Du skal ind under tilføj/fjern programmer. Og så vælger du Windows-komponenter. Finder tilbehør og funktioner, vælger detajler og fjerner fluebenet ved Spil.
Du kan ikke fjerne windows spil da de ligger i dllcache for XP. Gå ind i SYSOC.INF der viser hvilke kompontenter der kan installeres. Fjern ordet HIDDEN, så kan du afinstallere dem. :)
SUMMARY During Setup, the following components are installed by default: Games Accessories (Calculator, Clock, and so on) Multimedia Accessibility options These items also do not appear in the Add/Remove Programs tool in Control Panel after Setup is finished. This article describes how to cause these items to be displayed during Setup or in the Add/Remove Programs tool after Setup is finished. MORE INFORMATION NOTE: Microsoft does not support the editing or modifying of .inf files included on the Windows CD-ROM or distribution server. This information is provided only as a convenience and is not supported. Displaying the Items After Setup Is Finished In the %SystemRoot%\Inf folder on the system volume, use a text editor (such as Notepad) to open the Sysoc.inf file. Locate the "old base components" line. For each component you want to appear in the Add/Remove Programs tool, remove the "Hide" comment. For example, change Games=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,games.inf,HIDE,7
to: Games=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,games.inf,,7
Also remove the "HIDE" option from the "AccessUtil=" line. If you leave this option hidden, then none of the other components in the "old base components" section are available in Add/Remove Programs. Save and then close the file. Displaying the Items During Setup Copy the I386 folder to a distribution share. expand the Sysoc.in_ file using the following command expand -r sysoc.in_
Edit the Sysoc.inf file using steps 2-4 above. Rename the Sysoc.in_ file to Sysoc.bak.
(for lige at rette lidt op på en misforståelse ;))
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