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Dear valued Customer,
Thanks for Contacting ASUSTeK.
A7V133 and A7V133-C can support Athlon 1.4G with BIOS version 1005 or later. and A7V133-C can support Athlon XP since PCB version 1.05. (with trailing dot!) with BIOS version
1007 or later. Please check the PCB version of your A7V133. The PCB version is often printed beside the
model name on the motherboard. BIOS 1008 can support Athlon XP 2100+. A7V133 and A7V133-C supports Duron 1G~1.3G since PCB version 1.05. (with trailing dot!) with BIOS version
1008. Please check the PCB version of your A7V133. The PCB version is often printed beside the model name
on the motherboard. ¡ô
Best Regards,
ASUS Customer Service Center Shanghai