codeedk>Buts why? I use DSN all the time, with Oracle, RDB and MS SQL. I cant see any problems using DSN other than having to get them placed on your ASP server. But once there there no problem at all!
Direct ODBC calls? Are there indirect calls? My point is, open database connectitivity is a wrapper for native database calls, and must therefore by definition be slower. You would never get a person on unix/apache with oracle/postgresql/mysql/interbase or some other to use ODBC when there are native calls available in i.e. PHP...
terry >> JEG havde ikke noget jeg skulle \"ordnet\". Der var tale om debat der gerne skulle komme os alle til gode... jeg kunne lige så godt have sat 0 pts ud... Hvis du virkelig er SÅ koncentrerer om at få \"pts.\" gå du da glip af alle nuancerne...
dope>You were giving 5 points away for and answer to a question \"Hvorfor er det at det er grimt at bruge en DSN-forbindelse til sin database\" I personally DO NOT think it \"grimt\" although coderdk does. I think you may have gathered that from our answers. But still you kept 5 (five) points for yourself. Also, if I was only interested in points I would never have participated in this question in the first place!
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