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30. april 2003 - 18:17 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Jeg kan ikke se hele siden.

When I open up my browser and go for example to eksperten.dk, the page dosn't load 100% I'm always missing
the part where the adds (Annonce) are. The only ting that comes in those parts are "The page cannot be displayed"!!
We have 3 comp. and the only comp. that does this is mine.
I have set the security on my comp. like one the other 2 but on luck. They all have WinXP prof. English, and I install the WinXP same on all comp. (I think)!!
Dose anyone have any good idears about what could be wrong or what my comp. is missing?
Avatar billede webegynderen Nybegynder
30. april 2003 - 18:20 #1
I have the same problem. I'm suffering with you :)

Would be happy too if anyone had a answar.
Avatar billede diver1 Praktikant
30. april 2003 - 18:25 #2
It is not that I miss seeing the "Annonce" it is just so fu..... irritateing to see everywhere "The page cannot be displayed"
Avatar billede diver1 Praktikant
30. april 2003 - 22:07 #3
I close this question.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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