# Get some information about the input $method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; $length = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; $type = $ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'};
# Raise an error if the max post data limit is exceeded &prog_error("The post containing $length bytes is illegal. Admin has limited data receival to $o{'max_data'}") if ($o{'max_data'} > 0) && ($length > $o{'max_data'});
# Needed for some OS' if ($OS eq 'win' or $OS eq 'vms' or $OS eq 'os2') { binmode(STDIN); binmode(STDOUT); binmode(STDERR); }
# If we are dealing with an "ordinary" post, get or head request. if ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD' || $type eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') {
if ($method eq 'GET' || $method eq 'HEAD') { @chunks = split(/[&;]/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); } elsif ($method eq 'POST') { ($read = read(STDIN, $buffer, $length) == $length) or &prog_error("Couldn't read to the end. Wanted to read $length but only got $read"); @chunks = split(/&/, $buffer); } else { &prog_error("The request method $method is invalid!"); }
# Process multipart form data. First figure out what the boundary is used. } elsif ($type =~ m|^multipart/form-data; boundary=(.+)$|) { my $boundary = $1;
# Ensure that the request originates from a POST form ($method eq 'POST') or &prog_error("The request method is invalid for a multipart/form-data request!");
# Read the data ($read = read(STDIN, $buffer, $length) == $length) or &prog_error("Couldn't read to the end. Wanted to read $length but only got $read");
# Iterate over each boundary in our buffer CHUNK: foreach $chunk (split /$boundary/, $buffer) { chomp $chunk; (defined $chunk) or next CHUNK; ($chunk eq "--") and next CHUNK; (not $chunk) and next CHUNK;
# Retrieve headers and associated data, delimited by two \r\n # Then cut away \r from our header. my ($header, $data) = split (/\015\012\015\012/, $chunk, 2); $header =~ s/\015\012/\012/g;
my ($key, $value); my $mime = "text/plain";
foreach my $head (split /\012/,$header) { my ($headname, $headdata) = split(/: /, $head); ($headname =~ m/^Content-Type$/i) and $mime = $headdata; ($headname =~ m/^Content-Disposition$/i) or next; # The following part is bad coding, and it is so because of my laziness # Read file contents into memory and work from there. A more prudent approach # would be to break it up into read parts later, and save those read parts. # This would avoid large files to be read entirely into memory. To be changed... foreach my $dispair (split /; /, $headdata) { ($dispair eq 'form-data') and next; my ($dispkey, $dispvalue) = split(/=/, $dispair, 2); $dispvalue =~ s/^\"//; $dispvalue =~ s/\"$//; $key = $dispvalue if ($dispkey eq 'name'); ($dispkey eq 'filename') ? ($value = $dispvalue and $in{'file'}{$key} = $data) : ($data =~ s|\015\012--$||o and $value = $data); $value =~ s,\|,Ѐ,g; $in{$key} = $value; } } } return %in;
Oh, jeg glemte at fortælle at de uploadede filer gemmes i $in{'file'}{'feltnavn'} variablen. Alle andre inputs bliver gemt i $in{'feltnavn'}. Brug kun det her kode hvis du er sikker på at folk ikke uploader 100mb filer eller sådan noget i den stil, da det bliver gemt i hukommelsen!
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