jiggypoof >> Sådan er det desværre alle steder. Jeg har selv anvendt Struernet, Teledanmark, CyberCity og WOL. Struernet er hverken bedre eller dårligere end de andre når vi taler om support.
prøv www.wannafind.dk jeg har ikke haft nogen problemer med deres support, skriv en mail, og de svarer inden kort tid. De har kunnet hjælpe mig med alt hvad jeg har spurgt om. PLUS de er billige
spang >> www.buydomains.dk er forøvrigt et Amerikansk firma med et dansk kontor. Man afregner direkte til det Amerikanske firma, så det er lidt problematisk hvis man er moms-registreret.
microtec >> Jeg var godt klar over, at de var Amerikanske, men da jeg bruger hotellet til en privat side, har det ikke været et problem. Men hvordan er det et problem mht. momsen? (Bare sådan af ren nysgerrighed.)
spang >> problemet er at der ikke opkræves dansk moms (man betaler desværre ikke til et dansk firma). Det giver en del bøvl når man skal lave moms-regnskab, da man så køber en varer i et ikke EU-land.
Som privat tror jeg faktisk du burde kontakte toldvæsnet og betale Dansk moms. Det skal du i hvert fald, hvis det var en varer du fik sendt her til *gg*
microtec...du kan tilsydendeladende ikke forsta buydomains.dk
jeg er selv kunde hos dem, jeg har faet dansk support hver gang alt hvad du skal gore er at sporge om det og det er dog ligegyldig med moms om du selv saetter de 25% pa eller budomains.dk ville have gjort det i sidste ende erprisen den sanne for DIG
Da jeg kontektede dem for at købe et domæne, var det en engelsktalende supporter. Købet blev ikke til noget, da de ikke modtager Dankort, men kun VisaDankort (rigtig Amerikansk).
Du laver vist ikke moms-regnskaber til daglig. Køb i ikke EU-lande skal opgives i selvstændige felter på moms-angivelsen.
ROFL!!! i bet this guy doesnt even speak english.. Domain Names are not products, they are service.. If an american registrar, like register.com orders dk domains from Dk-hostmaster they do not pay tax... the same with BuyDomains.dk and any other American company... In the same scenario.. American companies cannot charge Danish companies TAX, becuase they are not DK registered tax companies.. this is not import . export and product related items.. these are services.. hence they are not taxable items if being sold by a US company to a Danish company...
i would read a bit more on your international tax laws.
stinec >> Jeg er 99% sikker på at du er en af de gutter jeg tidliger har talt med hos www.buydomains.dk
Diskussionen begynder at ligne de forrige.
Nu er det sådan at et VisaDankrot koster penge. Det gør et Dankort ikke. Hvorfor skulle jeg dog betale for et Visa-kort, nær jeg handler på en \"dansk\" site som www.buydomains.dk ;o)
This is not my company... As i stated I am a customer of the company and am very satisfied, so I will defend them..... and since you want to result to name calling, and your racist behavior against American companies..., and not to mention socialistic behavior, I will have to leave it at that.. You have absoutely no clue about danish tax laws, or current events happening in your own country regarding to finaces.... I am born in raised in Kbh.v and I speak and write Dansk, english, german, hebrew, and Sweedish.. i choose to write which language i want.. if you dont like it too bad.. there is no rule here that states it has to be in Dansk... (hmm.. wonder why they put a trnslater there.. HMM.. Boggling...)
Calling me a fool, only adds to the fact how much you do not know.. Please stop your name calling, as it does nothing for me except prove my point even further. If you would like to talk to BuyDomains.dk and debate with them their TAX and corporate structure. contact their LiveSupport and ask for a Dansk rep. I am sure from my experience with them and knowing from what I read about them, they will surely ablidge...
Again, I can not understand the logic in that.. It is a .dk domain.. It is a site written in Danish, with Danish employees who live in Florida USA... I cant see how that is so hard for you to understand.. They do not milead people at all.. They clearly state that they are an american company.. They clearly state that they do not charge tax. I dont mean to pick on you if that is what you think.. But it aggrivates me when someone says something about a company Danish, American, Sweedish, i could care less.. that is not true...
The site is in Dansk, and they offer service to Danish users at a really great price, with really great support, from what I have experienced.. I have about 20 friends in Kbh who use them aslo.. I have also used Scannet.dk and others, but i find their support even though to be in Dansk, to be lacking knowledge, and their response time is ridiculously slow.. (Especially azero, and other dk companies, which i have had the pleasure of transfering some of my domains from..)
I am the sister of the wife of the owner of BuyDomains.dk .. if you must know... hence i am a customer not an employee.. in any case.. enjoy the rest of your day!
microtec >> Jeg tror også du er lidt på galt spor her. mon ikke snarere: stinec == destiny == Christine (Chrissy) Coppola mens bcoppola or tazc er individuelle brugere. Det er så ukorrekt, men vist ikke direkte ulovligt at brian låner sin kones \'stinec\' identetitet for at kommentere.
I believe you an I had a conversation a while back.. As this is an opionated discussion, I will be more than happy to pitch in my opinion as well.
I almost never enter into any of these discussions, however, I find you to be an extrodinary internet user. I find that your comments are not only misplaced, but outright incorrect.
I honestly have no opinion about what you think about my company at this point, since you and I have discussed this before.. but for your information, there is no law that prohibits us from providing a vlaue added services to Danish clients, as it is such with 99.9% of any other company in the world. I find your lack of knowledge regarding tax information to be mis-leading and completely incorrect. Not feeling that i need to defend my self, cause i dont, but to try and make a clear and educated point to you, and that is there is no possibilty for any American company to charge Dansk MOMS unless a representative, and or office is located on Dansk soil.... and if you acutally were educated about this, you would understand that it is a VALUE ADDED service to you as a Dane, and where it becomes somewhat of a loss on a corporate level to US companies such as myself..
It does not bother me that you write I hate buydomains.dk, or they stink and so on or whatever you want to write, But what does bother me about services like eksperten.dk is that misplaced and incorrect information can be put up on these discussions, and sometimes, Especially when it is repeated, it deserves a response.
If you would like to try our services, so that you can experience what our users experience, I would be more than happy to extend you an offer so that you can see before you comment...without having to purchase anything.. you can contact me via our Livesupport.. i will be more than happy to discuss an offer with you there...
tazc + stinec >> Stop dog med at spame tob´s spørgsmål.
Det eneste jeg har sagt er at supporten på buydomains.dk var på Engelsk (har jeg oplevet) og de ikke tod Dankort men kun Visa. Med det samme buldre du løs.
Hvis du var lidt smart, lod du helt være med at kommentere noget om dit eget firma. Jeg er ret sikker på at dine indlæg i dette spørgsmål har skadet www.buydomains.dk mere end de har gavnet.
jakoba >> Jeg har ikke \"efterforsket\" yderligt, blot konstateret at stinec = tazc = bcoppola arrigt argumenterer for www.buydomains.dk på Engelsk. Der er ikke så mange, der vælger at skabe sig så tosset på Engelsk herinde ;o)
I do not think that this conversation damages anything. If anyone reads through the trnascript they will see what the discussion is about. Clearly it is MOMS, and my offer to you will still stand should you choose to accept it in the future Mr A. Sorensen, as I feel that you would enjoy the benefits that BuyDomains.dk has to offer.
(AS I remeber it was a Danish rep that had contacted you by telephone when you so strongly expressed your feelings regarding Dankort.)
We have not addded this as a payment method, as we allow payments direct to Jyske bank instead. AS stated above, Dankort is on its way to becomming obsolete, and statistics now show that 60% and rising are Visa/Dankort.
tazc >> Jeg står fuldt ved hvad jeg har sagt, men jeg kan ikke se hvorfor du behøver at poste mit navn her. Lige nu syntes jeg du er direkte uetisk. Man poster da ikke kundeoplysninger, som jeg har givet på jeres bestillingsformular, i et åbent forum.
Det var sikkert din kone, der ringede til mig. Jeg husker fint hvor uforskammet hun var, da hun prøvede at forklare mig at det var mig, der var dum når jeg kun havde et Dankort og ikke en VisaDankort (\"alle har et Visa-kort\").
PS: Du har jo også mit telefonnummer og mail-adresse hvis du vil mere.
bcoppola >> I believe you have damaged your reputation quite thoroughly.
particularily in \"Fortsat svar fra tazc 27/08 2001 15:40:36\" which i quite obviously written by you. despite the earlier claim made by teaz for impartiality as en independent agent.
Line from a danish song: \"Jeg kæmped med åben pande ...\": The prase implies a willingness to stand by your convictions with no resort to lies or deception.
The discussion sofar clearly demonstrate that you do no embrace this ideal, and so I se no reason to trust you or your business.
I highly doubt that she was rude.. clearly in this conversation there is no one being rude at all either..
clearly we do not carry your customer info.. You are not a customer of buydomains.dk and we do not keep records of non-customers, however.. from your screenname, and your email address, it is not too hard to pull info from your nic records... i believe that anyone can do this with simple knowledge of whois servers..
I highly doubt that anyone called you STUPID.. another lie that you have clearly made up again.. My wife is the billing manager and handles all billing related phone conversations.. she has contacted many many many people by telephone, and has never once called anyone names..
My company speaks for itself.. your comments only seem to become old and bitter. It is people like you who ruin these conversations by distorting truth...
As i said opinions are fine.. but distorting the thruth is out right wrong..
That would be like me saying I ordered something from you and it came all broken and they did not accept the return... ect. ect. even though that never happened... only kids play games like that...
All i asked of you , is that you clarify your tax laws before commenting an issue regarding taxes..
I apologize that you feel that way.. Unfortuantely 5000 + danes do not within the last 8 months.. My conversation with microtec was regarding Dansk Moms and to explain why it is we do not charge Dansk Moms.. Regarding your pointed out chat.. that was in direct response to microtec, whom we have had this discussion before.. of course this was about 7 months ago, and since then our business has only fluctuated as it will continue to do so even after this chat.... I engange with my clients, as well as my advisaries, which is what makes us a sought out service provider..I am more than wiiling to devote my personal time to asist with any one of my clients needs, as well as to engage in conversations related to our services... we are a friendly corporate family, and we provide a fast, affordable and friendly service... we extend gracious offers, and we do our best to meet your needs as a customer...
However.. if you would like to choose another firm.. good luck to you! We here at BuyDomains.dk are always happy to have a new customer come on board, and we know that our services speak for themselves..
I wish you the best in the furute, and if there is anything we can do for you do not hesitate to drop by and ask away.
tazc >> Du lyver igen. Jeg har gjort meget for IKKE at poste min mail-adresse på Eksperten, så du har mit navn fra den mislykkedes bestilling jeg tidliger sendte jer.
Jeg forstår simpelthen ikke hvorfor du reagerer så agrasivt. Læs lige hvad jeg har skrevet. Jeg har hverken sagt godt eller skidt om jer. Kun henholdt mig til fakta.
1. Jeg siger at sidst jeg kontaktede \"live chat support\" var det en Engelsk-talende jeg kom i kontakt med. Det er fakta. Du taler Engelsk så det var sikkert dig. Jeg siger ikke om det er godt eller skidt, konstaterer blot at sådan var det.
2. Jeg siger at I kun modtager VisaDankort og ikke Dankort. Det er fakta I modtager kun Visa.
3. Jeg siger at det giver problemer for et firma at benytte jer, da betalingen foregår til et Amerikans firma. Det er fakta. Det giver en del ekstra arbejde når der skal laves moms-afregning.
Jeg har et par gange opfordret dig til at lade være med at spame spørgsmålet, lige som jeg har gjort opmærksom på at du er inhabil her. Det viser dine agrasive indlæg også fint. Det var ment som et godt råd, at du skulle lade være med at deltage i spørgsmål om dit eget firma. Det kan næsten kun gå galt.
Du skylder mig en undskyldning for at du poster oplysninger fra min tidligere bestilling her. Mit navn er fuldstændigt urelevant i denne sammen hæng. Hvis jeg var dig, ville jeg straks kontakte info@eksperten.dk og bede om at få fjernet det indlæg. Det er bestemt ikke godt for din forretning at du kan finde på at offentligører sådanne oplysninger.
To quickly answer.. I replied to that because you posted my wifes name..
#2. Again you insist that this is an issue with Dansk moms when paying to an American company when it is not and has very little impact...
#3.. you again do not seem to grasp the fact that all you needed to do was ask for a dansk rep in the Live support..
#4.. Becuase you posted my name to begin with when it was not even me that was in the chat, but rather a relative, i would suggest that you have the information removed..
this site, although a source of information, was not a place to display my wifes name..
In any case.. if you want to you can proceed to have this erased, but i will let the record speak for itself. I do not hide behind my services.. nor do i intend to come off aggressive, however intend to express my concern over misled moms information...
and i clearly have only stated facts as well..
I retrieved your infromation of a whois lookup ..
I apologize for that, and I would expect that a apology is sent in regards to your post to my wifes information as well...
Hej allesammen - jeg gider sgu ikke give nogen herinde point. Det her spørgsmål er fyldt med individuelle diskussioner og det er slet ikke det det her handler om. Jeg betaler 100 point for gode svar, ikke for alt det her lort. Jeg gider IKKE give nogen point, undskyld til de seriøse besvarelser. Jeg opretter måske et nyt spørgsmål en dag...
Er der nogen der ved hvordan man melder til ADMIN at tazc og microtec har fyldt mit spørgsmål med lort? Det kan vel betragtes som spam når de skriver HER, istedet for at skrive til hinanden.
I will be more than happy to answer your question and will do one even better.. I will give you a 50 MB webhotel, with a dk domain , Front Page Extensions and ASP service for 0 kr and no set up... this is for taking up your time in your questionaire...
Nothing... I am going to give it to you for this intrusion on your questionare.. please contact me via my Livesupport at http://www.buydomains.dk/supportchatroom.asp and ask for Brian.. I will gladly have this set up for you as i feel you should recieve this service becuase of this unfortunate intrusion.
(HC Human Click) is down right now.. (this is the live support service..) contact me via my personal address: i hope you find me serious enough since i am giving this out here.
tob >> Jeg beklager at dit spørgsmål blev spammet. Jeg har flere gange opfordret tazc/stinec til at stoppe. Jeg fandt det var relevant at oplyse at www.buydomains.dk, på trods af .dk, var et Amerikansk firma og at jeg havde oplevet at supporten var på Engelsk. Så skal jeg love for det eksploderede. Jeg kan altså ikke sidde overhørigt at manden pludselig poster mit navn i et åbent forum. Jeg ser frem til at Admin kikker på spørgsmålet. Det er uetisk og langt under bæltestedet.
tazc >> Jeg har på intet tidspunkt nænv din kones navn, blot sagt \"Det var sikkert din kone, der ringede til mig.\"
My apologies to you Microtec for that..... throughout this chat i misread and just now noticed it was jacob who had posted this and not microtec.....
Kommentar fra jakoba 27/08 2001 15:35:30 microtec >> Jeg tror også du er lidt på galt spor her. mon ikke snarere: stinec == destiny == Christine (Chrissy) Coppola mens bcoppola or tazc er individuelle brugere. Det er så ukorrekt, men vist ikke direkte ulovligt at brian låner sin kones \'stinec\' identetitet for at kommentere.
to fastpoint.. please use my email as well to inform me of any issues you have with our service,, i will be happy to look into it for you personally....
Lets now shake hands.. as i think that we have clarified each others point..
TAZC>> du har i dette spørgsmål udgivet dig for at vær e flere forskellige personer!
Svar fra tazc 27/08 2001 14:58:47 This is not my company... As i stated I am a customer of the company and am very satisfied, so I will defend them.....
du siger også
I am the sister of the wife of the owner of BuyDomains.dk ..
....Men udgiver dig for at hedde Brian? Hvad er det her??????
Her sidder jeg så tilbage med røde ører, da det vel egentlig var mit indlæg, der startede hele den her ballade.
Jeg vil blot stadig sige (med meget lav hvisken for ikke at vække de slumrende kombattanter), at jeg selv har en side hosted hos buydomains og ikke har haft grund til klage.
tob >> Beklager meget. Håber du finder en god løsning.
microtec >> Hvis man vælger at tro på, at du også står bag microtec.dk kan man finde dit navn med et whois-opslag.
spang >> Du har ret ang. whois. Det kræver så at du gætter på at det er den rigtige microtec. Der er mindst 3 iht. selskabsstyrelsen. Det gør det bare ikke mere rigtig at oplyse en anden persons navn herinde. Jeg skal nok selv bestemme hvilke person-oplysninger der skal offentliggøres hr. En helt anden ting er jeg tidligere har mailet sammen med netop Brian fra www.buydomains.dk, så hvorfra mon oplysningen stammer.
Har selv oplevet hvad det vil sige at være kunde hos buydomains.dk og det er IKKE lutter lagkage!!! Support er en by i Rusland Uppetid (what's that???) Og endelig en ting som irriterer mig GRÆNSELØST!!! Deres connectionspeed! Den er simpelthen helt til grin! Aldrig har jeg oplevet at skulle uploade med min bredbåndsforbindelse med sølle 0.44 kb/s - LATTERLIGT!!!
Mit råd til alle er: STAY AWAY FROM BUYDOMAINS.DK, der er mange seriøse udbydere derude som ikke (ligesom buydomains.dk) stikker snablen LANGT ned i folk tegnebog uden at yde en forventelig modydelse!!!
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