29. august 2005 - 11:53Der er
14 kommentarer og 1 løsning
Export af Ole-Object
Jeg har en Dtabel med billeder liggende i et OLE-Objekt felt, sammen med felt: Fornavn, og Efternavn. Er der nogen der kender en måde hvorpå jeg kan exportere billederne ud så de kommer til at ligge som jpg filer med filnavnet sådan her: Fornavn_Efternavn.jpg.
I think I have some code at home which may be able to extract the files from the database. The only problem is that it may be necessary to remove a number of bytes (characters) from the start of the file before it will be recoognised as a JPG file. This is if you have put the file in the database through an OLE object such as MS Paint (on a form).
Have tried it now, but i am a little stuck. I presume its the WriteBLOB I have to use. When I put in the name of the table and the field in the sentance as :
=WriteBLOB([phototable];[photo];"d:\photo") it comes up with an error ?
Yes, I am looking at right now. It seems that the problem with getting to see the exported pictures is not there on the original db. So thanks very much, you earned the points
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