Du skal indstille det, jeg har ikke selv haft den installeret på min server så jeg kan ikke helt sige dig hvordan :) Det plejer ikke at være noget problem. Der er altid en readme/installationsvejledning hvor du kan se hvordan den fungerer.
Ups sry jeg linker til et forkert plugin. Pak først den fil op du har downloadet. Åbn mappen og gå ind i docs mappen. Der ligger alle de docs du skal bruge
Copying Files Copy the contents of the Win32\Scripts folder to your cstrike\addons\adminmod\scripts folder.
Adding the plugin to Admin Mod Open the file cstrike\addons\adminmod\config\plugin.ini and add the following line above addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_base.amx but below addons/adminmod/scripts/plugin_antiflood.amx.
So, you now have the plugin you wish to implement on your server in the scripting\myscripts folder. Go to that folder and double click on the compile_all.bat file. (Only files that start with "plugin_" and end in a .sma entension will be compiled automatically.)
Your scripts will be "translated," or "compiled" into a file that the program can understand. These compiled files will be placed in the Adminmod\scripting\mybinaries folder automatically by the compile_all program. You will notice that the extensions of your compiled scripts will be different. They no longer end with ".sma" but with ".amx" instead. That is how you know it is a compiled plugin.
I min adminmod mappe ligger der et bibliotek der som beskrevet hedder Scripting, undermappen i denne hedder myscripts. Kopierer du filen herover i og trykker på compile_all så funker det. Har du en mail adresse så kan jeg sende den til dig..
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