=document.getElementById('anchor_link');
        theSel.options.length = 0;
        if (InsertAnchor.anchor_arr[i] !='') {
        //      if(is_ie)      theSel.options.length = (i+1); // make it one longer (ie prefers that)      else
        theSel.options.length = (i);
        if(i==0)  theSel.options[theSel.options.length]=new Option("------");
        else    theSel.options[theSel.options.length] = new Option(InsertAnchor.anchor_arr[i]);
        var param = newDialog._arguments;    //window.dialogArguments;
        //  var target_select = document.getElementById("f_target");
        //  Writer.displayLists.displayMinDocuments();   
        if (param) {
        //  alert(param["f_target"])       
        document.getElementById("f_href").value = param["f_href"];
        document.getElementById("f_title").value = param["f_title"];
        comboSelectValue(target_select, param["f_target"]);
        if (target_select.value != param.f_target) {
        var opt = document.createElement("option");
        opt.value = param.f_target;
        opt.innerHTML = opt.value;
        opt.selected = true;
        var opt = document.createElement("option");
        opt.value = "_other";
        opt.innerHTML = i18n("Other");
        target_select.onchange = onTargetChanged;
        var param = newDialog._arguments;    //window.dialogArguments;
        if (param) {
            document.getElementById("f_href").value = param["f_href"];

this._popupDialog("link.jsp", function(param) {
        if (!param)
            return false;
        var a = link;
        if (!a) {
        if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
            editor._doc.execCommand("createlink", false, param.f_href);
            a = editor.getParentElement();
            var sel = editor._getSelection();
            var range = editor._createRange(sel);
            if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
                a = range.startContainer;
                if (!/^a$/i.test(a.tagName))
                    a = a.nextSibling;
        } else a.href = param.f_href.trim();
        if (!a || !/^a$/i.test(a.tagName))
            return false;
//        a.target = param.f_target.trim();
//        a.title = param.f_title.trim();
    }, outparam,load,'HelperDiv','createlink');


// Called when the user clicks on "InsertImage" button.  If an image is already
// there, it will just modify it's properties.
HTMLArea.prototype._insertImage = function(image) {
    var editor = this;    // for nested functions
    var outparam = null;
    if (typeof image == "undefined") {
        image = this.getParentElement();
        if (image && !/^img$/i.test(image.tagName))
            image = null;
    if (image) outparam = {
        f_url    : HTMLArea.is_ie ? editor.stripBaseURL(image.src) : image.getAttribute("src"),
        f_alt    : image.alt,
        f_border : image.border,
        f_align  : image.align,
        f_vert  : image.vspace,
        f_horiz  : image.hspace,
        f_shrink : image.shrink,
        serverProperties : { serverName : DocUtils.serverName, serverPort : DocUtils.serverPort, contextPath : DocUtils.contextPath } ,
        f_width  : image.width,
        f_height : image.height   

    if (!outparam) {
        outparam = {
            serverProperties : { serverName : DocUtils.serverName, serverPort : DocUtils.serverPort, contextPath : DocUtils.contextPath }
    var sel = editor._getSelection();
    var range = editor._createRange(sel);
    load=function (){
    uploadedImageUrl = null;
    uploadInProgress = false;
    var param = newDialog._arguments;
    if (param) {
        serverProperties = param.serverProperties;

    if (param && param.f_url) {
        var fileEle = document.getElementById("file_type");
        fileEle.style.display = "none";
        var textEle = document.getElementById("text_type");
        textEle.style.display = "inline";
        document.getElementById("t_url").value = param["f_url"];
        document.getElementById("f_alt").value = param["f_alt"];
        document.getElementById("f_border").value = param["f_border"];
        document.getElementById("f_align").value = param["f_align"];
        document.getElementById("f_vert").value = param["f_vert"];
        document.getElementById("f_horiz").value = param["f_horiz"];
        document.getElementById("f_shrink").checked = param["f_shrink"];
        var url = param.f_url;
        uploadedImageUrl = param.f_url;
        window.ipreview.location.replace = url;
        var hidIFrame = document.getElementById("ipreview");
        hidIFrame.src = url;

    else {
        var fileEle = document.getElementById("file_type");
        fileEle.style.display = "inline";
        var textEle = document.getElementById("text_type");
        textEle.style.display = "none";


    this._popupDialog("insert_image.jsp", function(param) {
        if (!param) {    // user must have pressed Cancel
            return false;
        var img = image;
        if (!img) {
            if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
            else {
                sel = editor._getSelection();
                range = editor._createRange(sel);
            editor._doc.execCommand("insertimage", false, param.f_url);
            if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
                img = range.parentElement();
                // wonder if this works...
                if (img.tagName.toLowerCase() != "img") {
                    img = img.previousSibling;
            } else {
                img = range.startContainer.previousSibling;
        } else {
            img.src = param.f_url;

        for (field in param) {
            var value = param[field];
            switch (field) {
                case "f_alt"    : img.alt    = value; break;
                case "f_border" : img.border = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
                case "f_align"  : img.align    = value; break;
                case "f_vert"  : img.vspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
                case "f_horiz"  : img.hspace = parseInt(value || "0"); break;
                case "f_shrink" :
                    img.shrink = value;
/*                    if (value)  {
                        var taWidth = editor._iframe.style.width;
                        var taHeight = editor._iframe.style.height;
                        var imgWidth = img.width;
                        var imgHeight = img.height;
                        var taw = taWidth;
                        if (taWidth.indexOf("px") != -1) {
                            taw = parseInt(taWidth.substring(0, taWidth.length-2));
                        var tah = taHeight;
                        if (taHeight.indexOf("px") != -1) {
                            tah = parseInt(taHeight.substring(0, taHeight.length-2));

                        var imgw = imgWidth;
                        var imgh = imgHeight;
                        if (taw < imgw) {
                            img.style.width = (taw - 50) + "px";
                        if (taHeight < imgHeight) {
                            img.style.height= (tah - 50) + "px";
                    } */
    }, outparam,load,'HelperDiv','insertimage');

HTMLArea.prototype._findnreplace = function() {
    var sel_findnreplace = this._getSelection();
    HTMLArea.range_findnreplace = this._createRange(sel_findnreplace);

    var editor = this;    // for nested functions
    load=function () {
        var txt = '';
        var win =  editor._iframe.contentWindow;
        var doc = editor._iframe.contentWindow.document;
        if (win.getSelection){    txt = win.getSelection(); }
        else if (doc.getSelection){    txt = doc.getSelection(); }
        else if (doc.selection) {txt = doc.selection.createRange().text; }
        document.getElementById("searchstring").value= txt;
    this._popupDialog("findnreplace.html", function(param) {
        if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
            } }, null ,load,'HelperDiv');

HTMLArea.prototype._find = function() {
    var sel_findnreplace = this._getSelection();
    HTMLArea.range_findnreplace = this._createRange(sel_findnreplace);
    var editor = this;    // for nested functions
    load=function () {
        var txt = '';
        var win = Writer.editor._editor._iframe.contentWindow;
        var doc = Writer.editor._editor._iframe.contentWindow.document;
        if (win.getSelection)    txt = win.getSelection();
        else if (doc.getSelection)    txt = doc.getSelection();
        else if (doc.selection) txt = doc.selection.createRange().text;
        document.getElementById("findstring").value= txt;
/*    this._popupDialog("find.html", function(param) {
        if (!param) {    // user must have pressed Cancel
            return false;
        } }, null ,load,'HelperDiv');
    var _fir_div= document.getElementById('fir_div');

    var inhtm='<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="finfooter"  style="display:block">';
    inhtm+='<td  ><label for="searchstring">Find :&nbsp;<input type="text" id="findstring" name="searchstring" style="width: 200px" /></label></td>';
    inhtm+='<td  align="right"  ><a href =\'#\' id="search_img" ><img src="../images/findbutton.gif" border="0" title="Find" alt="Find" ></a></td>';
    inhtm+='<td  align="right" ><a href =\'#\' id="search_close"><img src="../images/close.gif" border="0" title="Close Search" alt="Close Search" ></a></td>';
    inhtm+='<td> <span id="search_alert" style="display:none;color:red;font-size:10px;align:right">Reached end of page,Continued from top</span> </td>';


Avatar billede barklund Nybegynder
03. oktober 2007 - 12:51 #1
Hihi, tror du at nogen vil læse hele det script igennem og komme med en løsning? Tror du ikke at det havde været 34 gange nemmere at poste et link til scriptet frem for at smide det her? Og har du spurgt udviklerne af dimsen?
Avatar billede olebole Juniormester
03. oktober 2007 - 12:58 #2

Jeg kan ikke umiddelbart søge mig frem til noget i scriptet, der skulle kunne disable @. Prøv at lægge et link, så vi kan se det i funktion

Avatar billede jannikf Nybegynder
03. oktober 2007 - 15:11 #3
Nej havde jeg bestemt ikke forventet. Tror det mere er for at I kan få et bedre indblik i problemet. Et live eksempel er desværre ikke muligt, men jeg kan paste det sted hvor jeg mener at genvejene bliver lavet og så kan jeg håbe på at I evt. kan finde ud af at slette den del uden at forstyrre resten af koden:

/** A generic event handler for things that happen in the IFRAME's document.
* This function also handles key bindings. */
HTMLArea.prototype._editorEvent = function(ev) {
    var editor = this;
    var keyEvent = (HTMLArea.is_ie && ev.type == "keydown") || (ev.type == "keypress");
    if (keyEvent) {
        for (var i in editor.plugins) {
            var plugin = editor.plugins[i].instance;
            if (typeof plugin.onKeyPress == "function") plugin.onKeyPress(ev);
    if (keyEvent && ev.ctrlKey) {
        var sel = null;
        var range = null;
        var key = String.fromCharCode(HTMLArea.is_ie ? ev.keyCode : ev.charCode).toLowerCase();
        var cmd = null;
        var value = null;
        switch (key) {
            case 'a':
            if (!HTMLArea.is_ie) {
                // KEY select all
                sel = this._getSelection();
                range = this._createRange();

            // simple key commands follow

            case 'b': cmd = "bold"; break;
            case 'i': cmd = "italic"; break;
            case 'u': cmd = "underline"; break;
            case 's': cmd = "strikethrough"; break;
            case 'l': cmd = "justifyleft"; break;
            case 'e': cmd = "justifycenter"; break;
            case 'r': cmd = "justifyright"; break;
            case 'j': cmd = "justifyfull"; break;
            case 'z': cmd = "undo"; break;
            case 'y': cmd = "redo"; break;
            case 'v': if (HTMLArea.is_ie || editor.config.htmlareaPaste) cmd = "paste"; break;

            case '0': cmd = "killword"; break;

            // headings
            case '1':
            case '2':
            case '3':
            case '4':
            case '5':
            case '6':
            cmd = "formatblock";
            value = "h" + key;
            if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
                value = "<" + value + ">";

        if (cmd) {
            // execute simple command
            this.execCommand(cmd, false, value);
    else if (keyEvent) {
        // other keys here
/*        switch (ev.keyCode) {
            case 13: // KEY enter
            // if (HTMLArea.is_ie) {
            this.insertHTML("<br />");
            // } *
        } */

    // update the toolbar state after some time
    if (editor._timerToolbar) {
    editor._timerToolbar = setTimeout(function() {
        editor._timerToolbar = null;
    }, 50);

// retrieve the HTML
HTMLArea.prototype.getHTML = function() {
    switch (this._editMode) {
        case "wysiwyg"  :
        if (!this.config.fullPage) {
            return HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.body, false, this);
        } else
            return this.doctype + "\n" + HTMLArea.getHTML(this._doc.documentElement, true, this);
        case "textmode" : return this._textArea.value;
        default        : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
    return false;

// retrieve the HTML (fastest version, but uses innerHTML)
HTMLArea.prototype.getInnerHTML = function() {
    switch (this._editMode) {
        case "wysiwyg"  :
        if (!this.config.fullPage)
            return this._doc.body.innerHTML;
            return this.doctype + "\n" + this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML;
        case "textmode" : return this._textArea.value;
        default        : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
    return false;

// completely change the HTML inside
HTMLArea.prototype.setHTML = function(html) {
    switch (this._editMode) {
        case "wysiwyg"  :
        if (!this.config.fullPage)
            this._doc.body.innerHTML = html;
            // this._doc.documentElement.innerHTML = html;
            this._doc.body.innerHTML = html;
        case "textmode" : this._textArea.value = html; break;
        default        : alert("Mode <" + mode + "> not defined!");
    return false;

// sets the given doctype (useful when config.fullPage is true)
HTMLArea.prototype.setDoctype = function(doctype) {
    this.doctype = doctype;
Avatar billede jannikf Nybegynder
15. oktober 2007 - 20:16 #4
Jeg har fundet ud af at det kun er IE, der har dette problem, men eftersom det er et supportsystem hvor alle kan oprette forespørgsler, så bliver det nødt til at blive løst til IE. Jeg tager kontakt til udviklerne af systemet og ser om de kan hjælpe.
Avatar billede olebole Juniormester
15. oktober 2007 - 21:41 #5
Nej, det ser ikke ud til at være i dén del af koden. Et link er stadig nok eneste realistiske mulighed for at korte quizzen ned  :)
Avatar billede jannikf Nybegynder
26. november 2007 - 15:07 #6
Har ikke fundet en løsning så jeg lukker.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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