Opsætning af config.asp i snitz
Jeg har hentet snitz forum, men når jeg kører setup.asp i browseren opstår denne fejl:The database could not be opened !!
Check your config.asp file and set the
strConnString so it points to the database.
Also check if strDBType is set to the right databasetype.
Code : 80004005
Config filen har jeg sat således op:
Session.LCID = 1033 '## Do Not Edit
Response.Buffer = true
dim strDBType, strConnString, strTablePrefix, strMemberTablePrefix '## Do Not Edit
'## SELECT YOUR DATABASE TYPE AND CONNECTION TYPE (access, sqlserver or mysql)
'strDBType = "sqlserver"
strDBType = "access"
'strDBType = "mysql"
'## Make sure to uncomment one of the strConnString lines!
strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("snitz_forums_2000.mdb") '## MS Access 97 using virtual path
strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("snitz_forums_2000.mdb") '## MS Access 97 on Brinkster
strConnString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:\inetpub\dbroot\snitz_forums_2000.mdb" '## MS Access 97
strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("snitz_forums_2000.mdb") '## MS Access 2000 using virtual path
strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("snitz_forums_2000.mdb") '## MS Access 2000 on Brinkster
strConnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=c:\inetpub\dbroot\snitz_forums_2000.mdb" '## MS Access 2000
'strConnString = "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVER_NAME;uid=UID;pwd=PWD;database=DB_NAME" '## MS SQL Server 7
'strConnString = "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVER_NAME;uid=UID;pwd=PWD;database=DB_NAME" '## MS SQL Server 2000
'strConnString = "driver=MySQL;server=SERVER_IP;uid=UID;pwd=PWD;database=DB_NAME" '## MySQL
strTablePrefix = "FORUM_"
strMemberTablePrefix = "FORUM_"
'## Do Not Edit Below This Line - It could destroy your forums and lose data
dim strVersion, strForumTitle, strCopyright, strTitleImage, strHomeURL, strForumURL, strCookieURL
dim strAuthType, strSetCookieToForum
dim strEmail, strUniqueEmail, strMailMode, strMailServer, strSender
dim strDateType, strTimeAdjust, strTimeType, strForumTimeAdjust
dim strMoveTopicMode, strMoveNotify, strIPLogging, strPrivateForums, strShowModerators, strShowRank, strAllowForumCode, strAllowHTML
dim strNoCookies, strEditedByDate
dim intHotTopicNum, strHotTopic
dim strIMGInPosts
dim strHomepage, strICQ, strAIM, strInForumAdmin, strSecureAdmin, strIcons, strGfxButtons
dim strBadWordFilter, strBadWords
dim strDefaultFontFace, strDefaultFontSize, strHeaderFontSize, strFooterFontSize
dim strPageBGColor, strDefaultFontColor
dim strLinkColor, strLinkTextDecoration, strVisitedLinkColor, strVisitedTextDecoration, strActiveLinkColor, strHoverFontColor, strHoverTextDecoration
dim strHeadCellColor, strHeadFontColor, strCategoryCellColor, strCategoryFontColor
dim strForumFirstCellColor, strForumCellColor, strAltForumCellColor, strForumFontColor, strForumLinkColor
dim strTableBorderColor, strPopUpTableColor, strPopUpBorderColor, strNewFontColor, strTopicWidthLeft, strTopicNoWrapLeft, strTopicWidthRight, strTopicNoWrapRight
dim strRankColor1, strRankColor2, strRankColor3
dim strRankLevel0, strRankLevel1, strRankLevel2, strRankLevel3, strRankLevel4, strRankLevel5
dim intRankLevel0, intRankLevel1, intRankLevel2, intRankLevel3, intRankLevel4, intRankLevel5
dim strShowStatistics, strShowImagePoweredBy, strLogonForMail, strShowPaging, strShowTopicNav, strPageSize, strPageNumberSize
dim strNTGroupsSTR
dim strModeration, strSubscription
strCookieURL = Left(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), InstrRev(Request.ServerVariables("Path_Info"), "/"))
strUniqueID = "Snitz00"
if Application(strCookieURL & "ConfigLoaded")= "" or IsNull(Application(strCookieURL & "ConfigLoaded")) or blnSetup="Y" then
on error resume next
blnLoadConfig = TRUE
set my_Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Min database ligger i samme mappe som alle de andre filer på serveren.
Hvad har jeg gjort forkert ?