hvad betyder det for mig? skal jeg ændre i dnsopsætningen så alt mailen kommmer til backup-mx.post.tele.dk ? hvor kommer min mail så hen? hvilket servernavn skal jeg connecte til i outlook? og skal jeg sætte noget op i mdeamon så den kender til backup-mx.post.tele.dk ? og tak for det hurtige svar :-)
jeg tror ikke helt jeg fatter hvad det indebærer. det betyder vel bare at posten først ryger til backup-mx.post.tele.dk, men hvad sker der så med den? og hvordan får man adgang til den udefra?
nej det er omvendt, TDC backup server har laveste præference :-). Så først ryger den til min backupserver, så til min egen og derefter til TDC's. Havd jeg ikke back havde min egen server 10 i præference og TDC's backup 20.
ja, det er såen min dnsopsætning ser ud. det giver stadig ikke nogen mail hvis man prøver at connecte til mailserveren gennem outlook fra en anden forbindelse. det virker fint nok hvis jeg bare bruger netværket. det virker som om porten er lukket, fx. i routeren, men det er den bare ikke... hehe
hmm her virker det fint :-), men havde jeg ikke lige lavet drastiske ændringer i min DNS kunne jeg have prøvet at sende en email til dig via din email adresse på din server
Since you are new to this domain there are some things you should know:
Personal Information --------------------
Account holders real name - preatorian Account email address - p@trabjergnet.dk Mail Server - trabjergnet.dk []
Logon - p Password - Contact your email administrator
Account Settings ----------------
Mail forwarding to () - Off Keep a copy of forwarded mail? - On Automatic extraction of MIME encoded attachments - Off Account is active - On Remote account manipulation - On Hide account from 'Everyone' list, LDAP address book, and VRFY commands - Off Encrypt stored mail - Off
Quota Settings --------------
Maximum messages in mailbox - 0 Maximum disk space allocated to mailbox - 0 (Kilobytes)
Many functions of MDaemon Server can be accessed remotely through the use of the email transport system itself. For example, you can gain access to various aspects of your account and can change or reconfigure it by sending email messages to the server. You can also subscribe or remove yourself from mailing lists, have files encoded and mailed to you, and execute server-based processes by sending carefully formatted mail messages to the server. Some of these control messages require a valid account on the server and are password protected. You can gain access to your accounts by using your password. Messages to the server must be directed to "MDaemon@mydomain.com". For those commands which require a valid account on the server, the subject of the message must contain the account's email address and password separated by a comma character - ex: "arvel@altn.com, MyPassword". Commands are placed within the message body. There can only be one command per line, but multiple commands can be batched in the same message.
Account access and control: - The following commands require a valid account on the mail server. You must place as the subject of the mail message your email address and password if you wish to gain access to any of the commands in the next section. The syntax of the subject line should be "email address, password" (notice the comma) ex: Subject: arvel@altn.com, mypassword
For any of the following commands to work for you, your system ad- ministrator must allow your account to originate server control messages. If you suspect that your remote access has been removed or is not functioning properly please consult with your administrator.
Command Special Parms Result ============================================================================ ACCOUNT INFO none The status of the account passed in the subject line is mailed back to the message originator. ex: ACCOUNT INFO
PASSWORD new password The password of the account passed in the subject line will be changed to the one specified. ex: PASSWORD kryptonite
MAILFORMAT MBF file The mailbox storage format of the account specified in subject line will be changed to the one specified. A listing of the available formats can be obtained via the MAIL FORMATS directive. ex: MAILBOX RFC822
FORWARD TO address The forwarding address of the account passed in the subject line will be changed to the one specified and act- ivated. ex: FORWARD TO vacationing@myhost.com
UNFORWARD none Mail forwarding will be deactivated for the account specified in the subject line. Ex: UNFORWARD
AUTODECODE switch Automatic decoding of incoming MIME attachments for the account specified in the subject line will be set to <switch> which should be Y or N. ex: AUTODECODE N
BEGIN SIGNATURE none Begins recording of a new signature file to be appended to messages generated by the account passed in the subject line. Subsequent lines will be treated as the text of the signature file until the word END is encountered on a line by itself or the end of the control message is reached. NOTE: The signature file feature is only available for RAW format messages.
BEGIN AUTORESPONDER none Begins recording of a new autoresponder file to be used by the account passed in the subject line. Subsequent lines will be treated as the text of the autoresponder file until the word END is encountered on a line by itself or the end of the control message is reached. ex: BEGIN AUTORESPONDER Some autoresponder text here END
To erase an active autoresponder define one with no text like this: ex: BEGIN AUTORESPONDER END
MULTIPOP switch MultiPOP mail collection for the account passed in the subject line is turned on or off according to the value of switch. Switch should be ON or OFF. ex: MULTIPOP OFF
RULES none Returns a form for editing all rules configured for the account passed in the subject line. The form can mark existing rules for deletion and can add new rules.
List, Catalog, and Process Control: - The following commands do not require an account on the mail server although some of them are password protected. The subject line is ignored when processing these commands.
Command Special Parms Result ============================================================================ USERS none A listing of all users hosted by the server will be mailed back to the originator. Accounts which are set as hidden will not be listed. Also, this command is inactive unless enabled via switch in Misc. Options screen.
LIST [listname] A listing of all mailing lists along with the names and address of members will be mailed back to the originator. Lists must be individually configured to allow this to occur. Passing an optional list name will return the members of only that list. Member names are returned only for members which are local accounts within MDaemon.
SUBSCRIBE listname [address] {real name} The originator is added to the member- ship of the list specified provided that list exists and allows remote subscriptions. If an optional address is specified after the listname then that address is added rather than the address found in the FROM: field of the subscription message. ex: SUBSCRIBE mygroup@domain.com ex: SUBSCRIBE mygroup@domain.com arvel@altn.com {Arvel Hathcock}
UNSUBSCRIBE listname [address] The originator is removed from the or specified mailing list provided the list SIGNOFF exists and contains the originator as a member. If the optional 'address' is specified then that address is removed. ex: UNSUBSCRIBE mygroup@domain.com ex: UNSUBSCRIBE mygroup@domain.com me@mydomain.com
UPDATE listname old-address new-address {real name} (password) Removes 'old-address' from the list and replaces it with new-address. An optional real name and password value may be given. ex: UPDATE mygroup@domain.com old@address.com new@address.com ex: SUBSCRIBE mygroup@domain.com old@address.com new@address.com {Frank Thomas} (pass)
SUPPRESS listname address (password) This command adds 'address' to the lists suppression file. The list's password must be provided and the list must already have a suppression file associated with it. ex: SUPPRESS list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com (PASS)
UNSUPPRESS listname address (password) This command removes 'address' from the lists suppression file. The list's password must be provided and the list must already have a suppression file associated with it. ex: UNSUPPRESS list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com (PASS)
DIGEST listname [address] This command sets 'address' to use digest mode. If no address is specified then the address of the originator of the message will be used. ex: DIGEST list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com
NORMAL listname [address] This command sets 'address' to use normal non-digest mode. If no address is given then the originator of the message will be used. ex: NORMAL list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com
NOMAIL listname [address] This command sets 'address' to nomail mode. The account will enter a suspended state and will no longer receive list traffic. If no address is specified then the orig- inator of the message will be used. ex: NOMAIL list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com
MAIL listname [address] This command returns 'address' to normal mode from nomail mode. If no address is specified then the originator of the message will be used. ex: MAIL list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com
REALNAME listname [address] {Real Name}
This command sets the real name value for 'address' who is a member of list 'listname' to the given value. The Real Name parm must be enclosed in { and } characters. ex: REALNAME list@mydomain.com me@mydomain.com {Arvel Hathcock}
GET catalog magic-name (Password)
Retrieves a file from the specified catalog, MIME encodes it in an email message, and sends that message to the originating account or to the one specified in a RESULTS TO directive. NOTE: The PUBLIC catalog doesn't require a catalog name or password. ex: GET utils magic-name (mypassword) ex: GET magic-name
DIR catalog Retrieves a directory of the files and magic names available through the catalog. ex: DIR public
General: - The subject line is ignored while processing these commands.
Command Special Parameters Result ============================================================================ HELP none This file is mailed back to the originator.
RESULTS TO address Subsequent commands which generate output will direct that output to the address specified. ex: RESULTS TO mailbox@host.org
STATUS none A status report on server operations and current conditions will be mailed back to the message originator. Since the information contained in this status report is considered private, the sub- ject of the requested message must con- tain the MDCONFIG Administrator level user and password such as: Administrator, Password ex: STATUS
MAIL FORMATS none A listing of all the supported mailbox formats will be mailed back to the originator. Ex: MAIL FORMATS
GET ADDRESS none MDaemon will send a message back to the originator which will contain the current machine name and IP address assigned to MDaemon's computer. This is useful when you want to find out the IP address assigned by your ISP when using a dynamic dialup situation. Since the information contained in this message is considered private the subject of the requesting message must contain the MDConfig administrator level user and password such as: Administrator, Password. Note: The address returned is the one Windows feels like giving. It could return your local LAN card IP address as easily as an ISP assigned one. Until I get a foolproof method worked out don't depend on this feature. ex: GET ADDRESS
============================================================================ End of help file
hmm.. tjae, det kan man vælge i setup, om den skal sende såen en velkomst hilsen jeg går ud fra du har logget på så.. hehe. men kan du sende en mail til dtrabjerg@mail.dk og til dt@trabjergnet.dk? ????????????? det er tricket!! hehe
hmm. ja, jeg fater det sq ikke. det er max skod. kan ikke helt regne ud hvad jeg gør forkert. så vidt jeg kan huske, så er det pop3 der kører på port 110 og smtp kører på 25.. -er næsten sikker på det er TDC skyld, på etellerandet plan ihvertfald. hehe.. porten skulle være åben og redirected mod serveren,. lissom port 110 som jo virker fint.. jeg kan ikke regne det ud. virker din mail ok udefra? eller har du aldrig haft behovet?
jeg har lige inst. mdeamon én gang til før jeg skrev indlægget. tror ikke det er der. jeg kan ikke åbne mere for routeren end den allerede er.. har i et øjebliks desperation sat den op til DMZ = fuld hul igennnem på alle porte. jeg er blank..
jeg har fundet ud af det Pre! det er fordi TDC har spærret smtp porten (altså sendmail porten) for al trafik udefra. derfor virker det fint over mit LAN løsningen er så: at kan stadig bruger sin gamle smtp-server til at sende med, fx. for tdc kunder , skal man bare stadig bruge smtp.mail.dk til at sende med, mens pop3 serveren skal være domænenavnet. så virker det sq.. hehe. tak for hjælpen til Pre, håber der er andre der kan bruge det.
HMM, jeg kan så godt sende gennem min Mdeamon med Outlook uden problemer og grunden til at jeg kan er fordi at jeg har skrevet backup serveren ind i min Opsætning
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