Jeg forsøger at uploade store PDF-filer (større end 5MB) og jeg har øget min upload-limit på webserveren, så det kan lade sig gøre. Problemet opstår først når jeg vil downloade filerne igen - hvis de er større end 5MB får jeg en fejlmeddelelse der siger at "Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found."
Det "sjove" er dog, at jeg godt kan åbne filen fra mappen på serveren - det er kun gennem mit website at problemet opstår.
PRB : Large file (>4MB) cannot be download under IIS 6.0
Downloading files with aspSmartUpload and IIS 6 generates the following error message : "File not found (Error 1040) Error opening 'Z:\'. Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." In fact, the original error raised by IIS is "Response Buffer Limit Exceeded".
Using IIS 6: If you get the above error when you click on an attachment, the attachment is larger than IIS is configured to allow. Change the AspBufferingLimit setting in Metabase.xml to a larger size. The default value is 4194304, which is about 4 MB. Change this to whatever limit is reasonable for the types of files your users will be attaching. This change does not require stopping IIS, but to make the Metabase.xml file write-able, you need to go to the IIS control panel, right click the server, select properties, and check off the box that says "allow changes to MetaBase configuration while IIS is running".
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