The page cannot be displayed
Hvad skyldtes denne fejl:Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key \'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x53c Thread 0x5ac DBC 0x20e108c Jet\'.
/admin/Login.asp, line 49
Login script:
if Request.Form(\"action\") = \"Login\" then
Set Conn = Server.Createobject(\"ADODB.Connection\")
strDSN = \"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; \" &_
\"DBQ=\" & Server.Mappath(\"users.mdb\") & \"; password=****\"
Conn.Open strDSN
Username = Replace(Request.Form(\"username\"),\"\'\",\"\")
Password = Replace(Request.Form(\"password\"),\"\'\",\"\")
SQL = \"SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Username = \'\"&Username&\"\' \" &_
\"AND Password = \'\"&Password&\"\' AND Disabled = 0\"
Set RS = Conn.Execute(SQL)
if not RS.EOF then
Session(\"username\") = RS(\"Username\")
Response.Redirect \"velk.asp\"
Session(\"username\") = \"\"
Response.Write \"<FONT SIZE=1 COLOR=#D60D2E><b>Login afvist! - Brugernavn eller adgangskode er forkert</b></font>\"
end if
Set RS = nothing
Set Conn = nothing
end if
if Session(\"username\") = \"\" then