Avatar billede defromage Nybegynder
15. oktober 2004 - 18:06 Der er 3 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Hvad er der glat

Hvad er der glat her
Avatar billede defromage Nybegynder
15. oktober 2004 - 18:07 #1
min config.php hvis det kan hjælpe



# PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System
# ============================================
# Copyright (c) 2002 by Francisco Burzi ( fbc@mandrakesoft.com)
# This module is to configure the main options for your site
# This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.

# Database & System Config
# dbhost:      SQL localhost
# dbuname:      SQL revivedsaints_d
# dbpass:      SQL *******
# dbname:      SQL revivedsaints_d
# $prefix:      Your Database table's prefix
# $user_prefix: Your Users' Database table's prefix (To share it)
# $dbtype:      Your Database Server type. Supported servers are:
#              MySQL, mSQL, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL_local, ODBC,
#              ODBC_Adabas, Interbase, and Sybase.
#              Be sure to write it exactly as above, case SeNsItIvE!

$dbhost = "localhost";
$dbuname = "revivedsaints_dk";
$dbpass = "*******";
$dbname = "revivedsaints_dk";
$prefix = "nuke_";
$user_prefix = "nuke_";
$dbtype = "MySQL";

/* You finished to configure the Database. Now you can change all    */
/* you want in the Administration Section.  To enter just launch    */
/* you web browser pointing to  http://yourdomain.com/admin.php        */
/*                                                                  */
/* Remeber to go to Settings section where you can configure your    */
/* new site. In that menu you can change all you need to change.    */
/*                                                                  */
/* Remember to chmod 666 this file in order to let the system write  */
/* to it properly. If you can't change the permissions you can edit  */
/* the rest of this file by hand.                                    */
/*                                                                  */
/* Congratulations! now you have an automated news portal!          */
/* Thanks for choose PHP-Nuke: The Future of the Web                */

# General Site Configuration
# $sitename:      Your Site Name
# $nukeurl:      Complete URL for your site (Do not put / at end)
# $site_logo:    Logo for Printer Friendly Page (It's good to have a Black/White graphic)
# $slogan:        Your site's slogan
# $startdate:    Start Date to display in Statistic Page
# $adminmail:    Site Administrator's Email
# $anonpost:      Allow Anonymous to Post Comments? (1=Yes 0=No)
# $Default_Theme: Default Theme for your site (See /themes directory for the complete list, case sensitive!)
# $foot(x):      Messages for all footer pages (Can include HTML code)
# $commentlimit:  Maximum number of bytes for each comment
# $anonymous:    Anonymous users Default Name
# $minpass:      Minimum character for users passwords
# $pollcomm:      Activate comments in Polls? (1=Yes 0=No)
# $articlecomm:  Activate comments in Articles? (1=Yes 0=No)

$sitename = "PHP-Nuke Powered Site";
$nukeurl = " http://phpnuke.org";
$site_logo = "logo.gif";
$slogan = "Your slogan here";
$startdate = "January 2002";
$adminmail = " webmaster@yoursite.com";
$anonpost = 0;
$Default_Theme = "NukeNews";
$foot1 = "<a href=\" http://phpnuke.org\"  target=\"blank\"><img src=\"images/powered/nuke.gif\" border=\"0\" Alt=\"Web site powered by PHP-Nuke\" hspace=\"10\"></a> <a href=\" http://www.apache.org\"  target=\"blank\"><img src=\"images/powered/apache.gif\" Alt=\"Apache Web Server\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"10\"></a><a href=\" http://www.php.net\"  target=\"blank\"><img src=\"images/powered/php2.gif\" Alt=\"PHP Scripting Language\" border=\"0\" hspace=\"10\"></a><br>";
$foot2 = "All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest © 2000 by me";
$foot3 = "You can syndicate our news using the file <a href=\"backend.php\">backend.php</a> or <a href=\"ultramode.txt\">ultramode.txt</a>";
$foot4 = "This web site was made with <a href=\" http://phpnuke.org\">PHP-Nuke</a>,  a web portal system written in PHP. PHP-Nuke is Free Software released under the <a href=\" http://www.gnu.org\">GNU/GPL  license</a>.";
$commentlimit = 4096;
$anonymous = "Anonymous";
$minpass = 5;
$pollcomm = 1;
$articlecomm = 1;

# General Stories Options
# $top:      How many items in Top Page?
# $storyhome: How many stories to display in Home Page?
# $oldnum:    How many stories in Old Articles Box?
# $ultramode: Activate ultramode plain text file backend syndication? (1=Yes 0=No  Need to chmod 666 ultramode.txt file)

$top = 10;
$storyhome = 10;
$oldnum = 30;
$ultramode = 0;

# Banners/Advertising Configuration
# $banners: Activate Banners Ads for your site? (1=Yes 0=No)

$banners = 0;

# XML/RDF Backend Configuration
# $backend_title:    Backend title, can be your site's name and slogan
# $backend_language: Language format of your site

$backend_title = "PHP-Nuke Powered Site";
$backend_language = "en-us";

# Site Language Preferences
# $language: Language of your site (You need to have lang-xxxxxx.php file for your selected language in the /language directory of your site)
# $locale:  Locale configuration to correctly display date with your country format. (See /usr/share/locale)

$language = "english";
$locale = "en_US";

# Multilingual Configuration
# $multilingual: Activate multilingual features? (1=Yes 0=No) No means you only want to use interface language switching.
# $autodetectlang: Activate auto detection of the visitor's browser language to autoswitch to the corresponding language.
# $useflags: (1=Yes 0=No) If set to Yes , flags will be used for the language switching , if set to No a dropdown box will be displayed

$multilingual = "0";
$useflags = "0";

# Notification of News Submissions
# $notify:        Notify you each time your site receives a news submission? (1=Yes 0=No)
# $notify_email:  Email, address to send the notification
# $notify_subject: Email subject
# $notify_message: Email body, message
# $notify_from:    account name to appear in From field of the Email

$notify = 0;
$notify_email = " me@yoursite.com";
$notify_subject = "NEWS for my site";
$notify_message = "Hey! You got a new submission for your site.";
$notify_from = "webmaster";

# Moderation Config (not 100% working)
# $moderate:  Activate moderation system? (1=Yes 0=No)
# $resons:    List of reasons for the moderation (each reason under quotes and comma separated)
# $badreasons: Number of bad reasons in the reasons list

$moderate = 0;
$reasons = array("As Is",
$badreasons = 4;

# Some Graphics Options
# $admingraphic: Activate graphic menu for Administration Menu? (1=Yes 0=No)

$admingraphic = 0;

# HTTP Referers Options
# $httpref:    Activate HTTP referer logs to know who is linking to our site? (1=Yes 0=No)# $httprefmax: Maximum number of HTTP referers to store in the Database (Try to not set this to a high number, 500 ~ 1000 is Ok)

$httpref = 1;
$httprefmax = 1000;

# Allowable HTML tags
# $AllowableHTML: HTML command to allow in the comments
#                  =>2 means accept all qualifiers: <foo bar>
#                  =>1 means accept the tag only: <foo>

$AllowableHTML = array("b"=>1,

# Filters Options
# $CensorList:    List of bad word to be replaced on Comments
# $CensorMode:      0 = No Filtering (leave the bad words)
#            1 = Exact Match
#            2 = Match Word at the Begining
#            3 = Match String Anywhere in the Text
# $CensorReplace:    String to replace bad words

$CensorList = array("fuck",
$CensorMode = 1;
$CensorReplace = "*****";

# Do not touch the following options!

$tipath = "images/topics/";
$Version_Num = "5.5";

if (eregi("config.php",$PHP_SELF)) {
    Header("Location: index.php");

Avatar billede Slettet bruger
15. oktober 2004 - 18:11 #2
1) Der er ikke noget glat der. Is er glat.

2) Du har angivet din databaseopsætning forkert. Den første fejlbesked på siden siger, at du ikke har angivet password.
Avatar billede defromage Nybegynder
15. oktober 2004 - 18:13 #3
jamen det har jeg
Avatar billede defromage Nybegynder
24. december 2005 - 15:11 #4
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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