Avatar billede mikkel_breum Nybegynder
02. december 2002 - 21:12 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

At logge ud af finder uden at stoppe sine jobs

Is there a way to log in under OSX (in the finder/aqua inteface) with more than one account at a time, like you can under Windows XP? As it is, you have to log out first, and that means quitting all the users running apps and processes. Since OSX is basically unix, and I can log in to the system using terminal with many different accounts at a time, running different apps, It really souldnt be too difficult to make some changes to the finder/Aqua/login apps, so this would be possible not inly in the terminal, but allso using the graphical interface of OS X.. basically just like Win XP...
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Sometimes it would be really cool to be able to log out of the finder, and just leave all my processes running.. then let another user log in and do their stuff, later to return re-log-in and find all my apps/processes still running..
Avatar billede tamen Nybegynder
20. december 2002 - 15:20 #1
It would be nice to be able to do, but I dont think its doable. All the apps you run when logged in uses the GUI wich only one user can use (I think). When you log in as a different use, via ssh or other, you cant start apps that use the gui. So what you are logging out of is not the finder but the gui.
Avatar billede tamen Nybegynder
20. december 2002 - 15:21 #2
You might be able to work out something with xwindows. Try a search for fink, you should be able to find more info there.
Avatar billede mikkel_breum Nybegynder
09. december 2003 - 02:49 #3
ja det er der så nu, hvor panter er kommet.. :)
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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