24. oktober 2001 - 15:52Der er
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STOP for indkommende exe filer.....
hejsa hvordan stopper jeg mine brugere i at modtage og vidresende exe filer fra eksterne adresser uden at lukke helt for exe internt (bruger dem til antivirusopdateringer osv. !!) vi kører domino server versi0on 5.0.5
jeg havde godt set den på sandbox, men den opfylder ikke rigtigt kriteriet.....den kan jo først scanne på mailfilerne manuelt efter modtagelse af mail...men ellers tak
Jeg har adgang til de dokumenter i Knowledge Databasen der stadig er i draft !
Og i technote 184860 står der:
Can I delete messages if they contain an attachment I don\'t want my users to receive?
An administrator wants to know if there is any way that he can delete messages sent to his users automatically if they contain an attachment he wants to screen against. This attachment may be pernicious if the message is opened and launched. Can he delete these messages, if he knows the name of this attachment?
There is no way to block an attachment from arriving into the mail.box of the Domino server using the listener task or the router. IP addresses and internet domains can be blocked on the SMTP inbound controls, but filtering for attachments will not be done here.
The end-user can use rules to delete messages that have specific text in the body, or subject. But this will not look at the attachment name.
An agent can be written to run on the mail file of a user which will look at the $File field to delete the attachment. To get this to work for all users, this solution would have to be done at the level of each and every user\'s mail file. Consequently, it may not be resource economical. Agents should not be written to run against the mail.box. Running agents against the mail.box is unsupported.
The functionality desired by the administrator should be found in a quality virus checker, and update service which continuously updates his virus definitions. This is the only viable solution when it comes to checking the mail.box for attachments, and screening attachments on an organization-wide basis.
det må jo siges at være fyldetsgørende svar...takker for hjælpen...jeg tror sgu jeg laver en shared agent....direkte i templaten for Post v.5.0
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