if Request.Form("name") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=1" end if if Request.Form("username") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=2" end if if Request.Form("pass") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=3" end if if not Request.Form("pass") = Request.Form("pass2") then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=4" end if if Request.Form("alder") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=5" end if if Request.Form("land") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=6" end if if Request.Form("email") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=7" end if if Request.Form("server") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=8" end if
strsql= "Select * From user" set rs = conn.execute(strsql)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user where username = '" & Request.Form("username") & "'" Set rs = Conn.Execute(strSQL) If not (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then response.redirect "createuser.asp?error=9" End If
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user" Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open strSQL, Conn, 3, 3
if error = 1 then Response.Write cb & cuser1 & scb end if if error = 2 then Response.Write cb & cuser2 & scb end if if error = 3 then Response.Write cb & cuser3 & scb end if if error = 4 then Response.Write cb & cuser4 & scb end if if error = 5 then Response.Write cb & cuser5 & scb end if if error = 6 then Response.Write cb & cuser6 & scb end if if error = 7 then Response.Write cb & cuser7 & scb end if if error = 8 then Response.Write cb & cuser8 & scb end if if error = 9 then Response.Write cb & cuser9 & scb end if %>
if Request.Form("name") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=1" end if if Request.Form("username") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=2" end if if Request.Form("pass") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=3" end if if not Request.Form("pass") = Request.Form("pass2") then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=4" end if if Request.Form("alder") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=5" end if if Request.Form("land") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=6" end if if Request.Form("email") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=7" end if if Request.Form("server") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=8" end if
strsql= "Select * From user" set rs = conn.execute(strsql)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user where username = '" & Request.Form("username") & "'" Set rs = Conn.Execute(strSQL) If not (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then response.redirect "createuser.asp?error=9" End If
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user" Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open strSQL, Conn, 3, 3
if error = 1 then Response.Write cb & cuser1 & scb end if if error = 2 then Response.Write cb & cuser2 & scb end if if error = 3 then Response.Write cb & cuser3 & scb end if if error = 4 then Response.Write cb & cuser4 & scb end if if error = 5 then Response.Write cb & cuser5 & scb end if if error = 6 then Response.Write cb & cuser6 & scb end if if error = 7 then Response.Write cb & cuser7 & scb end if if error = 8 then Response.Write cb & cuser8 & scb end if if error = 9 then Response.Write cb & cuser9 & scb end if %>
<% end if %><!-- #include virtual = "inc/bund.asp" --> </HTML> </BODY> </HEAD> jeg har rettet lidt på den så nu skulle den virker held og lykke hvis den ikke gør. jeg er ikke sikker har tjekket den hurtigt kan have lavet nogle fejl........
Hvis Win og Lose er defineret som tal i databasen skal disse to linier: rs("win") = "0" rs("lose") = "0" Rettes til: rs("win") = 0 rs("lose") = 0 Ellers er de Ok.
if Request.Form("name") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=1" end if if Request.Form("username") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=2" end if if Request.Form("pass") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=3" end if if not Request.Form("pass") = Request.Form("pass2") then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=4" end if if Request.Form("alder") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=5" end if if Request.Form("land") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=6" end if if Request.Form("email") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=7" end if if Request.Form("server") = "" then Response.Redirect "createuser.asp?error=8" end if
strsql= "Select * From user" set rs = conn.execute(strsql)
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user where username = '" & Request.Form("username") & "'" Set rs = Conn.Execute(strSQL) If not (rs.BOF Or rs.EOF) Then response.redirect "createuser.asp?error=9" End If
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM user" Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.Open strSQL, Conn, 3, 3
if error = 1 then Response.Write cb & cuser1 & scb end if if error = 2 then Response.Write cb & cuser2 & scb end if if error = 3 then Response.Write cb & cuser3 & scb end if if error = 4 then Response.Write cb & cuser4 & scb end if if error = 5 then Response.Write cb & cuser5 & scb end if if error = 6 then Response.Write cb & cuser6 & scb end if if error = 7 then Response.Write cb & cuser7 & scb end if if error = 8 then Response.Write cb & cuser8 & scb end if if error = 9 then Response.Write cb & cuser9 & scb end if %> <!-- #include virtual = "inc/options.asp" --> <!-- #include virtual = "inc/status.asp" --> <!-- #include virtual = "inc/top.asp" -->
<% end if %><!-- #include virtual = "inc/bund.asp" -->
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