Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:27 Der er 31 kommentarer og
1 løsning

problemer med PHP forum igen

jeg har downloadet et PHP forum jeg kan ikke huske hvor. når jeg går ind på forumet(http://cscyber.whitehat.dk/index.php) skriver den bare

The config file is writeable by the webserver. This is a major security risk because anyone can change your server settings now by using the install script.

phpBB will not be able to run until this is fixed. On unix systems this can be done with the following command:

chmod 644 config.php
Or use your FTP program to do this.
Switch on the \'read-only\' attribute if you are running the script on a Windows machine.

og jeg har sat chmode til 644

hvad kan problemet være
Avatar billede cautoo Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:29 #1
er der ikk en fil der hedder install.php eller sådannoget
Avatar billede sh_freesite.dk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:30 #2
Hvis ejeren af filen er den samme som ejeren af ejeren af webserver-processen, så er den jo stadig \"writeable by the webserver\".. Det er nok det, der er dit problem.

Ejeren af din webserver-proces kan konfigureres i din webserverkonfigurationsfil.

Salu2, Søren.
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:31 #3
jo der er en der hedder install.php
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:33 #4
den er her man den duer vist ikke    http://cscyber.whitehat.dk/docs/Install
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:36 #5
sh_freesite.dk  kan du forklare det så os dødlige kan forstå det
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:39 #6
dette er hvad der står i install.php

Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
  1.0.1 Licence
2.0 Installation
  2.0.1 Requirements
  2.0.2 Pre-Installation Setup
  2.0.3 Running the Installer
  2.0.4 Post-Installation

3.0 Upgrading

4.0 System Setup
  4.0.1 Adding a Category
  4.0.2 Adding Forums

5.0 Conclusion

Appendix A: Notes for installing phpBB on Windows.


1.0 Introduction

Thank you for choosing phpBB as your forum software.
We have spent many months on this product and hope that
you find it useful.

1.0.1 Licence

This product is protected under the GNU General Public Licence (GPL).
For full details on this licence and the rights it grants to you,
the user of this software, and to us, the developers, please see the
file COPYING that is distributed with this software. Also, for more
information on the GPL and the Free Software Foundation visit
http://www.fsf.org/ or http://www.gnu.org/

2.0 Installation

If you are upgrading from version 1.0.0 of phpBB please skip down to section
3.0 Upgrading. Thank you.

2.0.1 Requirements

phpBB requires very little to run, and most well configured web servers
should be able to run phpBB. You need at least the following:

1 Web server w/PHP 3.0.15 or greater  (Apache is know to work very well with phpBB)
1 MySQL server (phpBB has been tested on 3.22 and 3.23)
1 Admin crazy enough to run a forum (That would be you :) )

2.0.2 Pre-Installation Setup

Before beginning the install you should do 3 things:

1. Make sure PHP is installed and configured on your server, you can do
this by creating a file called phpinfo.php (or .php3) on your web server.
This file should contain the following code:


This should, if PHP is installed correctly, produce a nicely formatted
diagnostic page that gives you ALOT of information about the current status
of PHP on your system. Make sure this page contains a section entitled
\'MySQL\', if it does, you\'re ready to continue. If this section does not
exist then you will have to contact your system administrator and have
him/her reconfigure PHP with MySQL support. If you are the system
administrator and don\'t know how to do this please see the PHP manual
section on installation:

2. You must edit the file config.php. In this file you will have to set
the path to phpBB, and some cookie variables. This file contains
instructions on what settings need to be set and what they should be set
to. Also, this file MUST be writeable by the web server! To set this file
writeable you can issue the following command at a Unix command prompt:

chmod a+w config.php

If you do not have command line access to your web server then your FTP
client should be able to change file permissions.

3. You must check the status of MySQL. Make sure that MySQL is running on
the system and that you have a valid username/password to use with phpBB. If
your MySQL user has access to create databases on the server this is all you
have to do. If you do not have access to create databases please contact
your system administrator and have them create a database for your phpBB
install. Once you have a database to install phpBB into you are ready to

2.0.3 Running the Installer

We have tried to make the installer as user-friendly as we possible. Open your
web browser and type in the address of your phpBB install file. For example:
http://www.yoursite.com/phpBB/install.php. If you do not have the correct file
permissions on config.php you will see an error message telling you how to
correct this. If all goes well you should see the first screen of the
installer, the database information screen. You will see that values have
been set for you, these may not work for you! They are simply there to give
you an idea of what needs to be entered. Set them to the correct values before
proceeding. Next you will see a screen that tells you the status of the
database creation, if all goes well your database has now been set-up for
phpBB. After that you will be presented with the user registration screen for
the admin user. You must fill out at least the username, password, and email
fields in this form, all the rest are optional. Next you will see the forum
wide options configuration screen. This form allows you to set-up the basic
options to be used on the forum, default values have been entered for you to
give you an idea of what data you should enter.

If all goes well you should be presented with a link to the administration
panel. Congratulations, you have just installed phpBB.

If you have any problems with this install please contact us at
http://www.phpbb.com/ or support@phpbb.com and we\'ll try and help.

2.0.4 Post-Installation

Once you have finished the install you should make sure that you reset
config.php so that is NOT writeable by the web server. This is purely for
security reasons, you don\'t want just anyone writing values to that file.
You can do this by issuing the following Unix command:

chmod a-w config.php

Or, again if you don\'t have command line access to your server you can do
this via your FTP client.

You can now continue with section 4.0 System Setup.

3.0 Upgrading

Upgrading from older versions of phpBB is very simple. We have provided full
upgrade scripts along with this release. There are 5 steps to upgrading:

1. Backup your old phpBB files.

2. Unpack the new phpBB distribution.

3. Edit config.php and set the values as you need. There are some changes
from the old config file so make sure you read the new file carefully.
You will also have to copy your old database configuration values over to
the new file. The values you want to copy over are
Make sure config.php ends with ?> and there are no blank spaces after that.

4. Open your web browser and type in the address of your phpBB upgrade
script. For Example:
There are two different upgrade scripts. upgrade_14.php is for the conversion
from 1.2.x to 1.4 and upgrade_12.php can be used if you are still using a
1.0.x database. In this case you\'ll fist have to run upgrade_12.php and after
that you can run the upgrade_14.php script to convert your DB from the 1.2
format to the format required for 1.4.

5. Follow the instructions that the upgrade script gives you. (Basically you
just have to keep hitting next).

The upgrade script will make a backup of your old database but it is still
advisable that you also make a manual backup of the database in case
something goes very wrong.

If everything goes well, and you don\'t receive any errors you should now have
a working copy of phpBB v1.4.

Please don\'t forget to rename/move or delete the upgrade and installation
scripts because they are not needed anymore (install.php, upgrade_12.php and

4.0 System Setup
In order for your freshly installed forums to be useful to anyone you will
have to create (at least) one category and one forum. This section tells you
how to do this via the administration panel. Once the installer has
finished you will be provided with a link to the administration section of
the forums, once there you will have to enter the username and password of
the admin user that you created during the install. Your web browser MUST
have cookies enabled for you to use the admin panel.

4.0.1 Adding a Category

Once you enter the administration panel click on the \'Add a category\' link.
You should be presented with a form where you can fill in a category name,
do so and click \'submit\'. You will now see a screen that tells you that the
category has been created with a link back to the admin panel.
Congratulations, you now have your first category.

4.0.2 Adding a Forum

Once back at the administration panel click on the \'Add a Forum\' link and
you will be taken to a form where you can create a new forum.

You must fill out a Forum Name, Moderator, Category, Access Level, and
type on each forum, only the Description is optional.

You must select at LEAST 1 moderator but there is no limit on the number of
moderators a forum can have.

Access level is the level of registration that a user must have before he/she
can post in the forum. Anonymous Posting means that anyone who visits the
forum can post, even those without accounts. Registered users only means
that only users that have registered with the board my post in this forum.
And finally Moderator/Administrator Only means that only moderators, super
moderators, or admins can post in that forum.

Type sets the security level on a forum. Public means anyone can view the
forum and post to. Private means that only people on the access control list
for that forum can view it, and only those how have been granted posting
rights can post to it. If you create a private forum make sure that you also
visit the \'Set Private Forum Permissions\' section of the administration
panel and give viewing/posting right to the users you wish to have access to
that forum.

5.0 Conclusion
Congratulations! If you have made it this far you should have a working
board that people can register and post on. You\'ve just entered the
wonderful world of online communities. We hope you have found this document
useful and you find out software equally useful.

Any questions/comments can be posted at our official support forums at:
Or by emailing support@phpbb.com

Thank you.
The phpBB Group

Appendix A: Notes for Installing phpBB on windows systems.

First, thanks to our Windows using bug hunter David Tod Sigafoos for
coming up with this solution.

phpBB will only function correctly when PHP4 is installed as an ISAPI Apache
module, here are instructions for installing it as such:

1) Stop your apache server

2) Download php 4.0.3pl1 from php.net.  Download the isapi version
from here http://www.php.net/downloads.php

3) Unzip php into your directory (for me it was c:\\php)

4) Copy the php4ts.dll into the windows\\system directory.  (there
should only be one in system or system32)

In http.conf

5) In apache http.conf find the loadmodule section and add this line
LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll

6) Be sure you have the AddType for php

Also, some people have had success by adding the following line to config.php:


This should only be used if you have PHP installed as a CGI module.
If you have any other problems installing on Windows please visit the
support forums at http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/


Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:44 #7
Hvilket OS kører serveren på?
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 12:45 #8
maail: Log ind på din Whitehat konto fra http://www.whitehat.dk/login/ ! Nu kommer der så en oversigt frem over hvilke filer du har liggende. Find config.php og marker den ved at sætte kryds i checkboxen til venstre for filnavnet. Så vælger du \"Skift chmod til :\" og vælger 644 i dropdown boxen ved siden af. Klik så på \"Sæt i værk\" !

Hvis det passer hvad de har skrevet, så skulle du ikke længere få fejlen :)

Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:45 #9

det er den ligger på whitehat.dk
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:47 #10
snowball det har jeg gjordt jeg har gjordt det ved alle filerne
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 12:50 #11
aarrgghh...Overså lige \"og jeg har sat chmode til 644\" Sorry ;)

Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 12:51 #12
kan det være fordi jeg ikke skal gøre det ved alle filerne
Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 13:00 #13
Der står, at det er config.php du skal gøre det ved.

OS = Operativ-system...
Formuleret på en anden måde: Er det en Windows-server?
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 13:19 #14
myplacedk: Som jeg skrev så kan man bruge chmod, så det kan kun være en Linux/Unix server ! :)

Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 13:23 #15
snowball >> Jeg har set webhoteller, som laver noget de kalder \"chmod\", som blot fortæller NT-serveren, at det er et cgi-script.
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 13:25 #16
OK, det har jeg så ikke hørt om før, men \"ægte\" chmod kan kun bruges på Linux/Unix !

Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 13:30 #17
Desuden står der også på Whitehat\'s side at det er en Linux server :)

Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 14:11 #18
maail: Er du sikker på du har lavet en chmod 644 på config.php !? Jeg har for sjov lige prøvet at installere forum\'et på min egen Linux/Apache server. Før jeg lavede en chmod på config.php fik jeg også den fejl du får, men den forsvandt da jeg lavede den rigtige chmod på config.php !

Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 14:24 #19
> Desuden står der også på Whitehat\'s side at det er en Linux server :)
OK, så er det heldigvis ikke Windows. Mit umiddelbare gæt var ellers, at det var det, der var problemet.

Men næste gæt er, at maail har misforstået et eller andet, og har givet os forkerte oplysninger. Fx. at filen rent faktisk ikke er 644.

Eller måske har sh_freesite.dk ret: Filen EJES rent faktisk af webserveren. Det lyder ret mystisk hvis det skulle være sandt, men gratis servere er ofte mystiske. :)
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 14:30 #20
Tror ikke det har noget at sige! Jeg har lige prøvet at lave ejerskabet på min config.php om til en bruger som ikke har rettigheder til ret meget andet end af logge på og mit forum virker stadig !

Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 15:30 #21
Prøv at lave ejerskabet om til samme bruger som apache... Det er jo det, vi snakker om...
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 18:26 #22
mystis jeg vil prøve at ligge den på et andet web hotel og se om det hjælper
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 21:49 #23
nu har jeg haft flyttet det til webpunkts server snowball har du en url så jeg kan se forumet i brug på din server 
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 21:52 #24
Avatar billede maail Nybegynder
19. oktober 2001 - 22:46 #25
hva fanden kan det være       

p.s hvor har du fået den url er det for di du har tdc adsl?
Avatar billede snowball Novice
19. oktober 2001 - 22:51 #26
Nej, CyberCity !

Avatar billede snowball Novice
20. oktober 2001 - 00:15 #27
OK! Start med at oprette MySQL adgang hos Whitehat. Når det er gjot får du en mail om hvordan du kan connecte til din DB! I mailen står der hvad din database hedder og hvad der skal bruges som brugernavn og password.

Med de oplysninger kan du begynde at konfigurere forumet. Åben install.php i din browser. Indtast oplysninger som følger:

Database Server Address:  localhost
Database Name:  ditbrugernavn
Database User name:  ditbrugernavn
Database Password: ditpassword

ditbrugernavn og ditpassword skal du selvfølgelig bytte ud med dit bruger navn og password :)

Når du så klikker på Next, skulle nedenstående gerne komme frem:

Testing DB Connection...DB Connection Good!
Selected database snowbie...Database Selected!
Creating phpBB tables an inserting default data...
Creating table cat [OK]
Creating table config [OK]
Creating table disallow [OK]
Creating table forums [OK]
Creating table hmf [OK]
Creating table ranks [OK]
Creating table posts [OK]
Creating table posts_text [OK]
Creating table pmsg [OK]
Creating table sessions [OK]
Creating table themes [OK]
Creating table topics [OK]
Creating table users [OK]
Creating table online [OK]
Creating table acess [OK]
Creating table smiles [OK]
Creating table words [OK]
Creating table banlist [OK]
Creating table forum_mods [OK]
Creating table forum_access [OK]
Inserting default data [OK]
Database Created Successfully!

Hvis IKKE, så prøv og gå tilbage og se om du har skrevet det hele rigtigt ! Hvis der står som ovenfor, så klik på Next.

Nu skal du så oprette en Administrator bruger. Her skal du bare udfylde felterne som angivet! Klik på Next når du har udfyldt felterne !

Nu skulle den så gerne skrive at din bruger et blevet oprettet. Herefter skal du så lave et par generelle indstillinger for dit forum. Du kan bare la\' dem stå som de er nu for at teste det hele. Du kan altid ændre dem senere ! Klik på Next igen !

Dit forum er nu konfigureret og der skulle gerne stå noget lign.: \"Congratulations! You have now successfully installed phpBB.\" and so on !

Nu skal du så chmod\'e din config.php fil. Log ind på www.whitehat.dk/login (hvis du altså ikke allerede er logget ind ;)) Her finder du så din confg.php og marker den ved at sætte kryds i checkboxen til venstre for filnavnet. Så vælger du \"Skift chmod til :\" og vælger 644 i dropdown boxen ved siden af. Klik så på \"Sæt i værk\" !

Så burde det virke ! Men det gør det åbenbart ikke på Whitehat\'s server ;o)

Avatar billede snowball Novice
20. oktober 2001 - 00:45 #28
Whitehat.dk fatter åbenbart minus! Kan slet ikke få det til at virke hos dem ;/

Avatar billede sh_freesite.dk Nybegynder
23. oktober 2001 - 12:15 #29
Jeg forklarer lige det svar, jeg gav langt oppe.

Der er vaeldig fint, at du har chmod\'et filen til 644, altsaa rw-r--r--, altsaa laese+skriverettighed for EJEREN, og laeserettigheder for alle andre.

Fejlen er at EJEREN af webserverprocessen kan laese den.

Hvis EJEREN af webserverprocessen er den samme som ejeren af filen, saa kan hun jo laese den, og saa er problemet der jo stadig.

Loesningen er:
1. Lav ejeren af filen om.
2. Lav ejeren af webserveren om.
Begge loesningerne baserer sig paa, at webserverprocessen ikke er ejet af root, hvilket ogsaa er et potentielt sikkerhedshul.

Let me know..
Avatar billede snowball Novice
23. oktober 2001 - 12:35 #30
Så henviser jeg så lige til min kommentar den 19/10 2001 14:30:53 og kan så opsumere at alle mine filer vedr. forum\'et nu ejes (både brguer og gruppe) af en bruger/gruppe som ikke har lov til noget andet end at logge på, og forum\'et virker stadig. Så løsning 1 virker i hvert fald ikke ;)

Avatar billede myplacedk Nybegynder
23. oktober 2001 - 13:16 #31
Man kunne vel også chmod\'et den til 444, når man ikke lige redigerer filen.
Avatar billede sh_freesite.dk Nybegynder
30. oktober 2001 - 14:08 #32
snowball: Så kunne noget jo tyde på (hvis fejlmeddelelsen ikke i sig selv er fejlagtigt), at webserverprocessen er ejet af root. I givet fald, er du strandet. Du kan ikke skrivebeskytte noget fra root. root har pr. definition adgang til alt.
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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