Oversættelse af guideline
Hejsa,Håber nogen kan hjælpe mig med en "oversættelse" af hvad det jeg egentlig skal gøre. Er ikke den store php/mysql haj så syntes det er lidt for teknisk til mig :)
Installation instructions.
1) Unpack the zip file to a temporary directory
2) Process the paypalipn.sql file. A good and secure way to process that file is using
phpMyAdmin (http://www.phpmyadmin.net). You can also process it with the mysql console.????
The paypalipn.sql file has 2 insert lines that add 2 new orders_status.
You should check 2 things:
a) Since the new orders_status_id is 99999, you should make sure that you dont already have
an order status with this id.
b) The insert lines are made to add this new status in english and spanish, having ENGLISH as
language_id=1 and SPANISH as language_id=3
1: Make sure you set up correctly the notify_url parameter in the Payment Module.
This is done from your osCommerce Admin->Modules->Payment->PayPal IPN->notify_url
By default it is prefilled with the "guessed" location of the paypal_notify.php file, but you
have to make sure of that.