Avatar billede jensdreier Nybegynder
30. januar 2006 - 23:04 Der er 2 kommentarer og
1 løsning

Min kammerats marerit

Okay, min kammerat er begyndt at sove dårlig om natten, han har fået en problem, som han går og spekulere for meget på, og jeg kan ikke hjælpe ham med det.
Men jeg håber i kan.
Han er ikke dansker så han har prøbet at formulere problemet sådan her .

Right this is really starting to bug my now and i really need to get it sorted asap.

The problem is in this school i now admin for i need to get the wireless access points sorted, simple you may say and you should be right but no.

I configured several of the fuckers as they should be with dhcp turned off and with the hardware ip range for the network ie: the normal network goes 10.128.4.xx (dynamic) and the hardware network (servers, routers and switches) go 10.128.7.xx. (static)

That all works as it should do, i can web browse or telnet in to the uplinks no problem and set them exactly as they should be with encryption etc setup and everything so basically whatever wireless card you have you should be able to connect.

I had to redo the new uplinks encryption because at the time i couldn't find any notes from the guy who did my job before about what the key was. So i set up the new acess points as new with the idea of redoing any acess poinbs left over to be the same.

NO MATTER WHAT I DO dhcp will NOT pass through the acess points. Obviously the normal ethernet network works fine and theres no reason the server should be able to even know or care about the wirless uplinks it just need to give the adresses out.

But my new uplinks will allow ur laptop to connect no problem with full signal strength etc and will accept the encryption but you just can't get a ip adress.

I thought this must be somthing either up with the new uplinks or somthing ive done wrong with them, then i realised there were about 3 of the old uplinks still on the network using the old encryption key which i have since found out.

So i thought well the ultimate test is to go find one of the uplinks thats on and 'working' and see if that has the same problem.

And sure enough it does exactly the same full signal strength accepts the encrpytion key but will not give you a ip adress.

So i guess it must be somthing either to do with the general network infrastructure or the server itself.

It can't be the network generally i would of thought because the ethernet works fine.

So i would guess it must be the server. Even though like i said theres no reason the server shoulds realise that the WAPs clients are wireless they should technically be treated by the server as though they were wired.

But it must be the server.

So what do you think? Server 2003 Standard Edition? Is there somthing i need to tell it to do to make it give out ip adresses to the WAPs so the wireless clients can get a ip and conect? (incidently i have tried setting the clients statically in the correct rangew and altohugh it means the laptop thinks everything is ok it still has the same problem.

Any ideas?
Avatar billede madsnb Nybegynder
31. januar 2006 - 14:31 #1
Nu kender jeg kun den danske løsning, så du må oversætte for ham ;-) Eller skal nok bruge de engelske begreber jeg kender.

Han skal i Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, Internet Authentication Service, Under RADIUS Clients.

Der står alle hans access points listet, og han skal så gå ind i egenskaberne for dem én for én og ændre koden. Den hedder på engelsk bare shared secret. Mener godt den kan ændres, og ellers må han simpelthen fjerne dem og tilføje nye med ip adresser samt den nye kode.

Men er ret overbevist om den kan ændres ved at højreklikke på hver enkelt.

Håber min løsning kan bruges!
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
04. februar 2006 - 15:09 #2
I cant see this should have anything to do with the server, no where is it described using RADIUS or maybe im just blind ;) in such case no harm.

First of, seeing your machine searching for the ip address, normally means that the wireless security is not approved, if you are using WEP this is quite normal.

Suggestion use HEX password from your AP in your windows client, the AP and Windows might not translate the "passphrase" you have into the same "hexpassphrase" wich can give you problems.

Test1. plug your machine into the cable the AP is connected to, if it works, server, dhcp etc. is fine.

Test2. Plug the AP into the cable, and remove all security, if you can connect, your looking good.

Test3. Add security, suggest WPA (will keep the hacking wannabie kids out) test again.

Good luck ;)
Avatar billede Slettet bruger
04. februar 2006 - 15:59 #3
burde løse det
Avatar billede Ny bruger Nybegynder

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