Avatar billede trance Nybegynder
20. marts 2001 - 23:44 Der er 7 kommentarer


hey, jeg har et lille problem med mit diablo2. Jeg kan spille i 5/10 min, og så går den kold.. der efter skriver den


nogen der kan hjælpe mig ?
Avatar billede NanoQ Nybegynder
20. marts 2001 - 23:56 #1
Microsofts forklaring på fejlen:

Many exception errors are not processed by applications. The most common exception error is EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (c0000005). It occurs when a pointer is dereferenced and the pointer points to inaccessible memory or a write operation is attempted on read-only memory. If an application does not trap an exception, the Win32 module, UnhandledExceptionFilter, will do one of the following: display a message box, invoke Dr. Watson, or attach your application to a debugger.

The following are standard exception errors:


Men du er ikke den eneste - her et tilsvarende spørgsmål... og svar:

Always when I try to run Diablo II on my machine the screen freeze after 10min of game playing and Diablo quits with the error message \"Unhandled Exception Access_Violation(c0000005).

What can I do to play this great game on my machine? I already re-formatted my hard disks, installed a new system, and of course, a new copy of the game with the brand new patch 1.03.

But nothing changed. The game hangs after a while of playing. I`m very frustrated and sad. All of my friends play already chapter 2 or 4 while I haven\'t finished the first quest. Please offer me a tip what I can do to play this game safely perhaps for 30 min so that I can play at least a network session. Many greetings from old Germany.

GameSpy: Well, to start off, it\'s not a Win98 problem because I\'ve seen it in Win2k and ME. I would normally say make sure your drivers are all updated, but seems like a lot of people have this problem regardless (still update them anyway if you haven\'t). From what I have found there is no definite solution, some people say heat, I found one person who said, \"I mistakenly installed the detonator driver straight over the top of my existing drivers.

As was later pointed out to me, this a classic no-no. After of week of access violations (around 3 crashes per night) I did the proper installation of the new detonator drivers by first selecting stock standard generic VGA drivers and rebooting, then installing the detonator drivers and rebooting again. My access violation problems went away immediately.

Sadly in the wonderful world of Windows there are several causes of access violations so the above may not work for you. Good luck!\" I\'ve seen the problem with Matrox and 3dfx cards also. Some people claim it\'s heat and have been able to fix it with better cooling. One common tip I can give you is that if you are running in \"hardware mode,\" try running changing to \"software mode\" and see if you have the same problem.

It seems like Blizzard hasn\'t been able to lock down the problem either. Best advice is to, try all the tips mentioned above, harass Blizzard until they fix the problem, and follow any Diablo newsgroups. Odds are there is always someone in a newsgroup who has had the same problem and they will sometimes find solutions faster than the game makers. Good luck with Diablo, at least it\'s not EverCrack..the game that has stolen so many of our loved ones.

Avatar billede makse Nybegynder
21. marts 2001 - 00:01 #2
Fra Blizzard:

Here is what I THINK we know (these points are still being debated and/or
This error is caused by a memory write error, which officially would
classify as a system malfunction. I do not believe it is a game code
problem, but rather an issue related to an overworked system...
Here are things that I know have been helpful to some people:
Lowering the clock speed of the processor (we cannot help with this, but if
you know how to do it, it may be wirth a shot). Even 33mhz might make a huge
difference. Some systems have needed to be lowered right out of the box from
major manufacturers. We consider this to be a deficiency of the hardware,
but we are nonetheless looking for ways that our software can account for
this and avoid problems.
BAD or mismatched RAM can cause this. By mismatched, I mean different types
or incompatible types
An overheating video card can cause this
The game seems to be a resource hog... It probably will tax your computer to
its limits, but it should still be stable. Because of the rigors the game
requires, it is more likely to encounter any performance issues that only
happen when your computer is pushed to its limits. I hope this is somewhat
helpful. This problem is a top priority for us, and we will continue to
update <http://www.blizzard.com/support/diablo2/>.
Avatar billede NanoQ Nybegynder
21. marts 2001 - 00:09 #3
Den umiddelbare løsning ville være at prøve med nye drivere til dit grafikkort.

Det er dog ikke en endegyldig løsning. Der findes intet konkret svar. Men som du kan se i Makses indlæg, arbejder Blizzard på sagen, da det er en kendt fejl.
Avatar billede makse Nybegynder
21. marts 2001 - 00:13 #4
Løsningen for nogen har været at sløve computeren ned.
Enten ved at lade være med at OC eller simpelthen Underclokce den.

For andre har det hjulpet at køre med DirectX 7, og andre igen har installeret \"gamle\" drivere til grafikkortet.

En løsning jeg umiddelbart ville tro på, ville være at sætte timingen ned på ramkredsene i bios.
Avatar billede trance Nybegynder
21. marts 2001 - 00:33 #5
hvor kan jeg finde drivere ?
Avatar billede makse Nybegynder
21. marts 2001 - 01:12 #6
Tag en kig på www.tweakup.dk Vælg Download - Driver.
Avatar billede nomiz Nybegynder
22. marts 2001 - 22:02 #7
Hej trance, vil du være venlig at modtage disse points:
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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